with authority 是什麼意思
In this context "with authority" means that Djokovic and Nadal can beat Federer easily, without too much trouble.
authority here 是什麼意思
authority mean you have the most control of something.
for example at work your boss has the authority. means he is the most powerful person
for example at work your boss has the authority. means he is the most powerful person
authority bias 是什麼意思
Authority bias is the idea that someone with higher authority is more likely to be correct simply because they are of higher authority.
He was seething at the slight to his authority 是什麼意思
He was very upset that his authority was challenged.
"The manager corrected the supervisor in front of the new employee. The supervisor was embarrassed, and was seething at the slight to his authority."
"The manager corrected the supervisor in front of the new employee. The supervisor was embarrassed, and was seething at the slight to his authority."
There is just as much authority in the family today as there ever was-only now the children exercise it.是什麼意思
It means that the children are controlling their parents, not the other way around
"Authority" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 Acquire authority 的例句給我。
The government acquired the authority of the people when it won the general election.
請提供關於 authority 的例句給我。
‘ He’s the principal he has way more authority than you ‘
請提供關於 authority 的例句給我。
you do not have the authority to do this.
the autorities will not agree with this.
it's in the hands of the authorities now.
we will let the authorities handle it.
the autorities will not agree with this.
it's in the hands of the authorities now.
we will let the authorities handle it.
authority 和 authorization 的差別在哪裡?
· "Authority" is the official power a person or organisation has to make decisions or give orders to people. Ex:
- "She is in a position of authority." = She has the power to give orders to someone else.
- "We have the authority to search this building." = We are in a position of power which allows us to search this building.
· "Authorization" is 1. the official permission someone gives us to do something and 2. the actual document that states we have it. Ex:
– 1. "You can't go through security without authorization."
– 2. "Please, let me see your authorization (permit, document) so I can let you through security."
- "She is in a position of authority." = She has the power to give orders to someone else.
- "We have the authority to search this building." = We are in a position of power which allows us to search this building.
· "Authorization" is 1. the official permission someone gives us to do something and 2. the actual document that states we have it. Ex:
– 1. "You can't go through security without authorization."
– 2. "Please, let me see your authorization (permit, document) so I can let you through security."
competent authority 和 appropriate authority
or is there no difference between the two adjectives in this case? 的差別在哪裡?
or is there no difference between the two adjectives in this case? 的差別在哪裡?
Competent would mean that they are capable of doing a proper job. Appropriate is more about being relevant and the ones to whom it's applicable.
you have no authority 和 you have no permission 的差別在哪裡?
Authority - refers to having power and control over the situation (it also means you can give permission to other people)
Permission - a privilege granted to you by someone with authority (the permission allows you to do something that is normally restricted or forbidden)
Permission - a privilege granted to you by someone with authority (the permission allows you to do something that is normally restricted or forbidden)
have the authority to do sth 和 have the right to do sth 的差別在哪裡?
The slight difference would be the actor in the sentence and the context. Ex: "The police have the authority to arrest citizens who break the law. Citizens have the right to know why they are being arrested."
In this example you could say "police officers have the right" but it would sound very odd to say "citizens have the authority" since authority is generally assumed to have been bestowed on people of position. You also could not say "the authority" for a passive action like "right to know" unless you wish to imply that the information will be seized.
In this example you could say "police officers have the right" but it would sound very odd to say "citizens have the authority" since authority is generally assumed to have been bestowed on people of position. You also could not say "the authority" for a passive action like "right to know" unless you wish to imply that the information will be seized.
"Authority" 的翻譯
authority用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
authority用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
authority用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
authority 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
thank you
awesome,authority, departure, idiom's, water用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
The authority told us if we can make the old people cry (in the next performance) , we don't have to take the responsibility of the accident, but I wonder if we can do that. You see, old people have watched many many moving acting and movies, so it's difficult than making young people cry and move. 聼起來自然嗎?
Yes, I saw! 😉 You might call this man by any number of titles, so that's a tough one. Maybe drama director? The head of the drama department? Something like that.
As for 'in their time,' it's a way of saying during their lifetime, the time in which they have lived.
Yes, I saw! 😉 You might call this man by any number of titles, so that's a tough one. Maybe drama director? The head of the drama department? Something like that.
As for 'in their time,' it's a way of saying during their lifetime, the time in which they have lived.
The authority took away my driver's license.
The authority took away my driver license. 聼起來自然嗎?
The authority took away my driver license. 聼起來自然嗎?
Authorities took away my driver's license.
If you want, you can also say it like: "Authorities have revoked my driver's license".
If you want, you can also say it like: "Authorities have revoked my driver's license".
No authority can prescribe us not to do that 聼起來自然嗎?
No authority can prohibit us from doing that
(prohibit would mean stop)
(prohibit would mean stop)
Which is natural to express an authority to edit comments?
1. Authority of comments
2. Authority on comments
1. Authority of comments
2. Authority on comments
I would just say "Authority to edit comments" or "Control over comments"
Which is correct?
Furthermore, Johor-Riau, the local authority at the time, played an important role in helping van Heemskerk seize the Santa Catarina as many of them had fled the Portugese conquest of Malacca in 1511
Furthermore, Johor-Riau, the local authority at the time, played an important role in helping van Heemskerk seize the Santa Catarina as many of them had fled FROM the Portugese conquest of Malacca in 1511.
Furthermore, Johor-Riau, the local authority at the time, played an important role in helping van Heemskerk seize the Santa Catarina as many of them had fled the Portugese conquest of Malacca in 1511
Furthermore, Johor-Riau, the local authority at the time, played an important role in helping van Heemskerk seize the Santa Catarina as many of them had fled FROM the Portugese conquest of Malacca in 1511.
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