it's similar to friend. people (usually men) use it as a term of endearment when referring to their friends
"hey buddy" or "how are you, bud?"
"hey buddy" or "how are you, bud?"
sure is buddy!是什麼意思
nothing XD... that doesnt make sense, it should be "sure buddy" likr of course my friend
buddy,you ded?是什麼意思
You might have found this on the internet because it is shortened in what we call "text-speak". It means "Buddy, are you dead?", it seems like a sarcastic comment from the internet
sober buddy 是什麼意思
@Ian02118: A sober buddy is a friend you have with you to take care of you when you go out drinking (alcoholic drinks).
anytime buddy是什麼意思
@__Risa: いつでもいいよ、友よ
"Buddy" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 buddy, pal (what’s the difference and maybe you can give me more synonyms) 的例句給我。
In the US, "pal" is old fashioned, and rarely used. It means "friend".
"Buddy" is used to mean "close friend" or "partner", and sometimes used as a form of address, usually with an aggressive tone.
"You should meet my buddy, Steve. He's a great guy!"
"We used to hate each other, but we're best buds now!" (shortened form)
"Nobody is allowed into the swimming pool alone. You must have a buddy with you at all times."
Aggressive form of address -- not a real friend:
"Listen, buddy, you're not welcome here anymore."
"Buddy" is used to mean "close friend" or "partner", and sometimes used as a form of address, usually with an aggressive tone.
"You should meet my buddy, Steve. He's a great guy!"
"We used to hate each other, but we're best buds now!" (shortened form)
"Nobody is allowed into the swimming pool alone. You must have a buddy with you at all times."
Aggressive form of address -- not a real friend:
"Listen, buddy, you're not welcome here anymore."
請提供關於 buddy, dude 的例句給我。
Hey buddy, want to go swimming?
Yo dude, what's up, how long has it been?
Hey dude, let's go.
My buddy's favourite color is purple.
Dude, are you done?
They generally mean the same. It's like calling for your friend.
Yo dude, what's up, how long has it been?
Hey dude, let's go.
My buddy's favourite color is purple.
Dude, are you done?
They generally mean the same. It's like calling for your friend.
請提供關於 buddy 的例句給我。
請提供關於 buddy 的例句給我。
this is my buddy, Caleb
buddy 和 fellow 和 friend 和 pal 和 homie, squad, crew, posse 的差別在哪裡?
It is a matter of formality. In my opinion from most formal to most casual:
"Fellow" as a noun is a little bit outdated in my opinion. I don't think I ever use it myself normally. But it can show up in books for example from time to time. Instead of specifically a friend, it usually refers to just a general person. To my ears, it sounds more formal or old-fashioned.
"He is a jolly-good fellow."
"He's a nice fellow."
"Friend" is the most neutral. It is the standard word among these.
"Pal" and "buddy" are more casual. There can be a patronizing tone associated with this. For example, an uncle might call his nephew "buddy" or "pal", or you might address a pet dog as "buddy" or "pal." It would not be a good idea to address your boss as "buddy" or "pal",
"Homie", "squad", "crew", and "posse" are all slang. I would not use any of these in anything other than a very casual setting.
"Homie" refers to a single friend .
"I got your back, homie."
"Squad," "crew," and "posse" are more or less interchangeable and refer to your close group of friends.
"Me and my squad/crew/posse/homies"
"Fellow" as a noun is a little bit outdated in my opinion. I don't think I ever use it myself normally. But it can show up in books for example from time to time. Instead of specifically a friend, it usually refers to just a general person. To my ears, it sounds more formal or old-fashioned.
"He is a jolly-good fellow."
"He's a nice fellow."
"Friend" is the most neutral. It is the standard word among these.
"Pal" and "buddy" are more casual. There can be a patronizing tone associated with this. For example, an uncle might call his nephew "buddy" or "pal", or you might address a pet dog as "buddy" or "pal." It would not be a good idea to address your boss as "buddy" or "pal",
"Homie", "squad", "crew", and "posse" are all slang. I would not use any of these in anything other than a very casual setting.
"Homie" refers to a single friend .
"I got your back, homie."
"Squad," "crew," and "posse" are more or less interchangeable and refer to your close group of friends.
"Me and my squad/crew/posse/homies"
buddy 和 friend 的差別在哪裡?
They’re very similar. Buddy is a more affectionate way of calling someone your friend.
buddy 和 dude 的差別在哪裡?
"Buddy" commonly means "friend" or "male friend", but it can sometimes be used sarcastically or rudely. It's also frequently used when talking to young boys:
"He's a good buddy of mine." (as in friend)
"Hey, buddy, move out of the way." (not as a friend, kind of rude)
"Yeah, ok bud." (shortened version of buddy, probably sarcastic in this case)
"Hey, buddy, are you having fun at recess?" (when talking to a young boy)
My dad often calls me "bud" or "buddy". It's a pretty versatile word. Just remember that it literally means "friend", but it can be rude or sarcastic with people you don't know well. It's also commonly a used when speaking to children which is why it may be seen as rude when talking to someone you don't know well.
"Dude" does not need to be someone who is your friend, but it is very casual. It can be used in a lot of ways, often not even referring to anyone. I use it a lot when I'm upset, but some people use it all the time:
"Oh my f*cking god, dude" (not referring to anyone in particular, just upset)
"Oh no, dude." (again, not referring to anyone in particular)
"Dude! What just happened?"
"Hey, dude."
"Dude, shut up."
I think that both "dude" and "buddy" are more commonly said by men to other men, but of course that's not always true. You may be seen as slightly more masculine for using "dude" especially. A woman might call a man her "buddy", but you probably would not call a woman "buddy".
Hope this helps! Let me know if you need clarification :)
"He's a good buddy of mine." (as in friend)
"Hey, buddy, move out of the way." (not as a friend, kind of rude)
"Yeah, ok bud." (shortened version of buddy, probably sarcastic in this case)
"Hey, buddy, are you having fun at recess?" (when talking to a young boy)
My dad often calls me "bud" or "buddy". It's a pretty versatile word. Just remember that it literally means "friend", but it can be rude or sarcastic with people you don't know well. It's also commonly a used when speaking to children which is why it may be seen as rude when talking to someone you don't know well.
"Dude" does not need to be someone who is your friend, but it is very casual. It can be used in a lot of ways, often not even referring to anyone. I use it a lot when I'm upset, but some people use it all the time:
"Oh my f*cking god, dude" (not referring to anyone in particular, just upset)
"Oh no, dude." (again, not referring to anyone in particular)
"Dude! What just happened?"
"Hey, dude."
"Dude, shut up."
I think that both "dude" and "buddy" are more commonly said by men to other men, but of course that's not always true. You may be seen as slightly more masculine for using "dude" especially. A woman might call a man her "buddy", but you probably would not call a woman "buddy".
Hope this helps! Let me know if you need clarification :)
buddy 和 pal 的差別在哪裡?
No difference. Women say: love, pet, darl (darling), sweetie, girlfriend; and many other words like that.
buddy, mate 和 dude 的差別在哪裡?
Buddy probably would use if you know the person really well. Dude would be use for someone you really don't know and mate I'm not sure. I don't use mate. Not to be mean I think mate is used more in British English than in American or in America.
"Buddy" 的翻譯
buddy用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
For pronunciation:
how do I say "buddy" in Portuguese?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Buddy (buh-dee)
"Sorry buddy, I can't go to the party tonight". I'd like to know your accent for that sentence to see the difference. 用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
I think most people would probably say 'mate' instead of 'buddy' (but it's not incorrect to say either. Just personal preference, I guess!)
buddy用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
We use mate, man or buddy, although mate is one of the most common ones.
buddy用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
For real. buddy . She's Just a Gold Digger . She's not messing with no broke guys 聼起來自然嗎?
You are understandable but try to work on your voice intonation. It’s sounds good though!!!
If you get buddy / a buudy, you win this round. (golf)
Do you say, get par, buddy, eagle...? 聼起來自然嗎?
Do you say, get par, buddy, eagle...? 聼起來自然嗎?
present tense-get/shoot a bogie/par/birdie/eagle
past tense-got/shot a bogie/par/birdie/eagle
past tense-got/shot a bogie/par/birdie/eagle
"Hey buddy, you know... I love Marry, but her don't love me. What I do now?" 聼起來自然嗎?
I love Marry, but she does not (doesn't) love me.
What do i do now?/ What now?
What do i do now?/ What now?
‘‘Hey buddy ,are you kidding? Toooo small!’’
(The box that my friend handed over was very small,so I couldn't use it.) 聼起來自然嗎?
(The box that my friend handed over was very small,so I couldn't use it.) 聼起來自然嗎?
buddy や partner あたりかと思いますが、微妙なニュアンスの違いが分かりません
buddy や partner あたりかと思いますが、微妙なニュアンスの違いが分かりません
@necomanma 私に言わせれば'buddy'はバッチリだと思います。Police dramaでは二人組,partnersの設定は’buddy cop film'と言われています。Buddy cop films - lethal weapon, rush hour, bad boys etc.
@necomanma の意見から相棒とは何のことか聞いてもいいですか?
@necomanma の意見から相棒とは何のことか聞いてもいいですか?
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