Dumpster is a large container for collecting garbage. They are located outside and people carry trash from their house and put it into the dumpster. It is often located behind a store or restaurant. Its name comes from the verb "dump". You dump your trash into a dumpster.
You can Google it to see an image.
You can Google it to see an image.
I am snarfing it down out back by the dumpster.是什麼意思
I am eating it very quickly outside by the dumpster
dumpster fire是什麼意思
It refers to fire on a dumpster in a literal sense, however when used as a figure of speech, it refers to a big messy problem that is difficult to fix. For example, “My boss is always rude to me so I left my job without telling anybody, now he will have to clean the dumpster fire by himself.”
Dumpster is a large trash receptacle designed to be hoisted and emptied into a truck.
dumpster 和 trash bin 和 garbage bin 的差別在哪裡?
Trash bin and garbage bin mean the same thing. Trash/garbage bin is the word we use for the small trash cans in our houses. A dumpster is the really large metal bin outside of our houses that we put our trash bags from our trash/garbage can/bin.
I hope this helps!! :)
I hope this helps!! :)
he grew up in the dumpster (for example) 和 he has grown up in the dumpster 和 he had grown up in the dumpster 的差別在哪裡?
"He grew up in the dumpster" - This describes the past, indicating that his upbringing occurred in the dumpster.
"He has grown up in the dumpster" - This suggests a connection between his past and present, emphasizing that his growing up in the dumpster has relevance to the current situation.
"He had grown up in the dumpster" - This is used in past perfect tense, often in the context of a narrative, indicating that his growing up in the dumpster was completed before another past event or time in the story.
"He has grown up in the dumpster" - This suggests a connection between his past and present, emphasizing that his growing up in the dumpster has relevance to the current situation.
"He had grown up in the dumpster" - This is used in past perfect tense, often in the context of a narrative, indicating that his growing up in the dumpster was completed before another past event or time in the story.
dumpster 和 trashbox 的差別在哪裡?
A dumpster is a quite large (at least the size of a car), metal container for large amounts of trash. In places like school campuses or apartment complexes there might be one dumpster, and all the trash from that place is taken from the garbage can, in bags, to the dumpster.
I have never heard anyone say "trashbox".
I have never heard anyone say "trashbox".
dumpster 和 trash bin 的差別在哪裡?
got it thank you so much 😊
Can I call "dumpsters" trash?
You might hear "the trash" to refer to a dumpster that's full of trash: "put the moldy pizza in the trash" would mean "put it in the dumpster and add it to the trash already in the dumpster".
The dumpster itself isn't trash, though.
The dumpster itself isn't trash, though.
I went to the dumpster outside of apartments with my mom and we saw a cat.
The cat lied on the ground.
Maybe I thought it felt hot.
It was very cute.
When it saw me, It didn't seem surprise. 聼起來自然嗎?
The cat lied on the ground.
Maybe I thought it felt hot.
It was very cute.
When it saw me, It didn't seem surprise. 聼起來自然嗎?
× I went to the dumpster outside of apartments with my mom and we saw a cat.
✓ I went to the dumpster outside my apartment with my mom and we saw a cat.
× The cat lied on the ground.
✓ The cat was lying on the ground.
× Maybe I thought it felt hot.
✓ I thought maybe it felt hot.
× When it saw me, It didn't seem surprise.
✓ When it saw me, It didn't seem surprised.
✓ I went to the dumpster outside my apartment with my mom and we saw a cat.
× The cat lied on the ground.
✓ The cat was lying on the ground.
× Maybe I thought it felt hot.
✓ I thought maybe it felt hot.
× When it saw me, It didn't seem surprise.
✓ When it saw me, It didn't seem surprised.
should I throw it away in the dumpster
Which one is correct?
There’s a dumpster at/ in/ on/ the alley
There’s a dumpster at/ in/ on/ the alley
There's a dumpster in the alley.
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