I’ve seen how much effort she puts into friendships是什麼意思
It means you see how hard she works at being a good friend to people.
The self-propelled saved me so much effort and the grass was very fine. Good mulch.是什麼意思
This is about a lawnmower.
self-propelled means it moves forward by itself.
saved effort - it is easy to mow the lawn because machine moves itself forward.
grass was fine - the cut grass looks good.
Good mulch - the cut and processed grass was small enough.
self-propelled means it moves forward by itself.
saved effort - it is easy to mow the lawn because machine moves itself forward.
grass was fine - the cut grass looks good.
Good mulch - the cut and processed grass was small enough.
After much effort, X finally needled her way through Y's poise and got her to engage. 是什麼意思
ohhhhh, This means that after much effort X finally got Y to respond to the proposition of going to the house. It means X got Y to say “I’m not a chicken” after much effort of trying to get her to go
You always put forth great effort!是什麼意思
It means that "You always try really hard."
"Great" in this case doesn't refer to size or strength as much as to quality. It means that the quality of the effort that he/she puts into something is excellent.
"Great" in this case doesn't refer to size or strength as much as to quality. It means that the quality of the effort that he/she puts into something is excellent.
complicate efforts
(In this sentence ; My crap lungs complicate efforts to fend off unwanted advances)是什麼意思
(In this sentence ; My crap lungs complicate efforts to fend off unwanted advances)是什麼意思
complicate efforts = make it harder
Crap lungs means it's difficult for the person to breathe. Fending off unwanted advances can be difficult. Being unable to breathe properly, having "crap lungs", makes fending off unwanted advances even more difficult.
Crap lungs means it's difficult for the person to breathe. Fending off unwanted advances can be difficult. Being unable to breathe properly, having "crap lungs", makes fending off unwanted advances even more difficult.
"Effort" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 effort, efforts 的例句給我。
"Please put more effort into your work."
"If you don't put in the effort, you will never succeed."
"If you don't put in the effort, you will never succeed."
請提供關於 What does (it's not so much that you can't improve your English but you haven't put enough effort into it) mean? 的例句給我。
It should be "It's not so much that you can't improve your English as you haven't put enough effort into it."
Not so much A as B means, "It's not really A, it's actually B."
So it means: "The problem isn't really that you *can't* improve your English, the problem is you haven't put enough effort into it."
Not so much A as B means, "It's not really A, it's actually B."
So it means: "The problem isn't really that you *can't* improve your English, the problem is you haven't put enough effort into it."
請提供關於 an effort 的例句給我。
"An effort" doesn't make sense but "effort" can be used in the following sentences:
I put forth my best effort to win.
That took a lot of effort.
At least you showed effort.
It's the effort that counts.
I put forth my best effort to win.
That took a lot of effort.
At least you showed effort.
It's the effort that counts.
請提供關於 In an effort to 的例句給我。
In an effort to stimulate the students' interest, the professor used a variety of materials besides the textbook in class.
請提供關於 in an effort 的例句給我。
In an effort to win the game, the player used what stamina he had left to score a touchdown.
In an effort the make up with his girlfriend, he bought her flowers.
In an effort to pass the exam, she studied solidly for two weeks.
In an effort the make up with his girlfriend, he bought her flowers.
In an effort to pass the exam, she studied solidly for two weeks.
efforts 和 endeavors 的差別在哪裡?
Effort is what you put in to accomplish something. Endeavors are things that you strive to do. They are not interchangeable.
"Put an effort on" 和 "Make an effort" 的差別在哪裡?
Make an effort is more commonly used. It means to try hard at something. Put IN effort would be the other way, meaning the same thing.
effort 和 endeavor 的差別在哪裡?
"Frank put a lot of effort into the party". "It was outstanding example of human endeavor"
she spent all her efforts on the care of home and children. 和 She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children.】 的差別在哪裡?
expended really mean to use up, like in use up all your money/expend your money for example. spent sounds more natural
effort 和 attempt 和 endeavor 的差別在哪裡?
@naka333: Effort~a vigorous or determined attempt
Example I Have put a lot of effort in my science project
attempt~to make a effort to achieve or complete
example:I have attempted to finish my homework in one hour
Endeavor-to try hard to do or achieve something
Example:he made an endeavor to assist with the hotal
Example I Have put a lot of effort in my science project
attempt~to make a effort to achieve or complete
example:I have attempted to finish my homework in one hour
Endeavor-to try hard to do or achieve something
Example:he made an endeavor to assist with the hotal
"Effort" 的翻譯
effort用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
It takes more effort than anyone else. 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
“it takes more effort than anyone else”
Thank you for making an effort to overcome Covid19.
is this sentence natural?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
is this sentence natural?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
if you’ve explained that already in a previous sentence, then your sentence is good :)
" I should make the effort to do this thing."
" I should put the effort to do this thing."
What's the difference?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
" I should put the effort to do this thing."
What's the difference?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
There are multiple ways to basically say the same thing. These examples are all about making an effort, or putting in effort. It just matters how you phrase them.
One way is: I should make an effort to do this thing.
Another way is (with some variations):
1) I should put in an effort to do this thing.
2) I should put in the effort to do this thing.
3) I should put in some effort to do this thing.
So, according to the examples you gave, there are a few ways to describe effort here.
- To make an effort
- To put in the effort
- To put in an effort
- To put in some effort
One way is: I should make an effort to do this thing.
Another way is (with some variations):
1) I should put in an effort to do this thing.
2) I should put in the effort to do this thing.
3) I should put in some effort to do this thing.
So, according to the examples you gave, there are a few ways to describe effort here.
- To make an effort
- To put in the effort
- To put in an effort
- To put in some effort
What does "nice effort" means? Is it the same as " good job"? 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Not quite. You could give something a "nice effort" and still not do a good job. "Nice effort" just means you tried very hard, while "good job" means you did something well.
“I made a conscious effort to write from the heart and put my own experiences into the work within the pre ordained framework I’d worked out”
What does “framework” mean in this sentence? Like schedule? Thank you in advance
What does “framework” mean in this sentence? Like schedule? Thank you in advance
I imagine that the “pre ordained framework” was the plot or outline of a novel. Perhaps the writer added some personal experiences to the storyline when writing “from the heart”.
Whether you succeed or not depends on how much effort you make. 聼起來自然嗎?
Whether you succeed or not depends on how much of an effort you make.
Whether you succeed or not depends on how much effort you put in.
^These are probably the most natural :)
Whether you succeed or not depends on how much effort you put in.
^These are probably the most natural :)
I told him to make an effort and take a baby steps. 聼起來自然嗎?
× I told him to make an effort and take a baby steps.
✓ I told him to make an effort and take baby steps.
✓ I told him to make an effort and take baby steps.
By making efforts to secure my time and to study hard, I could pass the legal bar exam. 聼起來自然嗎?
× By making efforts to secure my time and to study hard, I could pass the legal bar exam.
✓ By making an effort to secure my time and study hard, I could pass the bar exam.
You can say "making efforts", but that suggests doing multiple distinct things to achieve those goals, and also has a bit of an implication that they may be steps in the right direction but not necessarily enough by themselves. This phrase is often used when talking about a company trying to achieve some goal, or responding to pressure to do something, for example: "They are making efforts to make women and men more equal in the company, but I'm not sure if it will be enough."
When talking about personally expending effort or focussing to achieve some goal, it is more often said as "make an effort" instead.
Also, it is not necessary to include the second "to" if listing multiple verbs this way (it's not wrong, but it does sound more stiff that way, and is more often left out).
The exam to become a lawyer is generally just said as "the bar exam", and everybody knows what context that refers to, so saying "legal" is not necessary (and not normally done).
I'm also not sure exactly what you mean by "secure my time". That's not really a common expression, I think, but I don't know what to change it to without really knowing what you meant.
✓ By making an effort to secure my time and study hard, I could pass the bar exam.
You can say "making efforts", but that suggests doing multiple distinct things to achieve those goals, and also has a bit of an implication that they may be steps in the right direction but not necessarily enough by themselves. This phrase is often used when talking about a company trying to achieve some goal, or responding to pressure to do something, for example: "They are making efforts to make women and men more equal in the company, but I'm not sure if it will be enough."
When talking about personally expending effort or focussing to achieve some goal, it is more often said as "make an effort" instead.
Also, it is not necessary to include the second "to" if listing multiple verbs this way (it's not wrong, but it does sound more stiff that way, and is more often left out).
The exam to become a lawyer is generally just said as "the bar exam", and everybody knows what context that refers to, so saying "legal" is not necessary (and not normally done).
I'm also not sure exactly what you mean by "secure my time". That's not really a common expression, I think, but I don't know what to change it to without really knowing what you meant.
They put great effort(s) into the project.
* effort vs efforts
Can I use both?
* effort vs efforts
Can I use both?
× They put great effort(s) into the project.
✓ They put great effort into the project.
1) Put great effort > always singular
2) The efforts of the people (since people is plural, efforts should be plural)
3) The effort he put into the drawing (since he is singular, effort is singular)
Hope this clarifies!
✓ They put great effort into the project.
1) Put great effort > always singular
2) The efforts of the people (since people is plural, efforts should be plural)
3) The effort he put into the drawing (since he is singular, effort is singular)
Hope this clarifies!
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