what is the lecturer saying?是什麼意思
... uh, have a potential dual purpose, and they're looking at that and they're saying" well look, this is containment".
The lecturer confined himself to speaking about the art of one period是什麼意思
"lecture" means to give a speech, or to speak to a classroom. "Lecturer" is another way to say a teacher.
"confine" means to be stuck inside a small place. If I trap a rabbit in a cage, the rabbit is "confined" inside the cage.
"period" in this sentence means a brief time in history, or one section of the past. A "period" of time can be any length. It can be brief, such as one hour, or one day, or it can be longer such as one year, one decade, or one hundred years. It just means "one section" of time.
So, this sentence means: "The teacher wanted to speak about many different times, but he was stuck only talking about one section of time."
"confine" means to be stuck inside a small place. If I trap a rabbit in a cage, the rabbit is "confined" inside the cage.
"period" in this sentence means a brief time in history, or one section of the past. A "period" of time can be any length. It can be brief, such as one hour, or one day, or it can be longer such as one year, one decade, or one hundred years. It just means "one section" of time.
So, this sentence means: "The teacher wanted to speak about many different times, but he was stuck only talking about one section of time."
what's the lecturer saying?
i can't identify是什麼意思
i can't identify是什麼意思
“maybe less than under Mao in some ways, but in other ways, you could argue it’s more and it’s come down and through and at [the] same time it’s also, kind of, necessarily has to reach out”
with the help of a lecturer, she design a bike 是什麼意思
with the help of a lecturer, she design a bike 是什麼意思
A lecturer is a teacher / professor
my lecturers
mis profesores
lecturer 和 professor 和 academic 的差別在哪裡?
A lecturer and professor are similar. Professors teach at universities, and lecturers give classes that are taught in the form of lectures. They are essentially the same thing. An academic is someone that does research in their field of study, and probably doesn’t teach as much as a lecturer or professor. Also, I’d say that a professor is more fancy of a title than lecturer lol! Hope this helps :D
No other lecturers in the college are mort erudite than Martyn 和 No other lecturer in the college is mort erudite than Martyn 的差別在哪裡?
not mort . use more. only other difference is one is plural (lecturers). erudite is very intelligent or educated
lecturer 和 speaker 的差別在哪裡?
A lecturer is usually teaching the audience while a speaker is just giving a speech. Hope that helps.
lecturer 和 instructor 的差別在哪裡?
An instructor is basically anyone who teaches someone else something (this could refer to a teacher, tutor, trainer, lecturer, etc.)
A lecturer is a specific type of instructor that stands at the front of a room and teaches many people at once (e.g. at a college or university) with limited engagement from students (mostly one-way teaching where the lecturer speaks for a long time and the students mostly just listen and take notes).
A lecturer is a specific type of instructor that stands at the front of a room and teaches many people at once (e.g. at a college or university) with limited engagement from students (mostly one-way teaching where the lecturer speaks for a long time and the students mostly just listen and take notes).
"Lecturer" 的翻譯
1)Don't be a boring teacher.
2)Don't be a boring lecturer
Are these correct?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
2)Don't be a boring lecturer
Are these correct?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Yes, I come from an academic family with four or five professors in it. Yes, lecturer is commonly used. It simply means the person giving the lecture no matter what their rank or title might be.
Who’s the lecturer today? Is it the professor himself or one of his student assistants?
Who’s the lecturer going to be next week for the exam prep class?
Lecturer is also a rank at a college or university, below the rank of professor and assistant professor.
He started his career as a lecturer and within ten years achieved tenure as a full professor.
Who’s the lecturer today? Is it the professor himself or one of his student assistants?
Who’s the lecturer going to be next week for the exam prep class?
Lecturer is also a rank at a college or university, below the rank of professor and assistant professor.
He started his career as a lecturer and within ten years achieved tenure as a full professor.
I once heard my lecturer say to us after reading us a poem mainly ascribed to the great William Shakespeare. she said, "Too big English, hey!". Does this line sound natural or is it good to use since it's stuck in my head? any possible alternatives 🙈? 用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
No, it is not correct; your lecturer was trying to be funny/comical.
It would be better to say, “advanced vocabulary”; “big words”; “new vocabulary”. These suggestions are correct English.
No, it is not correct; your lecturer was trying to be funny/comical.
It would be better to say, “advanced vocabulary”; “big words”; “new vocabulary”. These suggestions are correct English.
I failed in a subject. so I come to see the 'concerned' lecturer to get some kind of remedy. Does the word 'concerned' suit the context?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Is the lecturer worried? Is the lecturer worried about the student?
If yes, “concerned” suits your context.
*also, come —> went :)
If yes, “concerned” suits your context.
*also, come —> went :)
lecturer用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
That's a really hard word to pronounce, even for native speakers. Here's my attempt
A. The lecturer spoke too fast for anyone to understand.
B. The lecturer spoke too fast to understand for anyone.
Do these sentences have any differences?
B. The lecturer spoke too fast to understand for anyone.
Do these sentences have any differences?
They both mean the same thing, but I might correct the second sentence.
The lecturer spoke too fast for the understanding of anyone.
The first sentence is used much more than the second.
Other ways to say the same thing:
No one could understand the lecturer because he spoke too fast.
The lecturer spoke so fast, no one could understand him.
The lecture was too fast for the understanding of anyone.
The lecturer spoke too fast for the understanding of anyone.
The first sentence is used much more than the second.
Other ways to say the same thing:
No one could understand the lecturer because he spoke too fast.
The lecturer spoke so fast, no one could understand him.
The lecture was too fast for the understanding of anyone.
"A good lecturer speaks directly to and watches the response of single, identifiable people" - a sentence from a book. I don't get how "single" can be used with "people". They don't mean a nation here, I guess. "People" means all people in the room where the lecture is taking place - all listeners. How can all listeners be described by "single" ? (It's not about marital status either, I think)
The speaker/writer just means you need to have a number of distinct members of the audience (maybe like 4) that you look at and from whose reactions you can gauge how well your speech is going. If they said "person", it would only mean 1 audience member, and I suppose they mean several
Could you tell me what the lecturer says at these three points? Correct or not.
1) 0:15~ Actually I expected the population to be a lot lower today. It typically runs between 50 and 60 percent on the day the research papers due.
2) 1:23~ The *** part of the name makes sense ~
3) 2:38~ because the bridge was built with steel cables and steel cables can't take the salt air unless they're treated repeatedly with a zinc based paint.
1) 0:15~ Actually I expected the population to be a lot lower today. It typically runs between 50 and 60 percent on the day the research papers due.
2) 1:23~ The *** part of the name makes sense ~
3) 2:38~ because the bridge was built with steel cables and steel cables can't take the salt air unless they're treated repeatedly with a zinc based paint.
The plant she talks about is called "Manila hemp", she explains in the video the name of it, so she explains the first word 'Manila' and the second word 'hemp' seperately. She says that the Manila part of the name makes sense because this plant grows mainly in the philippines (Manila is the capital city of the philippines).
Hope my explanation is clear :)
Hope my explanation is clear :)
I am going to see my previous lecturer and I want to say some greets to her. In this situation what should I say? Or is this sound natural?
I took your class before.
I had taken your lecture last semester.
Or any ideas.. 聼起來自然嗎?
I took your class before.
I had taken your lecture last semester.
Or any ideas.. 聼起來自然嗎?
Going to say some greetings**
The greetings sound good though!
The greetings sound good though!
A lecturer should not only impart knowledge to students, but also, perhaps even to a greater extent, to develop in them the ability to think independently, to encourage to learn science. Live chat with a knowledgeable inspired person who also knows how to explain, can instill an interest in science and to motivate students for the whole life. 聼起來自然嗎?
A lecturer should not only impart knowledge to students, but also, perhaps even to a greater extent, enable them to develop in them the ability to think independently and encourage them to learn science. A live chat with a knowledgeable, inspiring person who also knows how to explain, can instill an interest in science and motivate students for their whole life.
I edited it a little bit. Well done, that was very well written! :)
I edited it a little bit. Well done, that was very well written! :)
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