The typhoon suddenly became weaker, () was good for the village.
1.it 2.that 3.what 4.which
(From National Center Test in Japan)
Officially 4 is correct.
But I think 1 or 2 are also correct.
Why 1 and 2 are incorrect?是什麼意思
1.it 2.that 3.what 4.which
(From National Center Test in Japan)
Officially 4 is correct.
But I think 1 or 2 are also correct.
Why 1 and 2 are incorrect?是什麼意思
1 and 2 don't work here because of the comma.
"it was good for the village" and "that was good for the village" are complete sentences. However, you can't join two complete sentences together without a conjunction (like "and" or "but") or a semicolon (";"). 1 and 2 form what's called a "run-on sentence".
"which was good for the village" is a nonessential clause. It isn't a complete sentence by itself. Nonessential clauses are joined to the sentence they describe with a comma.
"it was good for the village" and "that was good for the village" are complete sentences. However, you can't join two complete sentences together without a conjunction (like "and" or "but") or a semicolon (";"). 1 and 2 form what's called a "run-on sentence".
"which was good for the village" is a nonessential clause. It isn't a complete sentence by itself. Nonessential clauses are joined to the sentence they describe with a comma.
The strong typhoon didn't hit the mainland due to the high air, saving the lives of a lot of people.是什麼意思
Is it maybe talking about a high-pressure system that changed the typhoon's path? It doesn't really make sense otherwise.
The typhoon, which made landfall near the southern island of Jeju on Friday night, rapidly swept along the country's west coast Sunday before heading toward North Korea in the afternoon.
I don't know what "made landfall" means..是什麼意思
I don't know what "made landfall" means..是什麼意思
Not exactly. It means the typhoon touched the island. The typhoon is now on the island.
getting out of the typhoon would be far worse than getting into it (far worse)是什麼意思
Your explanation is correct.
Your explanation is correct.
"Typhoon" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 A typhoon is coming through here, so I'll do tele-work tomorrow. 的例句給我。
Thanks for your reply!
To tell the truth, I accidentally posted this sentence to the wrong option. I intended to post it to "Does this sent sound natural".
To tell the truth, I accidentally posted this sentence to the wrong option. I intended to post it to "Does this sent sound natural".
請提供關於 typhoon 的例句給我。
A 'super typhoon' hit Taiwan's coastline today.
A 'super typhoon' hit Taiwan's coastline today.
請提供關於 為什麼是用 of. Because of the typhoon hitting Taiwan we didn't fly into Taipei today.. Hopefully we still make it for the show, will let you guys know 的例句給我。
There is typhoon approaching. 和 Typhoon is approaching. 的差別在哪裡?
Yes. but 2 can be also used when you've referenced it.
Like the listener knows that there's a typhoon, and the speaker is referencing it.
Like the listener knows that there's a typhoon, and the speaker is referencing it.
The typhoon uprooted some of the trees. 和 The typhoon uprooted some trees. 的差別在哪裡?
It would depend on context. Adding 'the' makes me think you are talking about some particular trees.
My family has a small cherry orchard on their property. The typhoon uprooted some of the trees. <--- makes it very clear that I'm talking about the orchard trees.
My family has a small cherry orchard on their property. The typhoon uprooted some trees. <--- Technically, I could be talking about other trees on the property and not specifically cherry trees.
This is a very small point, and really not worth worrying about.
My family has a small cherry orchard on their property. The typhoon uprooted some of the trees. <--- makes it very clear that I'm talking about the orchard trees.
My family has a small cherry orchard on their property. The typhoon uprooted some trees. <--- Technically, I could be talking about other trees on the property and not specifically cherry trees.
This is a very small point, and really not worth worrying about.
It seems that the typhoon is coming this way tonight. 和 They say the typhoon is coming this way tonight. 的差別在哪裡?
yes sure!
it seems that the typhoon is coming this way: you see that it is coming
they say the typhoon is coming: someone told that the typhoon is coming but you can't see it
it seems that the typhoon is coming this way: you see that it is coming
they say the typhoon is coming: someone told that the typhoon is coming but you can't see it
typhoon 和 hurricane 的差別在哪裡?
They are both tropical cyclone, but the difference is tropical cyclones in the west Pacific are called Typhoons and those in the Atlantic and east Pacific Ocean are called Hurricanes. It's the longitude that matters.
The typhoon has hit this area yet. 和 The typhoon has hit this area already. 的差別在哪裡?
The first sentence "The typhoon has hit this area yet." is incorrect. "Yet" is most commonly used in "(something) has not happened yet."
The second sentence is correct. (台風はもう来た。)
The second sentence is correct. (台風はもう来た。)
"Typhoon" 的翻譯
The typhoon is coming, so It's getting strong wind.
I'm afraid that it become more heavy rain and hard wind tonight.
用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
The typhoon is coming, so It's getting strong wind.
I'm afraid that it become more heavy rain and hard wind tonight.
用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
As the typhoon has gotten closer, the wind has picked up considerably. I am worried because tonight, there is supposed to be terribly heavy rain and wind.
There's a typhoon approaching Taiwan which brings heavy rain. Hopefully you all have your umbrella with you. If not the tour bus sells the rain coat, 30 NT$ per rain coat. If you need it please ask our driver directly.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
There’s a typhoon approaching Taiwan which will bring heavy rains. Hopefully you all have an umbrella with you. If not, the tour bus sells raincoats for 39NT dollars each. If you need one, please feel free to ask to the driver.
There’s a typhoon approaching Taiwan which will bring heavy rains. Hopefully you all have an umbrella with you. If not, the tour bus sells raincoats for 39NT dollars each. If you need one, please feel free to ask to the driver.
"Don't typhoon come to your country?"用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Do typhoons happen in your country?
a typhoon will come in Japan next week.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
A typhoon will come to Japan next week
But I would say "A typhoon is coming to Japan next week"
But I would say "A typhoon is coming to Japan next week"
Can I say "It's likely to come a typhoon tonight." 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
It’s likely there will be a typhoon tonight.
"A typhoon is in Tokyo now, but it isn't stormy at all. I'm relieved."
Hello! Do you think the sentence above sounds natural? Thank you.
Hello! Do you think the sentence above sounds natural? Thank you.
It's fine, but I think the first clause sounds slightly strange because the whole typhoon can't fit inside Tokyo. This is a minor point, though.
"There's a typhoon in Tokyo right now," - this might seem the same, but the "there is" makes the typhoon sounds more like an ambient condition, like the way we say "it's raining". Also "right now" seems better here (I don't know why).
"A typhoon has hit Tokyo," - avoid "in" entirely
The rest sounds good to me.
"There's a typhoon in Tokyo right now," - this might seem the same, but the "there is" makes the typhoon sounds more like an ambient condition, like the way we say "it's raining". Also "right now" seems better here (I don't know why).
"A typhoon has hit Tokyo," - avoid "in" entirely
The rest sounds good to me.
Because of the recent typhoon , about three-fifth of apple crops grown in this region were badly damaged.
Is this sentence natural ?
Is this sentence natural ?
It’s almost completely perfect! You just need to add an ‘s’ to the end of ‘three-fifth’
three-fifth —> three-fifths
three-fifth —> three-fifths
I'm scared of caming typhoon.
Is this natural expression?
Is this natural expression?
I'm scared of the coming typhoon.
came is past tense
come is present tense
coming is present progressive
as for the "the" I'm not terribly sure why you add it, but its grammatically correct if you add it.
came is past tense
come is present tense
coming is present progressive
as for the "the" I'm not terribly sure why you add it, but its grammatically correct if you add it.
The huge typhoon is approaching.
It will be rainy weekend and strong wind.
Train may be planned suspension. 聼起來自然嗎?
It will be rainy weekend and strong wind.
Train may be planned suspension. 聼起來自然嗎?
× The huge typhoon is approaching.
✓ A huge typhoon is approaching.
× It will be rainy weekend and strong wind.
✓ It will be rainy this weekend with strong wind.
× Train may be planned suspension.
✓ The trains may be suspended.
When you say "the huge typhoon," it sounds like the person to whom you're talking already knows about the typhoon.
If they already know about it, you don't need to say it is huge. You should say just "the typhoon."
If the person to whom you're talking does not know about the typhoon, you should say "a huge typhoon."
✓ A huge typhoon is approaching.
× It will be rainy weekend and strong wind.
✓ It will be rainy this weekend with strong wind.
× Train may be planned suspension.
✓ The trains may be suspended.
When you say "the huge typhoon," it sounds like the person to whom you're talking already knows about the typhoon.
If they already know about it, you don't need to say it is huge. You should say just "the typhoon."
If the person to whom you're talking does not know about the typhoon, you should say "a huge typhoon."
The typhoon has gone. I was lucky it didn't blow me away. 聼起來自然嗎?
A ‘funnier sentence’ might be:
“The typhoon has gone, I’m lucky it didn’t take me with it.”
(But humour is subjective haha)
“The typhoon has gone, I’m lucky it didn’t take me with it.”
(But humour is subjective haha)
- お手数をおかけしてすみません用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- パソコンの調子が悪くて、コンセントに繋いでないと電源が入りません用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- この牡蠣はまだ生焼けかもしれないので、もうちょっと火を通してください。用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- 總是 和 老是 的差別在哪裡?
- do you use 24-clock or AM/PM?