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Our study is the first to investigate the possibilities of detecting emotions in Hungarian political speeches. Here we introduce (1) a manually annotated emotion data set of 1008 parliamentary speeches, (2) an emotion annotation framework... more
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      Machine LearningSentiment AnalysisEmotion Analysis
Cikkünkben bemutatjuk a laikusoknak címzett hivatalos szövegek osztályozási kísérletét felügyelt gépi tanuló algoritmusok segítségével. Vizsgálatunkhoz szakértők által, kézzel készített korpuszt használunk, amely közérthetőre fogalmazott... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesPlain Legal Language
The current article briefl y presents a pilot machinelearning experiment on the classifi cation of offi cial texts addressed to lay readers with the use of support vector machine as a baseline and fastText models. For this purpose, a... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesPlain Legal LanguagefastText
The current article briefly presents a pilot machine-learning experiment on the classification of official texts addressed to lay readers with the use of support vector machine as a baseline and fastText models. For this purpose, a... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesPlain Legal LanguagefastText
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningEuropean Union Politics
In this paper, a brief study will be presented with regard to the issue of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in legal texts. To get an overall picture, we examined closely the output of two existing analysers: the "magyarlanc" linguistic... more
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Few-shot learning is a deep learning subfield that is the focus of research nowadays. This paper addresses the research question of whether a triplet-trained Siamese network, initially designed for multi-class classification, can... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputational Linguistics
This paper outlines the ParlaMint project from the perspective of its goals, tasks, participants, results and applications potential. The project produced language corpora from the sessions of the national parliaments of 17 countries,... more
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A dolgozatban bizonyos pragmatikai és szemantikai sajátságokat vizsgálunk magyar nyelvű, nagy méretű spontánbeszéd-korpusz (StaffTalk) alapján. A vizsgálati korpusz is hétköznapi szituációkban, külső hatásoknak is kitett munkahelyi... more
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    • Humanities
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    • Humanities
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    • Humanities
The growing number of digitally accessible text corpora and the accelerating development of NLP tools and methods (particularly the emergence of powerful large-scale language models) have allowed their widespread use in various... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
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A természetesnyelv-feldolgozási feladatok gyakori építőeleme a mondatokra történő szegmentálás, amely azonban a jogi szövegek esetében hagyományosan problémás terület. Jelen cikkünkben bemutatjuk a bírósági határozatok szegmentálására... more
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      Machine LearningCourt decisions
Harnessing the power of Deep Learning is becoming commonplace nowadays, and the legal field is no exception. Most solutions embrace supervised approaches that require a lot of labeled data. Active Learning is a technique that exploits the... more
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      Machine LearningTaxationActive LearningMulti-Label Classification
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputer ScienceParallel Computing
One crucial aspect of access to justice and access to legal information is the comprehensibility of legal text. The complexity and specialized terminology of legal language often prevents citizens from understanding legal texts and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningPlain Legal LanguageGenerative AI
Automated sentiment analysis of textual data is one of the central and most challenging tasks in political communication studies. However, the toolkits available are primarily for English texts and require contextual adaptation to produce... more
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      Machine LearningSentiment AnalysisPoltical ScienceOPINION MINING AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS