Oxytetracycline (OTC) is a wide spectrum antibiotic, but it is known to be degradated when it is stored under adverse conditions. It is classified as short-acting based on serum half-lives of 6-8 h. The stabilizing effect of colloidal... more
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new... more
Art often provides valuable hints for technological innovations especially in the field of Image Processing and Computer Graphics. In this paper we survey in an unified framework several methods to transform a raster input image into good... more
Microalgae have been proven efficient biological vectors for heavy metal uptake. In order to further study their biosorption potential, a strain of Desmodesmus pleiomorphus (L) was isolated from a strongly contaminated industrial site in... more
Early treatment by thyroid hormone in congenital hypothyroidism (CH) prevents for mental retardation, but the autonomic condition could well remain impaired. The aim of this study was to get insights about the cardiovascular regulation of... more
Objective: We sought to describe if neurological damage, in terms of brain lesions, syndrome and syndrome severity led to abnormalities in the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) in order to provide a pro®le of children that... more
Thyroid hormones play a major role in the maturation process of the brain. Currently, congenital hypothyroidism is detected by mass screening. The impact of this early hormonal deficiency on the organization of the sleep pattern is not... more
Following Coursin,' Joaquin Cravioto, whose works and memory are honored in this publication, identified three broad areas of inquiry into the effects of malnutrition on the human brain, particularly in infants. These included the... more
La incertidumbre caracteriza múltiples aspectos de la vida y de las ciencias. Es un paradigma de la física cuántica y también de las ciencias de la vida. Su significado se refiere a que no es posible conocer todo. Ante diversas... more
Background. Ultrasonography of cortical and cingulum maturity patterns, were studied in newborns and infants with congenital hypothyroidism (CH).
Editorial El plagio en la literatura académica M. A. Mandujano Valdés y M. en C. Adalberto Mosqueda Taylor Cariología y otras alteraciones dentales Aspectos sociales y biológicos del edentulismo en México: un problema visible de las... more
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Objetivo: Determinar el impacto de la edad de cirugía en la catarata congénita bilateral (CCB) sobre los cambios en el desarrollo cognitivo, motor y del lenguaje, considerando los resultados de la función visual. Método: Se trata de un... more
Resumen Introducción: los autores justiican la pertinencia de analizar la historia y la iconografía del cretinismo, ante la persistencia de altera-ciones tiroideas con potencial de producir cretinismo: el bocio endémico y el... more