Octavian Ulici
dr. Claudiu-Octavian Ulici E-mail: octavian@ulici.ro, Bd. 21 December 1989 no. 76 ap. 1 Cluj-Napoca County Cluj 400124, RomaniaOwns a Ph.D. in philosophy and a practice as lawyer since 1996. In 2004 he contributed as a sole specialist in setting up a professional association at national level and he set up a private court in association with 1,200 lawyers in 2013. Over the years, he promoted various new methods to improve the practice of law by writing books on the basic legal citation of judicial texts, and in particular on the theory of the judicial precedent, to ensure equality of rights. The interest of the topic was generated by the study of conjunctions that made possible the emergence of the current system of jurisdiction and the intent that leads to the violation of the rule of law. The author has an interest in the history that made possible the current social perception.
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Papers by Octavian Ulici
The next part is meant to strengthen and structure the approach, by applying some mathematical computation methods with regards to phonological similarity assessment.
An edits distance metric is applied to compare phonetic
transliterations between PIE reconstructed root terms and
meaning like corresponding Romanian words. For those terms that prove to be identical for a number of incipient phonetic symbols, an additional heuristic distance metric is applied. All computations are done using the R programming language, by parameterizing the functions of “stringdist” package.
After that we used a list of 200 words of linguist Morris Swadesh, to make a comparison with a hypothetical reconstruction of J. Pokorny to Romanian language. Order to reach it, we found 2222 matches to all references cited, some identity is surprising and to others I rearranged the material.
Every Romanian word, which finds correspondence in PIE
reconstruction, it seems to have a close phonetic structure,
and a semantics more obvious than those maintained in
languages that served as a reference. Because phonetic and
grammatical changes are unidirectional, once widespread,
there would not be justification for a "restocking" lexical base
of original area, even if the language is obviously evolving.
Due to population movements that occurred in the
last 6,000 years, in and out of the territory, the population
had initially use this language is radically changed, which
brought with it significant changes in cultural habits, but
important remains of the PIE language, seem to have been preserved, in Romanian.
Books by Octavian Ulici
The next part is meant to strengthen and structure the approach, by applying some mathematical computation methods with regards to phonological similarity assessment. An edits distance metric is applied to compare phonetic transliterations between PIE reconstructed root terms and meaning like corresponding Romanian words. For those terms that prove to be identical for a number of incipient phonetic symbols, an additional heuristic distance metric is applied. All computations are done using the R programming language, by parameterizing the functions of “stringdist” package.
After that we used a list of 200 words of linguist Morris Swadesh, to make a comparison with a hypothetical reconstruction of J. Pokorny to Romanian language. Order to reach it, we found 2222 matches to all references cited, some identity is surprising and to others I rearranged the material. Every Romanian word, which finds correspondence in PIE reconstruction, it seems to have a close phonetic structure, and a semantics more obvious than those maintained in languages that served as a reference. Because phonetic and grammatical changes are unidirectional, once widespread, there would not be justification for a "restocking" lexical base of original area, even if the language is obviously evolving.
Due to population movements that occurred in the last 6,000 years, in and out of the territory, the population had initially use this language is radically changed, which brought with it significant changes in cultural habits, but important remains of the PIE language, seem to have been preserved, in Romanian.
Modelul de rezumat de caz folosit în acest raport de drept, corespunde celui în general acceptat în prezent în practica din common law și îl expun separat, considerând că acesta poate face obiectul unor rectificări ulterioare.
formatul textului, numele unor instituții și alte asemenea chestiuni referitoare în special la tipografie.
Drafts by Octavian Ulici
The next part is meant to strengthen and structure the approach, by applying some mathematical computation methods with regards to phonological similarity assessment.
An edits distance metric is applied to compare phonetic
transliterations between PIE reconstructed root terms and
meaning like corresponding Romanian words. For those terms that prove to be identical for a number of incipient phonetic symbols, an additional heuristic distance metric is applied. All computations are done using the R programming language, by parameterizing the functions of “stringdist” package.
After that we used a list of 200 words of linguist Morris Swadesh, to make a comparison with a hypothetical reconstruction of J. Pokorny to Romanian language. Order to reach it, we found 2222 matches to all references cited, some identity is surprising and to others I rearranged the material.
Every Romanian word, which finds correspondence in PIE
reconstruction, it seems to have a close phonetic structure,
and a semantics more obvious than those maintained in
languages that served as a reference. Because phonetic and
grammatical changes are unidirectional, once widespread,
there would not be justification for a "restocking" lexical base
of original area, even if the language is obviously evolving.
Due to population movements that occurred in the
last 6,000 years, in and out of the territory, the population
had initially use this language is radically changed, which
brought with it significant changes in cultural habits, but
important remains of the PIE language, seem to have been preserved, in Romanian.
The next part is meant to strengthen and structure the approach, by applying some mathematical computation methods with regards to phonological similarity assessment. An edits distance metric is applied to compare phonetic transliterations between PIE reconstructed root terms and meaning like corresponding Romanian words. For those terms that prove to be identical for a number of incipient phonetic symbols, an additional heuristic distance metric is applied. All computations are done using the R programming language, by parameterizing the functions of “stringdist” package.
After that we used a list of 200 words of linguist Morris Swadesh, to make a comparison with a hypothetical reconstruction of J. Pokorny to Romanian language. Order to reach it, we found 2222 matches to all references cited, some identity is surprising and to others I rearranged the material. Every Romanian word, which finds correspondence in PIE reconstruction, it seems to have a close phonetic structure, and a semantics more obvious than those maintained in languages that served as a reference. Because phonetic and grammatical changes are unidirectional, once widespread, there would not be justification for a "restocking" lexical base of original area, even if the language is obviously evolving.
Due to population movements that occurred in the last 6,000 years, in and out of the territory, the population had initially use this language is radically changed, which brought with it significant changes in cultural habits, but important remains of the PIE language, seem to have been preserved, in Romanian.
Modelul de rezumat de caz folosit în acest raport de drept, corespunde celui în general acceptat în prezent în practica din common law și îl expun separat, considerând că acesta poate face obiectul unor rectificări ulterioare.
formatul textului, numele unor instituții și alte asemenea chestiuni referitoare în special la tipografie.