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In this paper, Kamaludin Bahadin invites audiences to journey with him in a unique pedagogical space as he theorises himself as a teaching subject caught within a range of discourses, each vying for supremacy. In a culture where classroom... more
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      Critical PedagogyCurriculum and Instruction
In this paper, I draw on observations from sexual health workshops in an elementary school classroom in Vancouver, Canada and friendship pair interviews with four boys who attended the workshops. I examine how the educators organising the... more
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      Sexual HealthGender IdentityHomosexualityHidden Curriculum
Prompted by shared discussions about our doctoral research, this paper focuses on two tensions we identified when applying to our university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The first tension relates to our discomfort with the... more
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In this article, I draw on my experiences as a non-binary researcher in a high school to interrogate the normative construction of adulthood. I centre the discussion on the concept of adult-hood in order to interrogate a presumption... more
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      Educational ResearchHigh SchoolAdulthoodCritical Ethnography
This article focuses on the dynamics at play in a challenging lesson observed during the LGBTQ unit in a social justice-focused high school course. On the surface, the lesson was a chaotic struggle involving a tense intergenerational... more
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      EducationLGBT Issues (Education)SexualityLGBT Youth
This article explores the dynamics of inter-generational conversations between queer and trans youth and queer and trans adults through an analysis of a routine segment on the reality show, RuPaul's Drag Race. At the end of each season,... more
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      Queer StudiesEducationYouth StudiesTransgender Studies
Background: At 30 percent, British Columbia has the highest cesarean section rate in Canada. Little is known about the childbirth views and birthing preferences of collegeaged women and men. The objectives of this study were to document... more
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    • Human Pregnancy, Birth And Breastfeeding
This essay highlights aspects of my childhood in 1970s Toronto, Ontario (Canada), growing up as the daughter of an artist, and the ways in which I came to make ‘thinking’ as an artist and spiritually engaged education researcher.... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist ArtVisual ArtsLife Writing (Literature)
This opening essay situates the editors and authors' understandings and practice of Life Writing research and metissage.
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      EducationCurriculum StudiesCreative CityLife Writing
Through the literary practice of métissage, two educators situated within a West Coast Canadian urban neighbourhood braid different strands of stories that explore notions of migration, home, place, and familial relations. The authors... more
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      Curriculum TheoryLife Writing (Literature)
I want to reconsider and destabilize the meaning of this act of cutting beyond its current medically hypnotic grasp. The use of cesarean section is increasing worldwide beyond its statistical medical necessity. I posit the need for social... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingMidwiferyBirthMaternal and Child Health
Drawing from the intersections of feminist performance art, ritual practice, and the field of arts-based research in education (i.e. a/r/tography, Irwin & de Cosson, 2004; Springgay et al, 2008)), we explore the labyrinth and ritual as... more
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      ArtArts EducationContemplative PedagogyLabyrinths
"I've been coming to a realization in this last year, it’s this: I study goddess. My scholarship is dedicated in heart and soul to goddess as mother, to her multiple forms, but especially to her expression as birth. Goddess in the... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingGoddess SpiritualityThealogyPhilosophy of Birth
As an artist and fledgling midwife turned scholar-researcher, I love placentas—yes, that miraculous round blood-pie that emerges only after the baby is born, with a stage of labour all its own. Of all the many amazing facets of birth, I... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingArts-Based Educational ResearchPhilosophy of BirthPlacenta
This essay conveys an embodied, relational view of contemplative practice in education through my experience of a “Goddess puja.” I undertook this puja with two other women in the context of exploring and documenting the experiences of... more
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      Women's StudiesPhilosophy of EducationArts EducationGoddess Spirituality
Reconciling Art and Mothering, an anthology of twenty-four illustrated essays, brings together contemporary voices about mothering as a complex topic for artistic practice.
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      Art TheoryVisual ArtsMotherhood and ArtMothering
Often in my midwifery work, people had expressed their disgust at the placenta's blood filled mass. Now I wondered if, upon seeing this sacred cedar, people would understand the life-giving mystery of the placenta. These roots reached... more
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      Morphological evolutionEcologyMidwiferyPlacenta
This essay forwards the notion of “mother-centred” birth by engaging with contemporary placenta practices in a North American context, as grown from the revival of midwifery-based care. As a midwifery advocate and birth scholar, I want to... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingMidwiferyBirthPhilosophy of Birth
Birth-giving, or birth-gifting, is an embodied gift economy, wherein mothers gift their life force to the babies they gestate and birth. This essay explores placental roots for honouring an embodied gift economy of birth, through... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingHolistic EducationBirthObstetrical Violence
This qualitative historical context case study examines the factors that influenced the establishment and expansion of the International Baccalaureate (IB) in British Columbia (BC) from 1974-2016. This study’s historical case, the IB in... more
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      HistoryPolitical ScienceInternational Baccalaureate