University of British Columbia
We suggest that new forms of family households, especially same-sex couples and single parents, are likely to face discrimination in their interactions with rental markets. Following the contact hypothesis, we hypothesize that the... more
Despite being divided on the consequences of liberalization, people of India put up significant resistances against the neoliberal state and its austerity policies under the leadership of the Left and the broader Left. Some of the battles... more
Die gedruckte Ausg. ist im Rainer Hampp Verlag, Munchen, Mering ( erschienen.
Privatization of higher education is not a new phenomenon in India. However, since India started embracing neoliberal policies in 1991, the objectives of higher education in India have increasingly shifted from philanthropy to... more
In both Canada and India, indigenous peoples have been the interest of discussion for many years to the academics , policy makers, and politicians. Numerically they constitute 8.2% of India's population and 3.8% of Canadian... more
Despite being divided on the consequences of liberalization, people of India put up significant resistances against the neoliberal state and its austerity policies under the leadership of the Left and the broader Left. Some of the battles... more
This paper is an attempt to show that economic growth and social development do not always go hand in hand. Economic growth may increase inequality as well as reduce social development. Unless government comes up with a strong political... more
This paper argues that salmon aquaculture operations situated in First Nations’ claimed territories on Canada’s West Coast create issues of environmental injustice. Salmon farms are associated with various environmental problems including... more
Much research into social movement framing activity has been based on qualitative case-study analysis of specific movements. These analyses are limited in that are they unable to systematically track any long-term relationships that might... more
In recent years there has been increased participation amongst British Columbia’s Aboriginals in the management of forests (and other natural resources). An advance toward Aboriginal self-determination in British Columbia was achieved... more