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      PerceptionSpace and MusicPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy
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      AestheticsElectronic MusicMusic of Ligeti
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The technical and aesthetic foundations of György Ligeti's concept of micropolyphony, which he employed most prominently in his 1961 orchestral work, Atmosphères, can be credited, in part, to his post-emigration experiments with... more
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      AestheticsElectronic MusicMusic of Ligeti
Gödel's incompleteness results are two of the most fundamental and important contributions to logic and the foundations of mathematics. He showed that no axiomatizable formal system strong enough to capture elementary number theory can... more
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      LogicHistory of Logic
A general class of labeled sequent calculi is investigated, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for when such a calculus is sound and complete for a finite-valued logic if the labels are interpreted as sets of truth values... more
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      LogicProof TheoryMany-Valued Logic
Abstract. Although Kurt Gödel does not figure prominently in the history of computabilty theory, he exerted a significant influence on some of the founders of the field, both through his published work and through personal interaction. In... more
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    • History of Logic
Many-valued logic is not much younger than the whole field of symbolic logic. It was introduced in the early twenties of this century by Lukasiewicz [1920] and Post [1921] and has since developed into a very large area of research. Most... more
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Abstract: A uniform construction for sequent calculi for finite-valued first-order logics with distribution quantifiers is exhibited. Completeness, cut-elimination and midsequent theorems are established. As an application, an analog of... more
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      LogicProof TheoryMany-Valued Logic
Abstract: Although arguments for and against competing theories of vagueness often appeal to claims about the use of vague predicates by ordinary speakers, such claims are rarely tested. An exception is Bonini et al.(1999), who report... more
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    • Philosopy of Language
Jan Kraj����ek posed the following problem: Is there is a generalization result in the theory of real closed fields of the form: If A (1+���+ 1)(n occurrences of 1) is provable in length k for all n����, then (��� x) A (x) is provable? It... more
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    • Proof Theory
(A, B, C arbitrary formulas) is the propositional pendant of the schema of identity. It can be argued that, apart form the usual propositional tautologies and inference schemas which are given as axiomatizations of propositional logic... more
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    • Proof Theory
A simple model of dynamic databases is studied from a modal logic perspecitve. A state �� of a database is an atomic update of a state �� if at most one atomic statement is evaluated differently in �� compared to ��. The corresponding... more
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The problem of algorithmic structuring of proofs in the sequent calculi LK and LK B (LK where blocks of quantifiers can be introduced in one step) is investigated, where a distinction is made between linear proofs and proofs in tree form.... more
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    • Proof Theory
Abstract Entailment in propositional Godel logics can be defined in a natural way. While all infinite sets of truth values yield the same sets of tautologies, the entailment relations differ. It is shown that there is a rich structure of... more
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      Fuzzy LogicMany-Valued Logic
Next to the logicist project of Frege and Russell of reducing mathematics (or at least arithmetic) wholesale to logic, Hilbert's program is the main contribution to the foundation of mathematics of the last century. Taking as his... more
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Abstract Carnap's doctrine of linguistic pluralism, enshrined in the "Principle of Tolerance" of his Logical Syntax of Language, became a cornerstone of Carnap's mature philosophy in general and conception of scientific method in... more
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Abstract. The generalization properties of algebraically closed fields of characteristic and of characteristic 0 are investigated in the sequent calculus with blocks of quantifiers. It is shown that admits finite term bases, and admits... more
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G��del's incompleteness results are two of the most fundamental and important contributuions to logic and the foundations of mathematics. G��del showed that no axiomatizable formal system strong enough to capture elementary number theory... more
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