Music of Ligeti
Recent papers in Music of Ligeti
Os ateliers, seminários e encontros realizados com Claude Ledoux se inscreveram no âmbito de atividades acadêmicas desenvolvidas na Unicamp e na Usp na área de Análise Musical e compreenderam: Reflexão sobre a Análise Musical relacionada... more
Hungurian Rock was written by Gyorgy Ligeti in May of 1978. The piece has a subtitle Chaconne. It is interesting how these three words -Hungary, Rock, and Chaconne, -go all together in the one title. Rock in Hungary was prohibited since... more
This monograph is an authoritative study of the oeuvre of one of the most important composers of our time. For the first time, Ligeti’s key works are presented in the context of their drafts and sketches. His personal and artistic... more
The concept of virtuosity in music has changed radically in the past four hundred years.
This paper investigates history, form and organization of György Ligeti’s Etude No. 11 “En Suspens”
O estudo da música, não somente do presente como também do passado, como um método de compreensão do pensamento e processo composicional. A análise musical pode ser praticada com essa finalidade, não buscando uma verdade absoluta, mas uma... more
Il presente volume esamina il pensiero musicale di György Ligeti da diverse prospettive. La prima parte è dedicata alle vicende biografiche, alla rete di relazioni, al contesto culturale e politico. I quattro capitoli della seconda parte... more
“Rings,” the first movement of Adès’s violin concerto Concentric Paths, evokes the physical process of planetary motion and it is from this process that multiple time-scales arise: the lower-speed outer-orbits of planetary motion... more
This study aimed at deciphering the inner logics of György Ligeti's Piano Etude No. 11 and its relations with form. Two parameters were derived from pitch-class set theory and used for statistical analyses: the sum ∑ of the six components... more
This dissertation examines the music of contemporary composer György Ligeti and 15 th century composer Johannes Ockeghem who have in common the musical construction of an invisible framework upon which they built undifferentiated... more
A partir de un estudio detenido de algunos de los postulados de las teorías cuánticas y de sus relaciones con el campo electroacústico (Rocha Iturbide, 1999), el autor de este artículo establece un campo comparativo más arriesgado que... more
Despite the still-prevalent but essentially nineteenth century perception of the Western creative artist, an algorithmic approach to music composition has been in evidence in Western classical music for at least one thousand years. The... more
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a particular piece of music, "Chromatische Phantasie" by György Ligeti, using an eclectic analysis technique which incorporates historical research, theoretical analysis, and open listening... more
György Ligeti’s late style epitomises a vivid dialogue with the traditions of East European folk music and with those of the classical-romantic era. Beyond its being an explicit Hommage à Brahms, the Horn Trio’s allusion to the farewell... more
Christian Waldhagen: “Everything is material, but material is not everything. The meaning of the adage that universal scholarship is no longer possible today depends on the concept of the universality: the example of the musicologist... more
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os processos composicionais do Kyrie, segundo movimento do Réquiem (1963-65), de György Ligeti. Segundo seu compositor, essa peça é uma “estranha fuga” e, como tal, receberá durante nosso trabalho a... more
Excerpt of two chapters from a work written for the Seminary of Contemporary Music (06.2015) under the supervision of F.-X. Féron.
In this paper a systemic-semiotic analysis of György Ligeti's first Étude for piano, Désordre, is presented. In this contribution, a method for interpreting the score and understanding the dynamics of its underlying structure is... more
Note di concerto per il seguente programma pianistico:
Messiaen, La Bouscarle; Île de Feu I e II
Debussy: Études
Ligeti, Études
Messiaen, La Bouscarle; Île de Feu I e II
Debussy: Études
Ligeti, Études
Musica Ricercata XI by Ligeti was composed in the form of Fugue based on twelve-tone system that can be considered as atonal music and with paying attention to the 5th intervals relative overall the piece can be considered that this piece... more
Petersen, Peter: "Against the "dehumanization of music". On the occasion of the eighteenth birthday of the musicologist and historian Constantin Floros," translated from: Musikforum 8 (2010), 58-59.
This paper focuses on parallelism between compositional techniques and ideas of György Ligeti and Steve Reich, with additional reference to Terry Riley. I will be covering the period in Ligeti's career between 1973 and 1976, while also... more
Bu çalışmada, 20. yüzyılın önemli bestecilerinden György Ligeti'nin solo viyolonsel için yazmış olduğu sonatının teknik açıdan incelemesi yapılmıştır. Eserin özellikle ikinci bölümü çalgıda teknik anlamda iyi bir beceri gerektirdiğinden,... more
Le musiche in questo programma di concerto coprono quasi 200 anni, nonché stili e personalità molto diverse: da Schubert a Lachenmann, attraverso Beethoven, Bartók e Ligeti. Eppure esse sono attraversate da un filo di continuità, che si è... more
A review published in the Broad Street Review.
The technical and aesthetic foundations of György Ligeti's concept of micropolyphony, which he employed most prominently in his 1961 orchestral work, Atmosphères, can be credited, in part, to his post-emigration experiments with... more
Resumo: Após passar um período trabalhando nos estúdios de Música Eletrônica em Colônia, nos últimos anos da década de 1950, o compositor György Ligeti adquire novos e importantes substratos teóricos e técnicos para a confecção de sua... more
Cette communication se propose de questionner le rôle de la géométrie fractale et d’autres théories scientifiques dans la conception des formes musicales chez Ligeti, en adoptant un point de vue théorique et analytique, et en le resituant... more
Das vorliegende Buch nimmt seinen Ausgang vom Gegensatz zwischen Etablierten und Außenseitern in der Wissenschaft. Es porträtiert mehrere prominente Komponisten, Dirigenten und Wissenschaftler und versucht, das Wesen des Phänomens Musik... more
TRANSLATION Petersen, Peter: “Against the "dehumanization of music". On the occasion of the eighteenth birthday of the musicologist and historian Constantin Floros,” translated from: Musikforum 8 (2010), 58-59. “Specialisation without... more
À la frontière des sciences de la musique et de la pratique musicale, le timbre est une notion clé qui permet de penser d’une manière neuve l’évolution de la musique au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles. Aborder la musique sous l’angle du... more
An assessment of Ligeti's speeches and writings regarding their earning potential, their PR function and their role in influencing the public discourse about him and his music.
This essay identifies three reasons that help explain why György Ligeti was highly active as a speaker and author of texts about music throughout his career. They thereby replenished his income (particularly before 1973), asserted his... more