Universidad de Chile
So my question, as a journal editor from the south, is what to do. Should we create mega journals? Is open access the way forward? Should we continue to write in Spanish and disconnect ourselves from the English language? Is Google... more
The big picture is not about metrics, impact factors, altmetrics and any other form of measurement of scientific activity. It is about public policy influenced by those numbers. In short, decisions made by a national scientific commission... more
Em entrevista concedida ao editor do periódico Cinta de Moebio, o filósofo Ian Jarvie fala sobre sua trajetória no Philosophy of the Social Sciences, o papel do editor e os periódicos científico no passado e presente e sobre filosofia e... more
In an interview with Francisco OSORIO, Ian JARVIE talks about social sciences and philosophy in his role as an editor of the journal Philosophy of the Social Sciences. The conversation between JARVIE and OSORIO explores the changes in... more
El objetivo de la ponencia (inserta en el Proyecto Fondecyt 1140935) es discutir el estado del arte de los estudios antropológicos con respecto a la telefonía celular. En el campo de las TICs y los estudios de desarrollo (M4Ds), que ha... more
As a member of the social sciences, anthropology until recently (1980s) did not work systematically with mass communication. We did not know if anthropological research were following the same trend or not (comparing to communication... more
Comentario sobre la relación entre social media (Facebook, Twitter), junto a la telefonía celular (teléfonos móviles o smartphones) y los eventos sucedidos en Paris con el ataque a Charlie Hebdo.
El artículo sintetiza un conjunto de investigaciones empíricas cualitativas sobre la ficción televisiva en Chile, realizadas entre 2007 y 2014. Específicamente, se centra en los mecanismos de interacción que se configuran entre la... more