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      DireitoDireito Processual CivilProcesso CivilCooperação Procesual
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      DireitoDireito Processual CivilProcesso CivilCooperação Jurídica Internacional
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) onde abordamos o fenômeno dos influenciadores digitais da cultura fitness, a partir do conceito de bioascese. André C. Gomez e Renata de O. Coutinho são os autores e a profª Ms. Luíza Maria Silva de... more
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      PsychologyDigital Culture
Edward Snowden’s leaks published by many different media vehicles around the world have demonstrated that individuals’ most basic rights might have been continuously violated, mainly their right to privacy and freedom of speech, and... more
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The attempt to expand the protection of intellectual property assets has become common. Either by cumulative protection, in cases where the same asset receives protection by more than one type of intellectual property right (“IPR”), or by... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTrademarksCopyrightIntellectual Property Law
The repayment of indirect taxes raises questions not only in Brazil but in many parts of the world, mainly because of the so called “passing-on defense”. Brazilian Courts has given inadequate treatment to this subject, which, in fact,... more
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Impact of Indirect Taxes as an Instrument of Economic Development
The defeasibility is the way of reasoning that best manages the risks relating to the error, corresponding also to the way the brain of man and other animals relates to the reality around it. Within the study of law, this way of reasoning... more
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      EpistemologyMoral PhilosophyEvolutionary EpistemologyEpistemology of the Social Sciences
The repayment of indirect taxes raises questions not only in Brazil but in many parts of the world, mainly because of the so called “passing-on defense”. Brazilian Courts has given inadequate treatment to this subject, which, in fact,... more
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      Direito Tributário (Tax Law)Diritto TributarioProcesso tributarioIndirect Taxation
This article discusses about the role of proof within the context of reasoning in process, specifically in the tax process. The research makes use of contributions from Theory of Knowledge and Process Theory, working with concepts of... more
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      Proof TheoryTeoria Geral do ProcessoOnus Da ProvaDireito Processual
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      EpistemologyProof TheorySocial EpistemologyDireito Tributário (Tax Law)
It is common among legal thinkers the use of the word legal dogmatic to describe scientific study of law. However, contemporary science has defined the scientific knowledge by exclusion, as the antonym of dogmatic. Furthermore, the... more
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      EpistemologyEpistemology of the Social SciencesEpistemologíaTheory of Law
Trata-se da atualização ao livro "Direito Tributário nas Súmulas do STF e do STJ", relativa às Súmulas editadas pelos referidos Tribunais depois de lançada a primeira edição do livro.
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)
Comentários à LC 123/2006 (Estatuto Nacional da Microempresa e da Empresa de Pequeno Porte). O arquivo ora disponibilizado em formato PDF diz respeito apenas à ATUALIZAÇÃO necessária em razão das alterações levadas a efeito pela LC... more
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Derecho Financiero Y Tributario
This study examines the bases upon which there must be constituted a juridical system today. Not what can, in fact, at times, give it some efficiency, but what must justify it as such, in order to perform its intent adequately. Many who,... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawMoral PhilosophyFilosofia do Direito
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Direito Processual CivilProcesso tributario
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Derecho ProcesalProcesso tributario
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Direito Processual CivilDerecho Procesal Civil
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      Tax LawProcesso tributario
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      Constitutional LawDireito ConstitucionalDerecho constitucionalConstitucionalismo
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      Tax LawDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Direito TributárioDerecho Financiero Y Tributario