Papers by O.O. Fayinminnu

O. O. Fayinminnu1 , O. A. Ogunwole2* and T. A. Gbemilade1, 2017
Synthetic rodenticides are effective and rapid in controlling rats; however, they are toxic to no... more Synthetic rodenticides are effective and rapid in controlling rats; however, they are toxic to nontarget species including humans, as well as the environment. Thevetia neriifolia (Pers.) K. Schum different parts however, reportedly have toxic effects on rodents. Effects of fresh, air and sun-drying methods on phyto-constituents of flowers, leaves, root, seed and stem bark and its potentiality in the control of rodents were therefore, investigated in this study. Analyses showed the presence of free agyclones: Thevetin A (1.88 mg/g) and B (1.64 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.49 mg/g), alkaloid (1.36%) and digitoxin (1.32 mg/g) in highest concentrations. Phenols (6.90x10-2 mg/g), (2.21x 10-2 mg/g) from flavonoids, Tannins (1.13x10-2 mg/g) and steroids (6.70x10-3 mg/g) were in moderate concentrations while antraquinone (0.70x10-3 mg/g) was the lowest. Antraquinone was also not detected in flower parts. Sun-dried parts had highest concentrations of Thevetin A (1.47 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.39 mg/g) and Thevetin B (1.27 mg/g), followed by air-drying

Journal of Agricultural Studies
Cowpea is an important grain legume that provides half of the plant protein and is consumed world... more Cowpea is an important grain legume that provides half of the plant protein and is consumed worldwide. The crop is usually affected by pests on the field and in storage which always result in huge losses, hence being controlled by using synthetic pesticides. However, consumption of cowpea grains treated with synthetic pesticides had resulted in bioaccumulation and several health-related problems. Therefore, this study examined the toxic effects of Dichlorvos (DDVP) treated cowpea grains fed to Wistar rats for four weeks. Sixteen male rats weighing 125±20g were used for this experiment. They were randomly divided into four groups of four rats each including the control and acclimatised for one week fed with Standard Feed Ratio (SFR). The DDVP (98% purity) was applied at the rates of 0 (control), 0.23, 0.33, and 0.43mL/kg directly to 1kg cowpea grains of IT 89k-391, respectively. Treated cowpea grains were milled (with a 2 mm sieve) and mixed with SFR and fed to the animals daily for ...

Journal of Agricultural Studies, 2021
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp) is one of the major stale plant protein food crops in Nigeria... more Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp) is one of the major stale plant protein food crops in Nigeria, but constantly being attacked by insects especially during storage. This has been a major production constraint which usually necessitated the use of synthetic pesticides and chemicals, but comes with the problems of high pesticides residues. In cowpea, only few information or research has been made as regarding the level of pesticides residues, therefore the objective of this study was to identify the awareness level and organochlorine insecticides residue presence trendy to cowpea grains. This study was carried out using a multiple choice questionnaire, in which three markets in Ibadan were selected as the case study due to their population and patronisation. The multiple choice questionnaire was used in getting information as regarding the pesticide used, method of application, duration of storage after pesticide application and level of awareness on the possible side effects of pes...
Neste artigo apresentam-se algumas reflexões à educação de infância e ao que poderá ser definido ... more Neste artigo apresentam-se algumas reflexões à educação de infância e ao que poderá ser definido como uma "arte para a infância", tomando como ponto de partida a iniciativa Peça a Peça

Journal of Agricultural Studies
Problems of rodents cannot be over underlined as a household and agricultural pest, damaging the ... more Problems of rodents cannot be over underlined as a household and agricultural pest, damaging the crops on the field and stored produce thereby reducing qualities of produce. Controlling rodents using physical, biological and chemical methods have resulted in a slow rate success, several dangers on humans, animals and environment, hence they are discouraged. Thevetia neriifolia has been found to be a rich source of pesticide substance that could be used in crop protection; thus, its powdered form could be used as a baseline for potential natural rodenticide bait. The rodenticide capability of Thevetia neriifolia was evaluated using 50 female Wistar rats weighing 80±10 g which were acclimatized for seven days. The rats were allotted to ten treatments, each replicated five times. There was a Standard Reference Feed (diet) (SRF). The test samples were milled (with 2 mm sieve) sun-dried seed (SS), sun-dried leaf (SL) and sun-dried stem bark (SB). Each sample was incorporated at 15%, 30% ...
Eastern Journal Of Medicine, 2020
This study involved a group of patients diagnosed histopathologically with a malignant breast mas... more This study involved a group of patients diagnosed histopathologically with a malignant breast mass in the Department of Radiology of the Van YYÜ. Faculty of Medicine between January 2017 and September 2018. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the university ethics committee (decision no: 08 date: 09.11.2018). Consent form was obtained from all patients in accordance with Helsinski Decleration. The Bmode and ARFI elastography records of all the patients were accessed through the picture archiving and communication system (PACS).

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 2020
Using a completely randomized design experiment, the effect of different levels of diesel and spe... more Using a completely randomized design experiment, the effect of different levels of diesel and spent engine oil contamination (0 mL/kg, 25 mL/kg, 50 mL/kg and 75 mL/kg of soil) on growth performance (seedling height, collar diameter, number of leaves and biomass accumulation) of Hildergardia barteri seedlings were assessed for twelve weeks. The concentration of Lead, Nickel, Copper and Zinc in the plant parts were also determined. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at P<0.05 level of significance. There were significant differences in the effects of diesel and spent engine oil on growth performance of seedlings based on contamination levels. Control treatment had the highest height (92.43±5.13 cm), collar diameter (16.23±0.98 mm), number of leaves (11.21±0.47) and total biomass (33.01±12.79 g). Seedlings exposed to 50 mL/kg treatments had the least height (diesel oil: 78.21±7.22 cm; spent engine oil: 79±6.24 cm); those exposed to 75 mL/kg contamination...
Industrial and anthropogenic activities have made heavy metals ubiquitous in the environment, and... more Industrial and anthropogenic activities have made heavy metals ubiquitous in the environment, and humans are exposed to them in various ways (Wilson and Pyatt, 2007). Heavy metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn, and Ni are essential for proper functioning of the biological systems in plants and their deficiencies or excesses could lead to disruption of cells (Ward, 1995; Uwah, 2009). However, contamination of heavy metals in the ecosystem through water, soil, air and agricultural produce (and their consumption by humans) have been a great concern of health issues. Sources of heavy metal contamination in Abstract

Lead and Cadmium are among the major toxic heavy metal contaminants found in anthropogenic soil. ... more Lead and Cadmium are among the major toxic heavy metal contaminants found in anthropogenic soil. However, there has been a growing concern on human health risk from these metals bioaccumulation in vegetables grown on such contaminated soils. This study investigated lead and cadmium bioaccumulation in Amaranthus cruentus and the implications on human health. Pot culture experiments were carried out in which A. cruentus plants were grown in soil contaminated with varying concentrations of lead and cadmium salts (100 mgPb/kg+10 mgCd/kg, 200 mgPb/kg+20 mgCd/kg, and 400 mgPb/kg+40 mgCd/kg). Plants in the control soil were grown without the heavy metals salts. Plant growth was observed under greenhouse conditions and plants were harvested after five and ten weeks. The concentrations of lead and cadmium in the plant tissues were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Throughout the experiment, no visible symptom of metal toxicity was observed on any plant. The concentrations...
Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Aims: To evaluate the effects of different concentrations of the plant extracts of Eucalyptus cam... more Aims: To evaluate the effects of different concentrations of the plant extracts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (EU), Eucalyptus torreliana (ET) and Leucaena leucocephala (LL) on seed-germination, seedling-growth, weed flora and yield performance of cowpea. Study Design: The study was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with eighteen ttreatments replicated three (3) times, totaling fifty-four (54) experimental samples. The whole experiments were repeated in two trials. Place and Duration of the Study: This study was carried out on the roof top garden of department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria from 2015 to 2017. Methodology: Leaves of EU, ET and LL were harvested, air-dried, milled and assayed for phytochemicals (mg/g) following standard-procedures. Milled samples (144, 108, 72, 36 and 0 g) of each botanical were dissolved in 1 L distilled-water to obtain Aqueous-Leaf-Extracts (ALE) of 100, 75, 50, 25 and 0% (control) concentrat...

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
Background: Importance of agriculture cannot be over emphasized globally. It is fundamental to li... more Background: Importance of agriculture cannot be over emphasized globally. It is fundamental to livelihood and Oyo State happens to be one of the major agricultural producing States in Nigeria with some processing companies. The use of pesticide poses serious threats to farmers, consumers and the environment. Controlling pests by using pesticides has created health issues for the farmers mainly due to improper handling of these toxic chemicals as well as the non-use of personal protective clothing. The indiscriminate disposal of pesticide containers also has serious environmental implications. Apart from the hazards of pesticide use on farmers and the environment, consumers also face huge health risk by consuming food crops with high pesticide residues. Materials and Methods: One hundred farmers were selected randomly five from Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Oyo State and structured questionnaires were used for data collection.
Annual Research & Review in Biology
Aims: Humans and animals are occasionally and unintentionally exposed to lethal and sub lethal do... more Aims: Humans and animals are occasionally and unintentionally exposed to lethal and sub lethal doses of pesticides stemming from its various uses to control pests both in agriculture, homes, gardens and public health. The use of pyrethroid products has grown and continues to grow due to the suspension of some organophosphorus and organochloride products. This current study evaluated the toxic effects of lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT) on hematological and histopathological changes in the liver and kidney organs of rats after sub chronic exposure. Study Design: Completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments replicated 5 times.

International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review
Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide is an important neurotoxic and tissue damage agent. It... more Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide is an important neurotoxic and tissue damage agent. It is one of the most heavily used pesticides in domestic and agricultural applications globally. Repeated doses of chlorpyrifos have been able to cause significant disturbances on the biochemical and physiological functions of the blood, and histological abnormalities in livers and kidneys exposed to this insecticide. The toxicities of sub lethal oral administration of chlorpyrifos daily for 28 days were assessed using a completely randomized design. Twenty five albino Wistar rats weighing between 150-200 g divided into five groups containing five rats each were housed in the Central Animal house of College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. Chlorpyrifos at 0 (control), 18.9, 25.9, 32.2 and 39.2 mg/kg were orally administered to male rats, respectively for four weeks, between the months of May and June, 2014. At the end of the experimental period, the toxicities of chlorpyrifos were assessed in rats using haematology, serum liver enzymes and histopathological assays. Results revealed significant reduction in body weights compared to control. The packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin (Hb) and lymphocytes (Lymp) also showed significant reduction at Original Research Article
Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International
Aims: This study evaluated potentials of aqueous extract of pod husk of Parkia biglobosa as a bio... more Aims: This study evaluated potentials of aqueous extract of pod husk of Parkia biglobosa as a biopesticide in okra production. Study Design: The study employed a radomized complete block design with seven treatments (5, 10, 15 and 20% Parkia biglobosa aqueous pod husk extract (PPHE), 2.5 ml dimethoate + cypermethrin (D+C)-recommended, 5.0 ml (D+C), control-500 ml of water) and replicated three times.
Biotechnology Journal International

Biotechnology Journal International, 2017
Synthetic rodenticides are effective and rapid in controlling rats; however, they are toxic to no... more Synthetic rodenticides are effective and rapid in controlling rats; however, they are toxic to nontarget species including humans, as well as the environment. Thevetia neriifolia (Pers.) K. Schum
different parts however, reportedly have toxic effects on rodents. Effects of fresh, air and sun-drying
methods on phyto-constituents of flowers, leaves, root, seed and stem bark and its potentiality in
the control of rodents were therefore, investigated in this study. Analyses showed the presence of
free agyclones: Thevetin A (1.88 mg/g) and B (1.64 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.49 mg/g), alkaloid
(1.36%) and digitoxin (1.32 mg/g) in highest concentrations. Phenols (6.90x10-2 mg/g), (2.21x
10-2 mg/g) from flavonoids, Tannins (1.13x10-2 mg/g) and steroids (6.70x10-3 mg/g) were in
moderate concentrations while antraquinone (0.70x10-3 mg/g) was the lowest. Antraquinone
was also not detected in flower parts. Sun-dried parts had highest concentrations of Thevetin A
(1.47 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.39 mg/g) and Thevetin B (1.27 mg/g), followed by air–dryingfor cardiac glycoside (1.33 mg/g) and Thevetin A. fresh for Thevetins A (1.25 mg/g), and B
(1.10 mg/g), and cardiac glycoside (0.93 mg/g) and tannins, respectively while antraquinone and
terpenes were undetected. Higher phytochemicals content were in leaf followed by stem bark, then
air-drying due to interaction of sun-drying methods and parts of plant. Free aglycones, Thevetins A
and B, cardiac glycosides, digitoxin, oleadrin, tannins, phenols and steroids in Thevetia neriifolia
plant parts were not affected by different drying methods. Therefore, the relatively high cardiac
glycosides and free aglycone in different parts of Thevetia neriifolia may be exploited for natural
rodenticidal purpose.
Keywords: Thevetia neriifolia; phytochemicals-concentration; drying-methods; cardiac glycosides; free aglycone.
Biotechnology Journal International

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 2019
Using a completely randomized design experiment, the effect of different levels of diesel and spe... more Using a completely randomized design experiment, the effect of different levels of diesel and spent engine oil contamination (0 mL/kg, 25 mL/kg, 50 mL/kg and 75 mL/kg of soil) on growth performance (seedling height, collar diameter, number of leaves and biomass accumulation) of Hildergardia barteri seedlings were assessed for twelve weeks. The concentration of Lead, Nickel, Copper and Zinc in the plant parts were also determined. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at P<0.05 level of significance. There were significant differences in the effects of diesel and spent engine oil on growth performance of seedlings based on contamination levels. Control treatment had the highest height (92.43±5.13 cm), collar diameter (16.23±0.98 mm), number of leaves (11.21±0.47) and total biomass (33.01±12.79 g). Seedlings exposed to 50 mL/kg treatments had the least height (diesel oil: 78.21±7.22 cm; spent engine oil: 79±6.24 cm); those exposed to 75 mL/kg contamination had the least collar diameter (diesel oil: 8.85±1.05 mm, spent engine oil: 12.02±1.01 mm), while seedlings treated with 50 mL/kg diesel oil (2.21±0.37) and 75 mL/kg spent engine oil (4.79±0.55) had the lowest number of leaves. Heavy metal bio-accumulation ranges were: Lead: 0.17-0.39 mg/kg, Nickel: 0.09-0.45 mg/kg, Copper: 0.54-1.08 mg/kg, Zinc: 0.88-1.58 mg/kg. The ability of the seedlings to survive and bio-accumulate heavy metals indicate the potential phytoremediation capabilities of Hildergardia barteri.
Papers by O.O. Fayinminnu
different parts however, reportedly have toxic effects on rodents. Effects of fresh, air and sun-drying
methods on phyto-constituents of flowers, leaves, root, seed and stem bark and its potentiality in
the control of rodents were therefore, investigated in this study. Analyses showed the presence of
free agyclones: Thevetin A (1.88 mg/g) and B (1.64 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.49 mg/g), alkaloid
(1.36%) and digitoxin (1.32 mg/g) in highest concentrations. Phenols (6.90x10-2 mg/g), (2.21x
10-2 mg/g) from flavonoids, Tannins (1.13x10-2 mg/g) and steroids (6.70x10-3 mg/g) were in
moderate concentrations while antraquinone (0.70x10-3 mg/g) was the lowest. Antraquinone
was also not detected in flower parts. Sun-dried parts had highest concentrations of Thevetin A
(1.47 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.39 mg/g) and Thevetin B (1.27 mg/g), followed by air–dryingfor cardiac glycoside (1.33 mg/g) and Thevetin A. fresh for Thevetins A (1.25 mg/g), and B
(1.10 mg/g), and cardiac glycoside (0.93 mg/g) and tannins, respectively while antraquinone and
terpenes were undetected. Higher phytochemicals content were in leaf followed by stem bark, then
air-drying due to interaction of sun-drying methods and parts of plant. Free aglycones, Thevetins A
and B, cardiac glycosides, digitoxin, oleadrin, tannins, phenols and steroids in Thevetia neriifolia
plant parts were not affected by different drying methods. Therefore, the relatively high cardiac
glycosides and free aglycone in different parts of Thevetia neriifolia may be exploited for natural
rodenticidal purpose.
Keywords: Thevetia neriifolia; phytochemicals-concentration; drying-methods; cardiac glycosides; free aglycone.
different parts however, reportedly have toxic effects on rodents. Effects of fresh, air and sun-drying
methods on phyto-constituents of flowers, leaves, root, seed and stem bark and its potentiality in
the control of rodents were therefore, investigated in this study. Analyses showed the presence of
free agyclones: Thevetin A (1.88 mg/g) and B (1.64 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.49 mg/g), alkaloid
(1.36%) and digitoxin (1.32 mg/g) in highest concentrations. Phenols (6.90x10-2 mg/g), (2.21x
10-2 mg/g) from flavonoids, Tannins (1.13x10-2 mg/g) and steroids (6.70x10-3 mg/g) were in
moderate concentrations while antraquinone (0.70x10-3 mg/g) was the lowest. Antraquinone
was also not detected in flower parts. Sun-dried parts had highest concentrations of Thevetin A
(1.47 mg/g), cardiac glycosides (1.39 mg/g) and Thevetin B (1.27 mg/g), followed by air–dryingfor cardiac glycoside (1.33 mg/g) and Thevetin A. fresh for Thevetins A (1.25 mg/g), and B
(1.10 mg/g), and cardiac glycoside (0.93 mg/g) and tannins, respectively while antraquinone and
terpenes were undetected. Higher phytochemicals content were in leaf followed by stem bark, then
air-drying due to interaction of sun-drying methods and parts of plant. Free aglycones, Thevetins A
and B, cardiac glycosides, digitoxin, oleadrin, tannins, phenols and steroids in Thevetia neriifolia
plant parts were not affected by different drying methods. Therefore, the relatively high cardiac
glycosides and free aglycone in different parts of Thevetia neriifolia may be exploited for natural
rodenticidal purpose.
Keywords: Thevetia neriifolia; phytochemicals-concentration; drying-methods; cardiac glycosides; free aglycone.