Papers by Ileana Oana Macari
This study investigated tourism graduate students’ perceptions of academic achievement as reveale... more This study investigated tourism graduate students’ perceptions of academic achievement as revealed in the end of term self-assessment grids for the course English for tourism. Data were collected from 59 first year Romanian Master of Arts students by examining their personal portfolios after the in-class and follow-up activities. The selection of the questions intended to enable students to recognise the major gains at the end of the semester and, through guided self-reflection, to adjust their positive self-image. Results indicate that after participating in the course activities, respondents manifested an increased ability to identify the nature of the difficulties they had encountered while working on the project and to propose amendments. An important pedagogical implication that can be drawn from this study is that, as students proved to be receptive to the course format, it can be replicated and professionals teaching in other career and technical education programs can use it...
The evolution of the use of translation in foreign language teaching in the Romanian education sy... more The evolution of the use of translation in foreign language teaching in the Romanian education system follows the average European 'rise and fall' trend. At least at the level of educational policies, after the regime change in 1989, EFL teaching in Romanian schools shifted away from the audio-lingual method garnished with grammar-translation strategies that had been in use for many years. Nevertheless, though practitioners have been loath to admit it openly, translation has never been completely abolished from classes, for reasons including the conservative attitudes of older teachers and the persistence of translation tasks in certain national or entrance tests. This paper looks at an area in which translation can be recognized as a useful teaching tool in the transfer of knowledge and terminology from L1 into L2.
The Mankind Quarterly, 2009
The paper intends to introduce a successful variety of language centre designed in Spain - at the... more The paper intends to introduce a successful variety of language centre designed in Spain - at the beginning of the 20th century - which seems surprisingly modern and resourceful now, almost one hundred years later, at a moment of innovation and change in the European language policies. Although such schools are long established in Spain, they seem to be completely unknown abroad, and even if they do not offer the perfect solution, they may suggest a possible means for the implementation of European projects such as the European Language Portfolio. My sister, Dana Mihaela Giurcă, who works as a teacher of English in Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Parla, Madrid, offered me the “inside story”, for which I am deeply grateful.
This work focuses on the comic mode in Waugh’s fiction and mainly deals with his novels between 1... more This work focuses on the comic mode in Waugh’s fiction and mainly deals with his novels between 1928 and 1938. It has a two-part structure, in which the former is rooted predominantly in the field of discourse analysis. The latter considers, besides the literary aspects of the novels under discussion, the social and cultural context in which Waugh wrote. Discourse analysis techniques and principles are focused on the "use of language", "speech" and "conversation", and the paper deals with such concepts at large, seeing how they function in the creation of the comic mode. Throughout the paper, the author analyses the way Evelyn Waugh constructs his plots and ministers the fates of his characters. The uncertainty his heroes experience is a human universal that manages to destroy the comfortable sense of smugness society builds around the modern man.
This paper involves discovering how Olivia Manning " s Balkan Trilogy has mapped the image of Rom... more This paper involves discovering how Olivia Manning " s Balkan Trilogy has mapped the image of Romania and mostly draws upon the sections of the trilogy in which prewar Bucharest was memorialized as a blend of Orient and Occident, where the native population coexists with an amalgam of various other nations. Upon the examination of Harriet Pringle, the central figure of the sequence, it becomes clear that there is a connection to Swift " s Gulliver in that both characters embark on a process of " literary colonisation ". This focus establishes Manning " s place among the British travel writers by reviewing the main ideas that stem from the substantial body of work concerned with her trilogy. The article makes frequent reference back to Olivia Manning " s biography, since her narrative is admittedly based on the writer " s personal odyssey in Bucharest. Through identifying the crossover character of Manning " s prose, this research highlights its relevance for the fictional construct.
This study investigated tourism graduate students' perceptions of academic achievement as reveale... more This study investigated tourism graduate students' perceptions of academic achievement as revealed in the end of term self-assessment grids for the course English for tourism. Data were collected from 59 first year Romanian Master of Arts students by examining their personal portfolios after the in-class and follow-up activities. The selection of the questions intended to enable students to recognise the major gains at the end of the semester and, through guided self-reflection, to adjust their positive self-image. Results indicate that after participating in the course activities, respondents manifested an increased ability to identify the nature of the difficulties they had encountered while working on the project and to propose amendments. An important pedagogical implication that can be drawn from this study is that, as students proved to be receptive to the course format, it can be replicated and professionals teaching in other career and technical education programs can use it to help learners develop self-reflective skills, and build a supportive community for those who feel insecure about working in a team and speaking to an audience in a foreign language.
This paper has emerged out of the conviction that the rendition of titles into the TL is one of t... more This paper has emerged out of the conviction that the rendition of titles into the TL is one of the most exciting and difficult challenges the translator has to respond to while translating a literary work. As Christiane Nord (1995) claims, if titles are recognized as textual units forming a text-type which is intended to realize several specific functions, then the translator has to reconcile the conditions in the target culture with the communicative intentions of the source-title sender. In order to produce a functional title, the author and the translator are expected to fulfil the same functions, but both are limited by the further constraint of the number of words and the syntactic structures they can use in keeping with the type of text the title " labels ". If the text was produced for the stage, as in the case of Shakespeare's plays, the length of the title was additionally affected by the actual size of the playbills and posters, of the flags hoisted at the theatres and by the actual possibilities of the participants in the drum processions. Upon the examination of Shakespeare's titles in their Romanian translation, it becomes clear that, from the first versions proposed around 1840 to the most recent, the translators have been constantly striving for coming up with the optimal solutions. Through discussing the Romanian versions, this research highlights the importance of the translator's linguistic and cultural competence in the SL and the TL when dealing with Shakespeare's titles that comprise the essence of his absolute mastery over both language and human nature.
The paper describes a constructivist-inspired framework used for the assessment of the oral prese... more The paper describes a constructivist-inspired framework used for the assessment of the oral presentations that English minor 2nd year students complete in groups as the end-of-term TPL course assignment in the first semester. This kind of integrated evaluation using peer, self, and instructor assessment has great pedagogical value, because it engages students and teachers as responsible partners in learning and assessment.
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
In the Romanian traditional culture, salt holds an important place, and descriptions of procedure... more In the Romanian traditional culture, salt holds an important place, and descriptions of procedures that used it have often survived to the present day, mostly in the form of superstitions. Ordinary people knew - and they still do - how to proceed in order to avoid the perils brought about by forbidden gestures or deeds. The analogies in magical practices identified in different cultures provide evidence for the idea that certain beliefs transcend the boundaries of time or nationality exactly because they are so profoundly human.
The paper describes a constructivist-inspired framework used for the assessment of the oral prese... more The paper describes a constructivist-inspired framework used for the assessment of the oral presentations that English minor 2nd year students complete in groups as the end-of-term TPL course assignment in the first semester. This kind of integrated evaluation using peer, self, and instructor assessment has great pedagogical value, because it engages students and teachers as responsible partners in learning and assessment.
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
Limba română predată la cursurile de vară Limbă şi civilizaţie română", pp. 163-168, în Comunicar... more Limba română predată la cursurile de vară Limbă şi civilizaţie română", pp. 163-168, în Comunicare interculturală şi integrare europeană, Academia Română, Institutul de Filologie Română "A. Philippide", editura Alfa, Iaşi, ISBN 2006, 973-8953-07-3 Limba română predată la cursurile de vară "Limbă şi civilizaţie română"
Papers by Ileana Oana Macari
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
Keywords: constructivism, oral presentation, portfolio, authentic assessment
From the diatopic and diachronic perspective, common salt—with all its natural or artificial metamorphoses—has influenced humanity in the most diverse aspects. This is why, within a brief enumeration, the salt-related research themes are intriguingly various: explorations (hunting for salt), exploitation techniques, techniques to obtain different products, exploitation and use tools, transport and storage containers, human and animal feeding, conservation (meat, bacon, cheese, vegetables, green goods, fruits). The themes also include manufacture-related uses (including the construction of salt houses), mythology, religion, cult, rituals, beliefs, superstitions, mentalities, secret societies, magic, vows, curses, prohibitions, popular medicine, sexuality, economy, hide working, population, alchemical procedures, scientific and cultural representations, treatment of the deceased, barter, commerce, contraband, robbery.
On the other hand, the themes also include human and animal mobility, the attraction exerted on savage beasts, symbolic uses, folk literature (stories, tales, and proverbs) and cult literature, the control of salt resources, conflicts, strategic value, geographic perceptions, professions related to salt exploitation and uses, economic, legal and administrative regulations, vocabulary, toponymy, anthroponomy and the list can go on.
All these themes already constitute a study object for an impressive number of sciences, disciplines, or sub-disciplines, such as archaeology, heritage studies, history, ethnography, ethnoarchaeology, economic anthropology, food sciences, statistics, sociology, geology, mineralogy, geography, hydrology, botany, chemistry, medicine, pharmacology, ethology, theology, agronomy, symbology, linguistics, folklore studies, cultural studies, literary studies, hermeneutics, legal sciences, etc. Obviously, some themes must be approached only in an interdisciplinary vision.
Balkan Educational Studies 2017
Bu yıl ilkini hazırladığımız bu kitapta amacımız, "Balkan Eğitim Araştırmaları" başlığı altında ülkemizin de dahil olduğu Balkan Ülkelerindeki eğitim alanında yapılan çalışmalardan bir seçki hazırlamaktı. Bu denli yoğun bir katılımı doğrusu beklememiştik. Bu nedenle kitabımızın ALMANAK şeklinde sonraki yıllarda da devam edeceği konusunda yüreklendik. Umarım sonraki yıllarda da devam edebiliriz.
Başlık her ne kadar sınırlılık ifade etse de, eğitim alanı dışında herhangi bir sınırlama düşünülmemiştir. Özellikle de coğrafya açısından tüm dünya genelinin hedeflendiği belirtilmelidir. "Balkan Eğitim Araştırmaları" adı, Trakya Üniversitesi - Edirne'den başlayan bir yolculuğun ilk durağını anımsatmak üzere anılmış olup, Balkanlardan dünyaya açılan düşünce bakışı olarak ifade edilmiştir. Bu düşüncemize yerli katkı ise Kars'tan Edirne'ye pek çok akademisyen tarafından yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda paydaşlarımız olan yerli-yabancı tüm katılımcı meslektaşlarımıza teşekkürü borç biliriz. "Balkan Eğitim Araştırmaları" adı ayrıca Balkan ülkelerinde eğitim alanında çalışan tüm meslektaşlarımıza atfedilmiştir. Çünkü yirmi yıla yakın bir zamandır giderek artan akademik, kültür ve eğitm-öğretim etkinliklerimizin pek çoğunu birlikte paylaşmakta ve gerçekleştirmekteyiz. Böylelikle Balkanlardan, evcrensel ve insancıl anlamda tüm dünyaya eğitim alanında birlikte, yan yana, çorbada tuz misali katkılar sunduğumuzu düşünüyor ve gelişerek devam etmesini arzuluyoruz.
Kitabımızı hazırlarken başlıca alanımızı hangi alandan olursa olsun eğitim olarak düşündük. Bu yüzden eğitim bilimleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli alan eğitimi konusunu içeren yazıları seçmek durumunda kaldık: Dil eğitimi, yazın eğitimi, fen eğitimi vd. gibi çeşitli alt başlıklar altında bölümlendirdik. Yazı seçiminde de başlıca ölçüt, araştırma veya inceleme konusunun, araştırma nesnesi ile eğitimi ya da eğitim ile olan ilişkisine değinmesi idi. Tüm dünyadan, her bir alanın uzmanı bilirkişilerden oluşan uluslararası bilimsel hakem kurulundan onay alan çalışmalar, yayın aşamasına gelmiş bulunmaktadır. Sonuç olarak ise yazıların bilimsel, etik, estetik vs. içerik ile ilgili her türlü sorumluluğu bizzat yazarlarına aittir.
Uluslararası bilimsel araştırma kitabı olarak hazırlanan bu derlemedeki bölümlerin neredeyse tamamının 2017 yılı içinde yeni birer çalışma olarak hazırlandığını belirtir, okurlarına son derece katkılarının olacağnı umuyoruz.
Prof. Dr. Hikmet ASUTAY
Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi
Edirne, Kasım 2017
(Kitap Yayın Kurulu Adına)
Balkan Educational Studies 2017
The aim of this book, we released for the first time, on “Balkan Educational Studies” was to publish a selection from the studies conducted in the field of education in the Balkan countries. Though it was our first publication, we did not expect to receive such a great number of applications. We were encouraged by this interest and got the idea to release the book as an ALMANACK in the following years. I hope we can achieve this goal in the next years.
Although the title of the book proposed some limitations, they covered mainly the irrelevant topics that were out of the field of education. In particular, it should be stated that the study topics carried global perspective. The name "Balkan Education Studies" is the first stop of a journey starting from Trakya University, Edirne, and it serves as an outlook on the world from the Balkans. From the national point of view, it can be expressed that the contribution to this thought was made by many academicians, from Kars to Edirne. In this context, we are grateful for the contribution of all participants, the domestic and foreign colleagues who are the stakeholders of this product. In addition, the book was called “Balkan Educational Studies” in order to attribute it to all colleagues working in the field of education in the Balkan countries. As a result of the close relations with Balkan universities, there is nearly twenty years of experience and common scientific cooperation in which we share academic practices, cultural and educational activities and events. We think that in the Balkans we will keep collaborating in the field of education. It is a contribution based on a universal and humane sense for the benefit of the whole world.
Preparing the book, we had decided that the main field is education. Therefore, we had to select articles that were based on various fields of education, especially from Educational Sciences: subheadings such as language teaching, linguistics, science teaching, etc. The main criterion in the selection of the studies was that the subject of the research or the study to be related to the object of the research and its relation to education. Studies were sent to referee committees formed by an international scientific participation, and approved before published. As a result, the scientific, ethical, aesthetic etc. perspective of the studies and all responsibility for the content of the studies belong to the authors themselves.
Almost all of the studies in this international scientific research book are studies conducted in 2017, and we hope that the readers will benefit from the included information.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Hikmet ASUTAY
Trakya University Faculty of Education
Edirne, November 2017
(On behalf of the Editorial Board)