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El dominio privilegiado o donde se ejerce directamente la ideología, es el lenguaje; este ocupa hoy un lugar más prominente y más importante en la variedad de los procesos sociales. El discurso, entonces, se supone como el lugar de... more
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    • Linguistics
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    • Adquisición Del Lenguaje
En este artículo se examinan las funciones pragmático-discursivas de los gerundios externos. Usando un corpus oral del español de Mérida, Venezuela, se sugiere que la posición en la que aparecen los gerundios está motivada por sus... more
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    • Pragmatics
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RESUMEN. El uso del gerundio no perifrástico en oraciones independientes, es decir, no subordinadas a un predicado principal, ha sido descrito muy poco en la gramática del español. Este artículo muestra que el uso que los hablantes hacen... more
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    • Pragmatics
This article deals with the structures formed by the gerund in independent sentences. This article specially discusses some syntactic aspects and the pragmatic functions found in the discourse. On the other hand, an independent... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsGerund
3. Las primeras observaciones sobre el gerundio (1492-1771) 2.4. De las gramáticas del siglo XIX a las contemporáneas 2.5. Semántica .
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We describe the development of a two-way shallow-transfer machine translation system between Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål built on the Apertium platform, using the Free and Open Source resources Norsk Ordbank and the Oslo–Bergen... more
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      Machine TranslationApertiumConstraint Grammar
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      Discourse AnalysisPhonologyPhoneticsPragmatics
This article discusses and gives examples of the use of Constraint Grammar as parse engine in parser-based CALL programs for North Saami. The parser locates grammatical errors in a question-answer program and a dialogue program, and is... more
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      Web 2.0E-learningSaami languagesICALL
Grammatical approaches to language technology are often considered less optimal than statistical approaches in multilingual settings, where large-scale portability becomes an important issue. The present paper argues that there is a... more
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    • Language Technology
This article presents a set of interactive parser-based CALL programs for North Sámi. The programs are based on a finite state morphological analyser and a constraint grammar parser which is used for syntactic analysis and navigating in... more
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    • ICALL
The present paper presents ongoing work on a finite-state transducer, a Constraint Grammar disambiguator and dependency grammar for Faroese. In Faroese, the classical Germanic system of case, person and number inflection is upheld, but... more
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      Constraint GrammarFaroese grammar
Reduplication, the remaining problem in computational morphology is a morphological process that involves copying the base form wholly or partially. Reduplication can also be classified as either bounded or unbounded reduplication. Some... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsFinite-state Morphology
This article presents a set of gender assignment rules for Old Norse, which generates gender for the nouns found in Fritzner's Ordbog over Det gamle norske Sprog (Fritzner, 1973). The rule set covers approximately 22 500 of the 26 900... more
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      GenderOld Norse
The article presents the Giellatekno & Divvun language technology resources, more specifically the effort to utilise open-source tools to improve the build infrastructure, and the solutions to help adapt to best practices for software... more
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      Minority LanguagesFinite-State TransducersProofing ToolsSpell Checkers
This article presents a novel way of combining finite-state transducers (FSTs) with electronic dictionaries, thereby creating efficient reading comprehension dictionaries. We compare a North Saami - Norwegian and a South Saami - Norwegian... more
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      Minority LanguagesLexicographyFinite State AutomatonFinite-state Morphology
This paper presents an ICALL system for learning complex inflection systems, based upon finite state transducers (FST). Using a FST has several advantages: it makes it possible to generate a virtually unlimited set of exercises with a... more
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      E-learningSaami languagesFinite-State TransducersICALL
"This paper describes the development of two prototype systems for machine translation between North Sámi and Lule Sámi. Experiments were conducted in rule-based machine translation (RBMT), using the Apertium platform, and statistical... more
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      Machine TranslationSaami languagesRule-Based Machine Translation
Welcome to The Linguistic Annotation Workshop (The LAW).
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