Papers by Nuno Simões Rodrigues
CADMO. Revista de História Antiga do Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa, 2024
2024 issue
A Guerra na Antiguidade, 2006
Neste texto, analisa-se a presença e relação do feminino na Grécia Antiga com a Guerra.
A. J. Quiroga Puertas & A. Jiménez Higueras coord., En busca del tiempo y del espacio. Ucronías y Utopías desde la Antigüedad hasta la Actualidad, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2024, 35-54., 2024
This essay proposes the myth of the Centaurs, in particular the visual
representations of the Cen... more This essay proposes the myth of the Centaurs, in particular the visual
representations of the Centauromachy, as an uchronia associated with the post-Persian Wars period in Greece. us, the myth is not only an allegory of war, but also a uchronical narrative associated with the possibility of the Persians being victorious in a conflict that, by the end of the 5th century BC, had not yet disappeared from Greece’s horizon.
M. A. Oliveira da Silva & M. F. Silva coords., Heródoto e a invenção do Outro. Confrontos e conflitos culturais, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2024, 171-182., 2024
Troughout Book I, Herodotus alludes a few times to the goddess Ishtar of
the Babylonians. When he... more Troughout Book I, Herodotus alludes a few times to the goddess Ishtar of
the Babylonians. When he does so, however, the Greek historian uses the Greek name Aphrodite, in a clear attitude of interpretatio graeca of Babylonian religion. This study aims to gauge how Herodotus makes that interpretation, which categories he resorts to and what it means for the Greeks’ understanding of religious otherness, including the problematic of sacred prostitution.
A. V. Gorokhova, G. E. Rallo, C. J. Read eds., Theatre through the Ages, Moscow, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education / «Moscow Pedagogical State University, 2024, 71-77., 2024
This essay reflects on the condition of Iphigenia as a Greek woman exiled in a barbarian land, co... more This essay reflects on the condition of Iphigenia as a Greek woman exiled in a barbarian land, compounded by her situation as a single woman without children, city, or homeland. In short, Euripides' Iphigenia seems to embody the condition of any woman under the status of a servant in a foreign land in Classical Antiquity.
Este segundo volume inclui as biografias de Pertinaz, Dídio Juliano, Setímio Severo, Pescénio Nig... more Este segundo volume inclui as biografias de Pertinaz, Dídio Juliano, Setímio Severo, Pescénio Nigro, Clódio Albino, Caracala, Geta, Macrino, Diadúmeno e Heliogábalo. Assim, levando em conta a acessão de Pertinaz ao trono imperial e a morte de Heliogábalo, o volume abrange o período da História de Roma que vai de 192 a 222 d.C. Mas, se tomarmos como ponto de partida o nascimento de Pertinaz (122 d.C.), o conjunto perfaz cerca de um século. O período abrangido pelas Vidas aqui reunidas coincide com o da instituição da dinastia dos Severos, que se seguiu à dos Antoninos, que marcou a vários níveis o apogeu imperial romano. De todas as biografias reunidas neste volume, a de Heliogábalo deverá ser, pela riqueza das descrições, a que melhor corresponde a um certo imaginário contemporâneo — ainda que não necessariamente factual — da Roma Antiga: uma civilização pautada pela desmesura, pelo excesso, pelo exotismo, pela crueldade e pela perversão.
Neste lugar, a sagrada Hélade salvámos. Estudos em homenagem de Luísa de Nazaré Ferreira, 2024
This paper analyzes representations of the Battle of Salamis in comic books published between the... more This paper analyzes representations of the Battle of Salamis in comic books published between the mid-20th century and the early 21st century. As comic books are one of the privileged forms of contemporary popular culture, it is relevant to understand how such a significant historical event for the history of Europe and the West is portrayed in this medium.
Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses da Academia Real das Ciências ao Final do Estado Novo, 2024
Entrada «ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H da» para o Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses.
Identidade Romana e Contemporaneidade, 2023
This essay aims to highlight the presence of Roman themes, such as that
of Tullia Minor, and it... more This essay aims to highlight the presence of Roman themes, such as that
of Tullia Minor, and its sources, such as Livy and Ovid, in 19th century Portuguese culture, namely in painting. rough the works that Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro and Veloso Salgado presented within their application to the position of Professor of Historical Painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon, in 1897, it is proven that Roman themes were also part of the artistic and cultural creations of late 19th century Portugal.
A. I. Fernández Pichel ed., How Pharaohs became Media Stars. Ancient Egypt and Popular Culture, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023, 110-135, 2023
In 1956, when Cecil B. DeMille introduced The Ten Commandments to the world, the film was already... more In 1956, when Cecil B. DeMille introduced The Ten Commandments to the world, the film was already a revisitation of a theme that the director had filmed three decades earlier. In fact, DeMille made his first film with a biblical theme in 1923, which was also entitled The Ten Commandments. Unlike the 1956 film, however, this first version was not set entirely in antiquity. In the 1923 production, the director dramatised a series of episodes taken from Exodus, but in the manner of a prologue, intended to give context to the American society of the 1920s which was the setting for the main part of the film. DeMille placed these episodes within a Christian framework, drawing on those of interest to his religious perspective, and excluding those related essentially to Jewish culture. The recreation of Egypt in the 1923 version is still incipient and does not pay particular attention to archaeological detail, despite the initial scenes that provide an Egyptian backdrop, in line with the account in the first chapters of Exodus. These give the film a certain avant-garde character, considering the period in which it was produced. It should also be recalled that 1923 was the year following the announcement of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. It was only after this event that the western world was invaded by that which may be referred to as the second wave of Egyptomania, the first wave having followed the Napoleonic campaigns. It also explains why the 1923 film did not yet echo that archaeological discovery in its scenography and wardrobe. Therefore, in the absence of archaeological elements that would lend to a more accurate and historically realistic scenography, it was in Gustave Doré that DeMille found much of his iconographic inspiration for the 1923 film. Nevertheless, the political environment of 1923, in the aftermath of World War I and the reorganisation of the European colonial powers, already pointed towards a reappraisal of the Near East in the western imaginary.
Roman Identity. Between Ideal and Performance, 2022
This essay studies Lucretia, Tullia and Tanaquil's configuration as exempla and anti-exempla of R... more This essay studies Lucretia, Tullia and Tanaquil's configuration as exempla and anti-exempla of Roman women in Augustan period.
Dear reader,
Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license.
The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers: under this same license.
Miscelânea de Estudos em Honra de Maria de Fátima Silva, 2022
This essay analyses the passage relating to the matron Paulina,
in AJ 18.65-80, evaluating its hi... more This essay analyses the passage relating to the matron Paulina,
in AJ 18.65-80, evaluating its historiographic potentialities, both as
a possible piece of fiction in the work of the historian, and as an
example of the reception of Greek-Hellenistic influences in Josephus’
texts. We conclude that, beyond others, one of the main influences
in the passage under analysis is the Athenian New Comedy, namely
the work of Menander.
A presença do trigo em mitos tão significativos como o de Deméter é, primeiro que tudo, evidência... more A presença do trigo em mitos tão significativos como o de Deméter é, primeiro que tudo, evidência da importância que esse cereal tinha na economia da cultura que o promoveu, designadamente da cultura grega. Mas é também sintoma de uma instrumentalização que tem como objectivo a transmissão de ideias estruturantes, como as que definem as concepções que o pensamento e a mentalidade em causa tinham relativamente à Vida e à Morte. É pois nosso objectivo fazer uma leitura dessas ideias, tentando averiguar a forma como a matéria e a natureza do quotidiano das comunidades humanas do Mundo Clássico acabaram por servir de matéria-prima à elaboração de um pensamento metafisico, que se materializou num dos mais célebres mitos da cosmovisão greco-romana: o mito Deméter e Perséfone e a forma como os ciclos da natureza nele se reflectem.
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. O cenário de guerra na tragédia euripidiana
A poiesis da democracia, 2018
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Os tiranicidas de Atenas: entre a representação aristocrática e a ideologia democrática
Ages and gender in the literature and art of ancient Greece
Resumo-Partindo de uma análise contextual, cujo objectivo é estabelecer as coordenadas mentais, c... more Resumo-Partindo de uma análise contextual, cujo objectivo é estabelecer as coordenadas mentais, culturais, ideológicas e sociais em que a prostituição se desenvolveu na Grécia antiga, sobretudo na Atenas clássica, este estudo centra-se no fenómeno da prostituição masculina, propondo uma leitura de enquadramento, feita a partir do que encontramos nas fontes literárias e materiais. Ao mesmo tempo que se propõe uma definição do «prostituto», leva-se em conta a sua origem, estatuto e condição social, em particular os momentos e as condições de vida de um homem que poderiam ser mais predispostas a este tipo de actividade (e.g. idade), mas também as formas em que ele se expressava e manifestava naquela sociedade.
Ophiussa. Revista do Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2021
O Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas é depositário de três sarcófagos etruscos, que se ... more O Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas é depositário de três sarcófagos etruscos, que se saiba, os únicos existentes em Portugal. Datados do século IV e III a.C., os sarcófagos foram adquiridos no século XIX por Sir Francis Cook, então proprietário da Quinta de Monserrate, na serra de Sintra. Sir Cook utilizou‑os como elementos decorativos nos jardins do seu palácio, testemunhando assim o gosto que a Europa culta do Romantismo nutria por antiguidades e obras de arte de povos antigos e exóticos. Ali permaneceram, tendo sofrido vários danos por parte de visitantes menos esclarecidos e das intempéries naturais. A tampa com estátua jacente de um deles desapareceu numa noite de tempestade, em 1983. Mais tarde, conseguiu‑se a remoção destes monumentos para o Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas. No presente artigo, propomos a sua análise iconográfica e cronológica.
Papers by Nuno Simões Rodrigues
representations of the Centauromachy, as an uchronia associated with the post-Persian Wars period in Greece. us, the myth is not only an allegory of war, but also a uchronical narrative associated with the possibility of the Persians being victorious in a conflict that, by the end of the 5th century BC, had not yet disappeared from Greece’s horizon.
the Babylonians. When he does so, however, the Greek historian uses the Greek name Aphrodite, in a clear attitude of interpretatio graeca of Babylonian religion. This study aims to gauge how Herodotus makes that interpretation, which categories he resorts to and what it means for the Greeks’ understanding of religious otherness, including the problematic of sacred prostitution.
of Tullia Minor, and its sources, such as Livy and Ovid, in 19th century Portuguese culture, namely in painting. rough the works that Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro and Veloso Salgado presented within their application to the position of Professor of Historical Painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon, in 1897, it is proven that Roman themes were also part of the artistic and cultural creations of late 19th century Portugal.
Dear reader,
Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license.
The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers: under this same license.
in AJ 18.65-80, evaluating its historiographic potentialities, both as
a possible piece of fiction in the work of the historian, and as an
example of the reception of Greek-Hellenistic influences in Josephus’
texts. We conclude that, beyond others, one of the main influences
in the passage under analysis is the Athenian New Comedy, namely
the work of Menander.
representations of the Centauromachy, as an uchronia associated with the post-Persian Wars period in Greece. us, the myth is not only an allegory of war, but also a uchronical narrative associated with the possibility of the Persians being victorious in a conflict that, by the end of the 5th century BC, had not yet disappeared from Greece’s horizon.
the Babylonians. When he does so, however, the Greek historian uses the Greek name Aphrodite, in a clear attitude of interpretatio graeca of Babylonian religion. This study aims to gauge how Herodotus makes that interpretation, which categories he resorts to and what it means for the Greeks’ understanding of religious otherness, including the problematic of sacred prostitution.
of Tullia Minor, and its sources, such as Livy and Ovid, in 19th century Portuguese culture, namely in painting. rough the works that Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro and Veloso Salgado presented within their application to the position of Professor of Historical Painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon, in 1897, it is proven that Roman themes were also part of the artistic and cultural creations of late 19th century Portugal.
Dear reader,
Please note this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license.
The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers: under this same license.
in AJ 18.65-80, evaluating its historiographic potentialities, both as
a possible piece of fiction in the work of the historian, and as an
example of the reception of Greek-Hellenistic influences in Josephus’
texts. We conclude that, beyond others, one of the main influences
in the passage under analysis is the Athenian New Comedy, namely
the work of Menander.
Diadúmeno e Heliogábalo. Assim, levando em conta a acessão de Pertinaz ao trono imperial e a morte de Heliogábalo, o volume abrange o período da História de Roma que vai de 192 a 222 d.C. Mas, se tomarmos como ponto de partida o nascimento de Pertinaz (122 d.C.), o conjunto perfaz cerca de um século. O período abrangido pelas vidas aqui reunidas coincide com o da instituição da dinastia dos Severos, que se seguiu à dos Antoninos, que marcou a vários níveis o apogeu imperial romano. De todas as biografias reunidas neste volume, a de Heliogábalo deverá ser, pela riqueza das descrições, a que melhor corresponde a um certo imaginário contemporâneo — ainda que não necessariamente factual — da Roma Antiga: uma civilização pautada pela desmesura, pelo excesso, pelo exotismo, pela crueldade e pela perversão.
This second volume includes the Lives of Pertinax, Didius Julianus,
Septimius Severus, Pescenius Niger, Clodius Albinus, Caracala, Geta,
Macrinus, Didadumnus and Heliogabalus. Thus, taking into account
Pertinax’s accession to the imperial throne and Heliogabalus’ death, the
volume covers the period of Rome’s history from 192 to 222 AD. If we
take into account the birth of Pertinax (A.D. 122), the time covered by
this set of lives is therefore about a century. The period covered by the
lives gathered here coincides with that of the establishment of the Severan dinasty, which followed that of the Antonines, emperors that marked at various levels the Roman imperial apogee. Of all the biographies gathered in this volume, that of Heliogabalus should be, by the wealth of descriptions, the one that best corresponds to a certain contemporary - though not necessarily factual - imaginary of Ancient Rome: a civilisation marked by excess, exoticism, cruelty and perversion.
Paper presented in the Physicians Guild, concerning leprosy in the Ancient World.
Palavras-chave: poemas homéricos; Destino; moira; Zeus; predestinação.
FORMULAS AND MEANINGS FOR FATE IN THE HOMERIC POEMS Abstract: Despite being one of the issues often cited by philologists to discuss the question of the dating of the Homeric poems, particularly the chronological relationship between the Iliad and the Odyssey, the fact is this is a complex and non-consensual issue. Discussions begin on the fact that (the) poet(s) do not always use the same formula or word to translate the idea we usually translate as "destiny". This essay aims to make a state of the art, drawing attention to what we consider to be a common methodological error: the forced adaptation of what Greeks understood by moira, e.g., and what in the XXI century is meant by Destiny.
Keywords: Homeric poems; Destiny; Moira; Zeus; predestination.
Palavras-chave: caos; ataxia; cosmos; ordem; desordem; Gigantomaquia; Centauromaquia; Amazonomaquia.
Abstract: The idea of "vacuum" seems to have been present in Greek culture almost from the its beginning. Indeed, if we look at the fact that the Homeric Poems and the work attributed to Hesiod are the earliest known literary testimonies of the Greeks' culture, then it seems to us more than evident that the ideas of "chaos" and disorder or ataxia have been the subject of reflection by poets since at least the eighth century BC. This essay aims to analyze three cases of the Greek mythology in which these ideas seem the basic theme that structures them: the myths of Gigantomachy, Centauromachy and Amazonomachy.
Key-words: caos; ataxia; cosmos; order; disorder; Gigantomachy; Centauromachy; Amazonomachy.