Papers by Andrea Lorek Strauss
Journal of Extension
The University of Minnesota Extension's 4-H and Forestry Afterschool program combined the 4-H... more The University of Minnesota Extension's 4-H and Forestry Afterschool program combined the 4-H structure and various forestry curricula to foster positive attitudes towards the environment and stewardship-related behaviors as these may serve as precursors to later choices that benefit the environment. Evaluation of third through fifth grade club members revealed statistically significant changes in attitudes and behavior. Recommendations for implementing this model are provided.
Journal of Extension
Extension master volunteer programs, such as master naturalist and master gardener, often focus h... more Extension master volunteer programs, such as master naturalist and master gardener, often focus heavily on volunteer education. The model presented here describes the full life cycle of a master volunteer's experience in the program, putting education in the context of other essential program components. By zooming out to a wide-angle view of the master volunteer experience, the model provides guidance for improving the program by highlighting the many points in the cycle at which program managers can support volunteers so that they can be successful and sustain their volunteer service.
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Curren... more This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: Science Foundatio
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Curren... more This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: Science Foundatio
Volunteers are an increasingly important tool in the outreach work of Extension. Many natural res... more Volunteers are an increasingly important tool in the outreach work of Extension. Many natural resource education programs depend on volunteers to extend their reach. A number of "master volunteer" programs have developed in recent years to meet the growing need for training, coordinating, and serving these volunteers. Best practices for working with master volunteers is a growing area of concentration for many Extension educators. We describe new model of the volunteer life cycle, organized around three phases of volunteering: recruitment/training, service, and assessment. The emphasis is on keeping volunteers engaged through all phases of the volunteer life cycle.
Extension master volunteer programs, such as master naturalist and master gardener, often focus h... more Extension master volunteer programs, such as master naturalist and master gardener, often focus heavily on volunteer education. The model presented here describes the full life cycle of a master volunteer's experience in the program, putting education in the context of other essential program components. By zooming out to a wide-angle view of the master volunteer experience, the model provides guidance for improving the program by highlighting the many points in the cycle at which program managers can support volunteers so that they can be successful and sustain their volunteer service.
Volunteers are an increasingly important tool in the outreach work of Extension. Many natural res... more Volunteers are an increasingly important tool in the outreach work of Extension. Many natural resource education programs depend on volunteers to extend their reach. A number of “master volunteer” programs have developed in recent years to meet the growing need for training, coordinating, and serving these volunteers. Best practices for working with master volunteers is a growing area of concentration for many Extension educators. We describe new model of the volunteer life cycle, organized around three phases of volunteering: recruitment/training, service, and assessment. The emphasis is on keeping volunteers engaged through all phases of the volunteer life cycle.
Extension programs are well-suited to provide youth & adults with exposure to science. However, d... more Extension programs are well-suited to provide youth & adults with exposure to science. However, designing programming to fully engage participants in deeper experience with science practice is a complicated challenge. Grounded theory is one research approach that Extension staff can use to explicate these program models. The Driven to Discover: Enabling Authentic Inquiry through Citizen Science project (D2D), funded by the National Science Foundation, demonstrates potential for using grounded theory to identify factors that provoke authentic inquiry by youth/adult research teams using citizen science experiences.
Journal of Extension, 2014
Citizen science projects can serve as constructivist learning environments for programming focuse... more Citizen science projects can serve as constructivist learning environments for programming focused on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for youth. Attributes of rich environments for active learning (REALs) provide a framework for design of Extension STEM learning environments. Guiding principles and design strategies for the University of Minnesota Extension's Driven to Discover: Enabling Authentic Inquiry through Citizen Science project demonstrate how education and investigations grounded in real-world citizen science projects can capitalize on REAL environments to generate meaningful STEM learning. Positive evaluation results support the efficacy of the design for enhancing youth science identity and practice.
Abstract: The University of Minnesota Extension's 4-H and Forestry after school program combined ... more Abstract: The University of Minnesota Extension's 4-H and Forestry after school program combined the 4-H structure and various forestry curricula to foster positive attitudes towards the environment and stewardship-related behaviors as these may serve as precursors to later choices that benefit the environment. Evaluation of third through fifth grade club members revealed statistically significant changes in attitudes and behavior. Recommendations for implementing this
model are provided.
Land-grant universities are uniquely positioned to build the nation’s environmental literacy due ... more Land-grant universities are uniquely positioned to build the nation’s environmental literacy due to their outreach mission and extensive delivery network in place. Extension Specialists bridge research and outreach covering many topics, including natural resources, youth development, agriculture and community development.
Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States, 2009
Papers by Andrea Lorek Strauss
model are provided.
model are provided.