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We propose here a science of human body/embodiment. We discuss owings, and then offer an overall picture of this nascent science, as ies. We imagine a science whose core subject is the connection of the body -as it appears in an... more
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We propose here a science of human body/embodiment. We discuss our motivations, provide scientific and artistic precedents/foreshadowings, and then offer an overall picture of this nascent science, as well as a sample, unsolved problem... more
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HE SHIFT from a set-theoretical to a transformational approach is one of the most intriguing and promising achievements of modern music theory. A study of the emergence of the group concept in music theory, analysis, and composition shows... more
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    • Perspectives of New Music
Based on modern information technology, mathematics and semiotics, systematic musicology has fundamentally changed. As a theoretical basis of this change, mathematical music theory offers a precise language and models to describe... more
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    • Information Technology
We give an overview of mathematical music theory as it has been de-veloped in the past twenty years. The present theory includes a formal language for musical and musicological objects and relations. This lan-guage is built upon topos... more
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      Cognitive SciencePossible WorldsMusic PerformanceAnthropic Principle
Die von Finsler in [1] betrachteten totalendlichen Mengen bilden einen interessanten Bereich ~ von endlichen Mengen, der die ,,natfirlichen Zahlen" 0, (0}, ({0}}, ... enthhlt: Die gew6hnliche, ffir natfirliche Zahlen definierte Addition... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
We give statistical evidence that specific rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic analyses are dominating shaping structures for the agogical streams from 28 performances of Schumann's "Tr/iumerei", as measured by Repp [1]. These analyses are... more
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      Time series analysisMusic PerformanceMathematical SciencesRegression
Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
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      Applied MathematicsGestureRepresentation TheoryFormulae
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      Associative AlgebraPure MathematicsAsymptotic Behaviour
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    • Pure Mathematics
Our study sought to determine whether, where and how the consonance or dissonance of musical intervals might be reflected in the electrical activity (depth EEG) of the human brain. Presenting an adequate musical test program to a patient... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysicsMathematics
Musical performance theory and the theory of musical structure in general is a rapidly developing field of musicology that has wide practical implications. Due to the complex nature of music, statistics is likely to play an important... more
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      StatisticsStatistical Science
Riassunto  Il punto di partenza di questo lavoro è l'interpretazione delle topologie di Grothendieck nel linguaggio dei sistemi relazionali (cfr. [5]); ciò permette uno studio aritmetico di tali topologie. Attraverso nuove tecniche,... more
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    • Mathematical Sciences
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In abstract mathematical music theory, the data format of denotators is associated with set-valued presheaves over module categories. In this paper, we present an implementation of this concept framework in the Rubato Composer system, a... more
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      Computer MusicComposite StructureData Format
We give an overview of mathematical music theory as it has been developed in the past twenty years. The present theory includes a formal language for musical and musicological objects and relations. This language is built upon topos... more
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In this paper, first musical compositions are presented, which are created using the mathematical counterpoint theory of Guerino Mazzola and his collaborators. These compositions also use the RUBATOr software’s components for counterpoint... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencearXiv
The mathematical modeling of classical counterpoint in [Maz02] complements the classical Fux system [Fux42] by five other “exotic” systems of rules for composition. They all derive from the same algebraic model, but only the traditional... more
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      Computer ScienceArt