Representation Theory
Recent papers in Representation Theory
The classical (scalar-valued) theory of spherical functions, put forward by Cartan and others, unifies under one roof a number of examples that were very well-known before the theory was formulated. These examples include special... more
PROGRAMM 13:30 Uhr Kerstin Pinther und Niklas Wolf (LMU München) // Welcome and Introduction 14:00-14:45 Uhr Katarzyna Falecka (University College London) // Mohamed Kouaci and the Photographic Infrastructures of the Algerian... more
This work explores the deformation theory of algebraic structures in a very general setting. These structures include commutative, associative algebras, Lie algebras, and the infinity versions of these structures, the strongly homotopy... more
Globalization has typically been regarded as challenging representative democracy at the state level. This chapter outlines four of these challenges-that of democratic externalities, of transnational global processes and supranational... more
From Aristotle to social contract theory, contract doctrine has been through transformations, and by the 18th century, it had developed the principle that the state should not interfere with individual contract freedom. As the Industrial... more
The group theoretical treatment of bound and scattering state problems is extended to include band structure. We show that one can realize Hamiltonians with periodic potentials as dynamical symmetries, where representation theory provides... more
For any number field F, call a cusp form \pi on GL(2)/F {\it special icosahedral}, or just s-icosahedral for short, if \pi is not solvable polyhedral, and for a suitable "conjugate" cusp form \pi' on GL(2)/F, sym^3(\pi) is... more
A pesar de los múltiples vaticinios que, desde los albores de los modernismos europeos y tras una reconocida crisis del sujeto y de su imagen, se acumularon sobre la muerte del retrato — ora por exceso, ora por defecto, en cuanto a sus... more
We study the higher spin anologs of the six vertex model on the basis of its symmetry under the quantum affine algebra U q ( sl 2 ). Using the method developed recently for the XXZ spin chain, we formulate the space of states, transfer... more
در این درس با مفهوم «تجزیهپذیری» و اهمّیتِ «مدولهای تجزیهناپذیر» در مطالعهٔ نظریهٔ نمایشِ جبرهای آرتین آشنا میشویم. خواهیم دید که قضیهای اساسی، مشهور به «قضیهٔ کرول-اِشمیت»، تضمین میکند که هر مدول متناهی مولد روی یک جبر... more
State University of Milan, Anglophone Literature 2013/14 (MA module), Teaching Unit B: South Africa - Representation Across History, Gender and Genre. Unit B deals with the problem of textual representation and its implications in the... more
This paper explores the visual representation of chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease endemic in Latin America, studying the nature of images sampled from Google. Using key words “chagas disease”, “la enfremedad de chagas”, and... more
A land comprising more than fifty nations and innumerable cultural and geographic variations, from harsh desert to lush jungle, Africa has long been a favorite subject for photographers. Since the advent of the medium in the first half... more
I.-Aproximación. En los últimos tiempos ha hecho fortuna, y no solo entre los movimientos sociales más críticos, la expresión "no nos representan", con la que se quiere denunciar la insuficiente respuesta que el sistema representativo... more
En décembre 1904, Georges Méliès, ancien directeur du théâtre Robert-Houdin, spécialisé en spectacles de prestidigitation, et l'un des pionniers du cinéma, génial créateur des films de fiction, des effets spéciaux et des féeries... more
This chapter discusses the range of meanings of the concept of representation in the field of animal studies. It draws out the complexities of the term, discussing the term "representation" in the contexts of notions of animal minds,... more
Resumen El presente texto expone las características y propiedades de las imágenes digitales, que se oponen a ciertas propuestas actuales que celebran la superación de órdenes sociales mecanicistas y remarcan las posibilidades que abre la... more
This paper takes Patrick Heron’s assertion as to the abstract nature of painting as a starting point for a phenomenological investigation into the way in which abstract works comport themselves. How do abstract paintings attain... more
L’artiste donne-t-il plus à la communauté lorsqu’il élabore des stratégies d’attaque d’un ennemi identifié (le détournement du spectacle, selon Debord) ? Lorsqu’il met directement en circulation des images « émancipées » (le partage du... more
Erschienen in: Versammlung und Teilhabe, Transcript 2014
A hatvanas években mennyire volt messze a múlt? Hol kezdődhetett a jelen idő? A szocialista tudatra nevelés, a város lakosainak szórakoztatása, vagy esetleg a turizmus fellendítése adta a motivációt? A szocialista hazafiság eszményei,... more
This essay explores through film theory specific to narrative, the relationship between nature and death as represented in the British film "The Falling" by Carol Morley. The patterns of change and stability, cause and effect and time and... more
Because of their novelty as a means of communication and language, early films on the Passion of Christ (1896–1916) faced unexpected problems and roused unprecedented questions about the issue of a valid representation. Filmmakers and... more
La photographie a joué un rôle important dans la popularisation du portrait qui consiste, traditionnellement, à figurer les traits du visage en une sorte d'immortalisation de l'apparence et, plus largement, a en exprimer le statut social,... more
Il est des livres en sciences sociales qui sont remarquables : non seulement ils nous apportent avec élégance et précision de nouvelles connaissances, mais ils transforment aussi notre regard sur l'objet étudié. Tel est le cas de... more
For the complete chapter A chance encounter took place in the remote, rocky desert-scape east of Alice Springs sometime in the 1930s between an ambitious young tourism... more
Презентация на VI Весенней магистерской школе "Теории репрезентации" МВШСЭН
Japan has the highest life expectancy and, at 42 per cent in 2005, among the highest percentage of people over 50 in the world (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 2005). In addition, this older age group has on average the... more
Michels analiza el comportamiento de las élites en el sistema democrático, en el marco de los partidos políticos, así como también la conducta de las masas en el juego del poder. De esta manera, utiliza el método sociológico para dar... more
In einer Demokratie sollten Bürger misstrauisch werden, wenn Politik als Kampf zwischen Populisten und Anti-Populisten inszeniert wird, wenn es plötzlich nur noch zwei politische Lager zu geben scheint, von denen nur eines als politisch... more
Institutt for matematiske fag, NTNU NO-7491 Trondheim Norway Dedicated to Professor Vlastimil Dlab on the occation of his sixtieth birthday.
En octubre de 1975 tuvo lugar el famoso debate efectuado entre Jean Piaget y Noam Chomsky en el castillo de Royaumont, Paris. Cuarenta y un años después de este suceso, resulta interesante recuperar parte de lo discutido en aquel... more
Chanady, T. (2020). Dépasser les stéréotypes et le conformisme : queeriser les représentations LGBTQ* à la télévision de fiction québécoise. Dans I. Boisclair, G. Poirier Girard et P. Landry (Eds.), Le queer dans les productions... more
در این درس با ساختارِ جبری مهمی به نام «جبر» و مثالهای متداولی از آن آشنا میشویم. همچنین خواهیم دید که مدولهای روی یک جبر به معنای مناسبی «نمایش»های آن جبر هستند و موضوع نظریهٔ نمایش جبرها در سطح مقدماتی، مطالعهٔ و ردهبندی... more