Papers by Marisol Moreno-Angarita
Antecedentes. En Colombia hasta el momento no se había explorado ni documentado la posibilidad de... more Antecedentes. En Colombia hasta el momento no se había explorado ni documentado la posibilidad de emplear sistemas de clasificación, en este caso la CIF-NJ, como facilitadores de procesos de inclusión escolar de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Objetivo. Construir una herramienta basada en CIF-NJ, encaminada a determinar un perfil funcional de estudiantes, de utilidad en el contexto educativo, especificando y describiendo los elementos y características principales de dicha herramienta para contribuir a la inclusión educativa de los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual en Bogotá. El diseño de la presente investigación es cualitativo y es de tipo descriptivo. La población a la cual está dirigida son estudiantes en situación de discapacidad intelectual escolarizados en secundaria. La investigación contó con dos fases: una documental y otra de construcción y sistematización de la herramienta. Resultados. Diseño de una herramienta que permite construir perfiles funcionales de estudiantes en situación de discapacidad intelectual. Tiene aplicabilidad en contextos escolares, muestra un lenguaje amigable y fácil de entender, da cuenta del tipo de apoyo requerido por el estudiante, se basa en el Componente de Actividades y Participación de la CIF-NJ, entre otras características. No se clasifica a las personas sino a sus necesidades, es necesario conocer dichas necesidades para emitir políticas y programas que respondan de manera eficiente a dichas necesidades.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina. Grupo de Investigación Discapacidad, Políticas y Justicia Social, 2013
Este libro da cuenta del proceso realizado para el Ministerio de Salud de Colombia, que dió como ... more Este libro da cuenta del proceso realizado para el Ministerio de Salud de Colombia, que dió como resultado la revisión conceptual que fundamenta la construcción de la herramienta denominada CERTIFICACION DE DISCAPACIDAD en Colombi
Nature Medicine
Boo & Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators (GRDDC) nature medicine Comment... more Boo & Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators (GRDDC) nature medicine Comment in all its actions, as a statutory, evidence-based and ethical imperative. Effective and accountable leadership is crucial to realizing the unfulfilled commitments for the world's children with disabilities.
Revista de salud pública (Bogotá, Colombia)
Describing how a tool was created/constructed for certifying Colombian people's disability st... more Describing how a tool was created/constructed for certifying Colombian people's disability status. This was a descriptive study involving a five-phase, multi-method design. It sought to identify needs, background, categories and procedures from differingview points, using participatory methodology, for identifying and certifying disabled people in Colombia. The study led to an international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF)-based certification tool which can be used by a multi-professional team in healthcare institution settings to guarantee access to benefits approved by Colombian disability law. Certification (even when voluntary) can be the key to enjoying all the benefits designed for Colombian people suffering disability; such people are not the subjects of mercy and compassion anymore. Certification seeks to identify people suffering disabilities as holders of rights under Colombian law, as clear evidence of Colombian state commitment to ensuring a...
Revista de salud pública (Bogotá, Colombia), 2011
Determining the relationship between vocal habits and environmental/ occupational conditions with... more Determining the relationship between vocal habits and environmental/ occupational conditions with the presence of vocal disturbance (dysphonia) in teachers and functionaries working at community-based, initial childhood education centres (kindergartens). This was a descriptive study which adopted across-sectional approach using 198 participants which was developed in three phases. Phase 1: consisted of identifying participants having the highest risk of presenting vocal disturbance. Phase 2consisted of observation-analysis concerning the voice use and vocal habits of participants who had been identified in phase 1. Phase 3consisted of perceptual and computational assessment of participants' voices using Wilson's vocal profile and the multidimensional voice program. Individuals having pitch breaks, throat clearing, increased voice intensity, and gastro-oesophageal reflux were found to present below standard fundamental frequency (FF). Subjects having altered breathing and inc...
Revista de salud pública (Bogotá, Colombia), 2006
A communication model was designed and put into practice, in the form of a Network throughout thr... more A communication model was designed and put into practice, in the form of a Network throughout three regions in Colombia; Bogotá, Antioquia and Quindío. Based on a macro-intentional model, this network was aimed at strengthening understanding around the subject of physical activity among those people affected by the issue, from a multidimensional perspective. The test population was defined and working groups were formed around three strategies: social production, transmission and democratization, during a three-month period. RESULTS Messages were developed based around the ideas of the community producers themselves; the initial concepts were widened to include the body, self care, physical activity and health. Communication models related to health, aimed at developing personal skills including the ability to communicate and build shared experience, can be assimilated and incorporated into broadcasts on health issues. This model serves as a communication strategy which strengthens ...
Revista de salud pública (Bogotá, Colombia)
Describing how a tool was designed for assessing disabled people in Colombia (called "Occupa... more Describing how a tool was designed for assessing disabled people in Colombia (called "Occupational evaluation of handicapped people in Colombia"). This was a multi-method study which consisted of five phases and a stakeholder participation-based strategy. The first stage of the multi-method research involved a literature review followed by expert judgment and then peer assessment of the tool; the fourth stage involved a pilot study and and a basic training course in occupational assessment involved the tool's socialisation with actors working in the field of occupational assessment, taking their suggestions into account for final adjustment of the tool. A tool was developed for the occupational assessment of disabled people in Colombia which was based on identifying their capabilities in terms of performance and general work skills to promote their inclusion in the workforce. Considering the Colombian state's responsibility for ensuring disabled people's right ...
Revista de Salud Pública, 2006
Objetivo Se diseñó y aplicó un modelo de comunicación, en el contexto de una Red aplicada a tres ... more Objetivo Se diseñó y aplicó un modelo de comunicación, en el contexto de una Red aplicada a tres regiones de Colombia, Bogotá, Antioquia y Quindío, basado en el enfoque macrointencional, dirigido a afianzar la comprensión del tema de actividad física en los actores relacionados con el tema desde una interpretación multidimensional. Métodos Se definieron poblaciones objetivo y se conformaron equipos de trabajo durante un proceso de tres meses, basados en tres estrategias: producción social, transmisión y democratización. Resultados Se desarrollaron mensajes basados en la construcción de los productores sociales; se ampliaron los conceptos iniciales relacionados con cuerpo, autocuidado, actividad física y salud. Conclusiones Los modelos de comunicación en salud, que se orientan al desarrollo de habilidades personales en relación con la capacidad de comunicar y construir sentidos compartidos, permiten apropiación y recordación de mensajes en salud. El modelo es una estrategia de comunicación que afianza la construcción compartida de mensajes en salud. Este enfoque exige el desarrollo de acciones locales y el fomento de la capacidad organizacional comunitaria.
Bogotá DC, Colombia, abril de 2011 nota editorial Si haces planes para un año, siembra arroz; si ... more Bogotá DC, Colombia, abril de 2011 nota editorial Si haces planes para un año, siembra arroz; si los haces para 2 lustros, planta árboles. Si lo haces para toda la vida, educa a una persona.
Objetivo Describir el proceso de construcción de la herramienta denominada Valoración Ocupacional... more Objetivo Describir el proceso de construcción de la herramienta denominada Valoración Ocupacional de las personas con discapacidad en Colombia. Método Estudio multimétodos, constituido por cinco fases, acompañadas por una estrategia transversal acompañada de diversos actores. La primera fase se basó en revisión documental, la segunda en juicio de expertos, La tercera permitió la evaluación de la herramienta por pares. La cuarta fase consistió en una prueba piloto, y la quinta fase se dedicó a la socialización de las herramientas con los actores participantes, para conocer sus sugerencias para el ajuste final. Resultados Se construyó una herramienta para valorar ocupacionalmente a personas con discapacidad en Colombia, basada en el enfoque de las capacidades humanas y el funcionamiento y de competencias laborales generales para favorecer la inclusión laboral. Conclusiones Se cuenta con una herramienta que promueva la inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad, respondiendo a lo contemplado en la Ley 1346 de 2009, Ley 1618 de 2013 y lo planteado en la Convención Internacional de los Derechos de las Personas con discapacidad. No reemplaza a las herramientas existentes, pero si promueve una percepción más favorable de las personas con discapacidad, facilitando su inclusión laboral.
The Lancet Global Health, 2023
Nature Medicine, 2023
UNICEF and other international bodies must produce a clear plan that prioritizes development and ... more UNICEF and other international bodies must produce a clear plan that prioritizes development and education for children with disabilities, especially in low-and middle-income settings, as required for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, 193 world leaders, under the auspices of the United Nations (UN), adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal call to action to be achieved by 2030 (ref. 1). The fourth goal (SDG 4) included a commitment to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 1. To achieve this goal, the leaders further agreed that "by 2030, all children should have access to quality early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education" (SDG 4.2). To assess the progress made toward achieving this target globally, UNICEF is required to monitor the proportion of children under five years of age (revised subsequently to children 24-59 months of age) who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial wellbeing, (SDG 4.2.1), while UNESCO is charged with monitoring school readiness as indexed by "the participation rate in organized learning, one year before the official primary entry age" (SDG 4.2.2). Optimizing the readiness of children with disabilities for school, to facilitate their access to inclusive and equitable quality education, is the overarching purpose of the global pledge and the commitment to early childhood development. Given the 2030 deadline, there is a need to prioritize early childhood development and education for children with disabilities, in addition to implementing effective governance, monitoring and accountability mechanisms, to realize the global commitment to inclusive education.
Alzheimers & Dementia, Dec 1, 2022
Background: Dementia is a public health problem. In Colombia, there is no policy for dementia pat... more Background: Dementia is a public health problem. In Colombia, there is no policy for dementia patients or their caregivers. Patients with dementia have unidentified needs and this lack of knowledge has contributed that a formal policy has not been raised. The recognition and identification of the needs facilitate the planning, provision, and evaluation of health services, and constitutes the first stage for the implementation of services or care plans. If the Colombian State wants to formulate policies that protect the population with dementia it should conduct studies that contemplate all dimensions and guarantee the social inclusion and equity of the affected population. A needs assessment study is required that includes the identification and analysis of physical, social, patrimonial, legal, access and psychological needs of patients with early stages of dementia and their caregivers. Objective: To identify and analyze the needs of Colombian patients with mild dementia and their relatives with the purpose of contributing to the design of the health policy strategy for dementia, from a perspective of social justice and equity. Method: Exploratory sequential mixed methods design. We will include Colombian adults with a mild dementia diagnosis, their caregivers and health professionals. We will employ a structured interview, an assessment of quality of life, psychiatric and medical comorbidities and we will employ case studies and focus groups to identify categories and interactions of the study problem. In the second stage, we propose to employ a needs assessment methodology and a mixed method using triangulation to evaluate the burden of known and unknown needs. Then, a theoretical analysis of inequities will be carried out stratifying by the insurance regime and city. Result: The results will be analyzed in light of the theory of recognition as social justice. Conclusion: We will recommend a proposal for the design of the strategy in health for this population.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Background: During the pandemic, we face multiple challenges during the research. One of them was... more Background: During the pandemic, we face multiple challenges during the research. One of them was recruiting participants in the age of social distancing. As a result, we had to use creative approaches that would allow us to access the study population contemplating all the complexities, difficulties or problems that research during a pandemic demands. For dementia, we design a method to encourage the participation of patients, caregivers, professionals and associations in Colombia. Combining different virtual frameworks, tools and techniques. We embraced biosafety provisions from health policy authorities mitigating the exposition of our high-risk groups, making up the majority of our target population. Objective: Design a methodological communication strategy that allows the dissemination of project knowledge and participation of the target populations (patients with mild dementia, formal and informal caregivers and health care professionals). Method: We summoned caregivers, people with dementia and health care professionals through multiple channels: Social media, e-mail, caregivert's databases, press, radio, physician specialists invitation, Dementia Research Groups (Antioquia University and Colombia National University), and voluntary associations (Alzheimer Colombia Family Action Foundation, Grupo Cuídame). We presented remote conferences about the project, panel discussions about the invisible needs of the population with dementia in Colombia. Also, we sought collaborative efforts with radio and television programs to increase the awareness in the population about the dementia challenges. Result: Over 100 people attended each event. We carried out collaborations with national groups increasing visibility of the project and amplifying citizen participation. Interviews with written, oral, and electronic media contributed to fostering interest in the study population. Remote communication strategies stimulated the involvement of various actors (patient-family-caregiver-professional) from multiple cities and contexts. Conclusion: Researching pandemic time has tested our creative ability to address the various challenges we face as researchers. Accessing the participants contemplated
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Background: World population is ageing, and as a result, dementias are becoming one of the major ... more Background: World population is ageing, and as a result, dementias are becoming one of the major challenges for societies. Dementia involves patients, caregivers, professionals and the health system; for this reason, in Colombia, we need inplemented Conclusion: caregivers in Colombia appear to present high resiliency and be assumed as an extended family responsibility even under the perception of neglected provision of resources by the health system.
The Lancet Global Health, 2022
The likelihood of a newborn child dying before their fifth birthday (under-5 mortality rate) is u... more The likelihood of a newborn child dying before their fifth birthday (under-5 mortality rate) is universally acknowledged as a reflection of the social, economic, health, and environmental conditions in which children (and the rest of society) live, but little is known about the likelihood of a newborn child having a lifelong disability before their fifth birthday if he or she survives. Available data show that globally the likelihood of a child having a disability before their fifth birthday was ten times higher than the likelihood of dying (377·2 vs 38·2 per 1000 livebirths) in 2019. However, disability funding declined by 11·4% between 2007 and 2016, and only 2% of the estimated US$79·1 billion invested in early childhood development during this period was spent on disabilities. This funding pattern has not improved since 2016. This paper highlights the urgent need to prioritise early childhood development for the beneficiaries of global child survival initiatives who have lifelong disabilities, especially in low-income and middle-income countries, as envisioned by the Sustainable Development Goals agenda. This endeavour would entail disability-focused programming and monitoring approaches, economic analysis of interventions services, and substantial funding to redress the present inequalities among this cohort of children by 2030.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Oct 1, 2010
Rev. cienc. cuidad., 2020
Resumen Objetivo: Identificar los conceptos de capacidades en las leyes relacionadas con la salud... more Resumen Objetivo: Identificar los conceptos de capacidades en las leyes relacionadas con la salud laboral para las personas con discapacidad en Colombia, entre el 2011 y 2020. Materiales y métodos: Cualitativo con un enfoque metodológico hermenéutico comprensivo a través de un análisis de contenido. El rastreo de la información se realizó a través de los anales del Congreso de la República que obran en archivos digitales denominados gacetas, producidos desde el año 2011-2020. También se incluyó la Ley 361 de 1997, la cual en materia laboral reguló la estabilidad laboral reforzada. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó el programa Atlas/Ti, versión 8. Las categorías de análisis que se tuvieron en consideración fueron: salud, trabajo, empleo, discapacidad, laboral y capacidades. Resultados: El estudio evidenció algunos conceptos de capacidades relacionados con las posibilidades que tienen las personas con discapacidad de elegir funcionamientos valiosos para su vida; sin embargo, las normas siguen presentando vacíos en cuanto a la definición de capacidad y a una orientación hacia los funcionamientos que no permiten a las personas con discapacidad, desarrollar sus capacidades. Conclusiones: Desde la perspectiva de la salud pública, son claras las desigualdades que se pretenden solucionar con normas; pero puede afirmarse que, desde lo legislativo, las capacidades son abordadas desde conceptos muy generales y con elementos básicos. Por otra parte, respecto al desarrollo de capacidades de las personas con discapacidad y la posibilidad de evitar la discriminación de esta población en los entornos laborales, sigue siendo un reto de cara a la práctica y a la inclusión social.
Papers by Marisol Moreno-Angarita