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The AIG10 borehole provided direct access to hydraulic conditions. The first results of two open-hole pumping tests and one artesian production test are presented. From the first pumping test in the conglomerates, a hydraulic conductivity... more
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    • Hydrogeology
The island of Isla de los Estados is situated at 54.5°S, 64°W, east of Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, and is located in a sensitive geographic position in relation to the zonal circulation between Antarctica and South America. Its... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ChangeHistory and archaeologyLoss on Ignition
The Atacama Desert is known to be one of the driest places on earth. However, in the study area between Ica and Nasca, South Peru (75–76°W, 14–15°S), palaeoclimate proxies show several semi-arid phases during the Holocene. A more humid... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyPeruvian HistoryLuminescence DatingRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)
Southernmost Patagonia, located at the relatively narrow passage between Antarctica and South America, is a highly sensitive region for recording meridional and zonal changes in the pattern of oceanic and atmospheric circulation. The... more
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      Earth SciencesSea LevelPaleoclimateEnvironmental Change
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      Bayesian Radiocarbon DatingRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)Nasca
Before the arrival of the Spaniards in Peru in 1532, many different societies flourished in the coastal desert of southern Peru. Of these, one of the best known is the Nasca culture (living in the area between about 260 cal BC and 640 cal... more
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      Bayesian Radiocarbon DatingNascaPre-Columbian, Inca, Andes, Peru, South America, Archaeology, Anthropology
A key feature of Greece is the large amount of historical and archaeological records. The sedimentary record of the Etoliko Lagoon, Aetolia, Western Greece, offers an ideal opportunity to study human–environment interaction and to... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentAncient Greece
We have analyzed an almost 14,000 year old peat sequence on the island of Isla de los Estados (55° S, 64° W), east of Tierra del Fuego, in the core of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies. A multitude of methods have been used: high... more
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      PaleoclimatologyPaleoclimateEnvironmental GeochemistryIsotopoe Hydrology
Based on AMS-14C-dates we reconstruct the active phases of a characteristic earth flow in the Northern Alps.We correlate these phases with known climate fluctuations during the Holocene.The earth flow was reactivated after more than... more
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      Radiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Mass Movements (Susceptibility Mapping, Hazard and Risk Analysis )
The sedimentary sequence of Lake Stymphalia (NE-Peloponnese) for the first time sheds light on the palaeoclimate development of Southern Greece from 15 to 5 ka BP. New geochemical data based on high-resolution X-ray fluorescence scanning... more
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      GeochemistryPaleoclimatologyAncient Greece (History)Analysis of Environmental Samples Using Nuclear Techniques Such As XRF
The paper presents proxies from an interdisciplinary geoarchaeological working group. Sediment analyses and geomorphological studies, radiocarbon ages of snail shells and luminescence dating of loess allow a preliminary chronology of the... more
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Isla de los Estados (54° 45′S, 63° 10′–64° 46′W) lies east of the main island of Tierra del Fuego and is the southeastern-most point in Argentina. Because of its geographic position near the latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies... more
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"Environmental and cultural changes and their mutual relationship or influence have long been a subject of research, in particular in the Eastern Mediterranean region with its long historical and prehistorical record. However, especially... more
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      GeochemistryPaleoclimatologyAncient Greece
In drei Horizonten wurde in den Mauerer Sanden nach Kleinsäugerresten gesucht. Zusätzlich zu einer bisher schon bekannten Waldmaus-Art sowie mehreren Wühlmaus-Arten wurde erst­ mals die Spitzmaus-Gattung Sorex gefunden. Damit wird die... more
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      Middle PleistoceneSorexMicro-mammalsHomo heidelbergensis
As part of the lagoon barrier accretions plain characterizing the NW coast of the Peloponnese, the Kotychi Lagoon is believed to have formed in the prograding delta of the Palaeo-Peneus River over 7000 years ago.... more
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      Physical GeographyArchaeologyEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
The Gulf of Corinth is one of the most active continental rift systems showing one of the highest opening rates world-wide. In 2000 the EU started to support research in this unique natural laboratory with different projects. Besides... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyPeruRadiocarbonParacas
Here, we present a well-dated terrestrial charcoal chronology covering the interval ~ 41,000–7050 cal BP and identifying the millennial-scale variability in biomass burning for the tropical Leizhou Peninsula, south China. Our results show... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyLate Pleistocene to Early HoloceneCharcoal
A well-dated palynological record spanning the interval ~ 40,500–7060 cal yr BP, retrieved from a peatland on the Leizhou Peninsula in south China, clearly shows regional vegetation and climate changes during the last glacial period.... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyLate Pleistocene to Early HolocenePollen analysis