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      ArqueologíaParacas cultureParacasNasca
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      Ceramic TechnologyGift ExchangePerformance ArtCraft Knowledge
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)ParacasEstado
El artículo presenta por primera vez el contexto arqueológico del manto pintado N°de inv. MSP-0043-02, uno de los textiles más emblemáticos de la colección del Museo de Sitio Julio C. Tello de Paracas. Se estudia desde una perspectiva... more
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyAndean studiesFriedrich Engels
Thousands of petroglyphs can be found in the Nasca-Palpa region. Many of them bear a high resemblance to the recently discovered geoglyphs dated to the Paracas Period (800–200 B. C.), obviously the forerunners of the famous geoglyphs of... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyParacasPetroglyphs
In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett elucidates the life and work of pioneering Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello. He emphases the influence that national and professional politics had upon Tello, often setting up obstacles that had... more
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      Paracas cultureParacasNepeña ValleyChavin
El presente trabajo busca mostrar el proceso de elaboración tecnológica del Manto Blanco de la cultura Paracas, tejido emblemático que forma parte de las colecciones textiles del Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de la Universidad... more
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      TextilesTechnical TextileArqueologíaArqueología Andina
El artículo presenta el examen de 11 sitios arqueológicos con quilcas o petroglifos de filiación cultural Paracas, ubicados en el área comprendida entre la cuenca del río San Juan o Chincha y la cuenca del río Grande d Nasca, en el... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Petroglyphs and PictographsArte Rupestre
Part 4 of my 18 chapter history of Peruvian Archaeology centered on Julio C. Tello. The focus of this history are the years 1880 to 1925. This fourth part includes discussions of Peruvian archaeological museums in Lima, Paracas, the... more
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      ParacasPeruvian ArchaeologyJulio C TelloAlfred Kroeber
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacasNascaPalpa
En este trabajo, se presenta y se discute los diferentes enfoques interpretativos relacionados con las tempranas evidencias de cultura material en la costa sur, y sus comparaciones con aquellas del norte desde la formulación original de... more
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      ParacasPeriodo FormativoChavín de HuántarEsferas de interacción
This is one of three papers on Paracas Necropolis in this special publication of the Museo Chileno de Arte PreColombino.  They preferred to publish the essay in English.
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      Mortuary archaeologyParacas
In 1996, the team of the Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche Archeologiche Precolombiane (CISRAP), headed by Giuseppe Orefici, discovered a small cache of elaborate Nasca textiles at Cahuachi that provides new bases for identifying... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCostume and IdentityAndean CultureMummy Studies
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacasNascaTombs
This article addresses a complex pyro-engraved gourd of Nasca culture, with unusual dimensions and decorative treatment. The gourd was discovered as an offering associated with ceramics from the last phases of the Early Horizon (Ocucaje... more
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      IconographyArtistic ResearchNasca cultureParacas culture
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      ParacasCosta sur
El estudio de la cultura Paracas se ha presentado como un caso de relevante interés de estudios arqueológicos desde el descubrimiento de momias enfardeladas en los cementerios de Cerro Colorado y Warikayan en la península de Paracas en la... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ethnicity
The mortuary tradition of arranging garments around a larger-than-life form of an ancestor at this famous site is described. Some garments are huge, while others are tiny, which indicates they were made as offerings to the ancestor. The... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyMummy StudiesNasca cultureParacas culture
Based in great part on articles published in Lima's El Comercio, this article details the years immediately following Julio C Tello's removal as head of Peru's National Museum of Archaeology.
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      ParacasPeruvian ArchaeologyJulio C Tello
Apart from the materials and archaeological contexts excavated at Hacha in the Acarí Valley, until now evidence for the Initial Period along the southern coast of Perú were limited to some isolated findings that lacked well-defined... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacasFormative PeriodEarly Horizon
El artículo analiza los adobes de Chincha siguiendo criterios de estandarización técnica, proponiendo tipos a partir de la tendencia a las formas geométricas. Haciendo comparaciones controladas el autor propone un hipótesis de relación... more
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      Paracas cultureParacasChinchaPeruvian Archaeology
This article describes and analyzes a highly significant archaeological context discovered in a late Paracas (400–200 BCE) sunken patio in the monumental platform mound of Cerro Gentil, located in the Chincha Valley, Peru. This patio area... more
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      AnthropologyAndean ArchaeologyParacasPeruvian Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryEvolutionary BiologyDemographyArchaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyPeruRadiocarbonParacas
The complexity of the mortuary custom of wrapping seated bodies in layers of draped and folded textiles is approached from different viewpoints: the bundles themselves and the mythical imagery, particularly the narrative themes such as... more
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyMummy StudiesMortuary archaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Nasca culture
Las evidencias arqueológicas documentadas en los valles de Palpa indican que al final del Formativo, en un lapso de tiempo comprendido entre el final del desarrollo Paracas y el inicio de Nasca, hubo un período de transición en donde... more
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      Social Organisation (Archaeology)Shaft tombsNasca cultureParacas culture
Paracas Art and Architecture: Object and Context In South Coastal Peru. Edited by Anne Paul. iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991.445 pp., map, figures, b/w illustrations, references, index. $29.95 (cloth).
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      ArchitectureMuseum AnthropologyPeruParacas culture
Alternative models have been proposed to explain the formation and decline of the south Peruvian Nasca culture, ranging from migration or invasion to autochthonous development and ecological crisis. To reveal to what extent population... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyMigrationMolecular GeneticsCultural change
El archivo de Frédéric Engel, arqueólogo suizo quien trabajó en la costa sur del Perú entre los años 1950 y 1960, representa un patrimonio documental importante conservado en el Museo Nacional de Antropología, Biodiversidad, Agricultura y... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAncient TextilesFibres and textiles
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    • Paracas
In 1996, the team of the Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche Archeologiche Precolombiane (CISRAP), headed by Giuseppe Orefici, discovered a small cache of elaborate Nasca textiles at Cahuachi that provides new bases for identifying... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCostume and IdentityAndean CultureMummy Studies
Se hace un análisis sobre las investigaciones desarrolladas por Julio C. Tello en el sitio de Wari Kallán, a partir de los datos presentados en los cuadernos y diarios de campo.
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      ArqueologíaParacasJulio C TelloMomias
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      ParacasEstado73 meeting SAA VancouverNazca
This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by D. Peter Kvietok and Daniel H. Sandweiss; "General Introduction" by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok; "Two Preceramic and Formative Period Occupations in the Cordillera... more
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      IconographyCosmology (Anthropology)Inca ArchaeologyMortuary archaeology
El artículo divulga la existencia de tres bosques de licopodiales arborescentes en posición erguida, in situ en el Carbonífero de "La Mina" de Paracas.
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The Paracas (900 BC-AD 1) of south coastal Peru are widely recognized for ceramics bearing patterned designs created fromincised clay that was often post-fire painted. Analyses of containers, effigies, figurines and musical instruments... more
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      GeographyCeramicsParacasPontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Este artículo reporta los resultados de nuestras investigaciones en el sitio arqueológico de La Cumbe, ubicado en la margen norte del valle bajo de Chincha, Costa Sur de Perú. Nuestros estudios confirman que existió una importante... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Andean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
Se presenta el registro de 29 muestras de rocas sedimentaria y de fósiles del Eoceno, Mioceno, Plioceno y Pleistoceno provenientes de las Formaciones Paracas, Yumaque, Caballas, Pisco y de las Terrazas Marinas de la Costa Sur de las... more
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Este artículo explica los procedimientos básicos en campo para efectuar el registro de las quilcas de Nasca usando la técnica fotográfica llamada Reflectance Transformation Imaging (imágenes por modificación de la reflectancia o RTI)
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      Rock ArtArte RupestreRTIParacas
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPeru3D Reconstruction
We report recent excavations undertaken at the residential village Upanca located 1,600 m above sea level in the Nasca region of Peru in the Central Andes. Although fieldwork was initiated to evaluate the site's participation in the Early... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)AndesAndean Culture
El tatuaje es un tipo de modificación cultural del cuerpo que consiste en insertar tinta dentro de las capas dérmicas a través de una aguja u otro material. La práctica del tatuaje causa un trauma en la piel con el objetivo de ejecutar un... more
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The excavations in Jauranga revealed a sequence of archaeological contexts distributed over a stratigraphy with a depth of morethan three meters. Within this stratigraphy we found the remains of numerous adobe walls pertaining to... more
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      GeographyAndean ArchaeologyArquitecturaParacas