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Janos Toth
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Papers by Janos Toth
evaluation, this dataset can play an important role in new research evaluation policies at Hungarian research institutions aiming to enhance global competitiveness by fostering scientific excellence and innovation.
encouraging university students to report if they encounter liberal political activism in the classroom. Given the measures that the Hungarian government took against universities and liberal academic freedoms only a month before – like stop financing gender studies programmes and forcing Central European University (CEU) to relocate most of their future activities to Vienna – there is a widely supported belief in Hungarian academia that this is a part of a larger government campaign against academic freedom and the ethos of higher education in general. This commentary points out that to be able to distinguish said reports from made-out propaganda stories, it is necessary to leave their sources of information identifiable.
publications in the sociology of religion. Briefly touching upon the practical use of
identification of major topics covered in published literature during the process of
publication output planning, we continue the article with the thematical analysis of those
journal articles in the sociology of religion, in which the presented research did not
focus on a specific religion or on the believers of a specific religion. We examined the
adherence to this criterion of lack of specification in 173 articles published in leading
international journals between 2010 and 2013, from the journal list of the Institute of
Sociology of the HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), from which 66 journal articles
were coded and classified with inductive categorization consistent with grounded
theory. Throughout the process, we managed to identify 6 main topics (Secularization,
Economy, Sexuality, Politics, Personal Satisfaction, and Well-Being, Social CoExistence,
and Cooperation). We then further divided each of these key themes into
subtopics, and we examined the studies further, according to the institutional affiliation
of first author(s), institutional affiliation of journal editors, and geographic location of
journal publishers. Results show that the identified topics and topic preferences are
characteristics of a subset of a Western sociological knowledge, produced mainly by
agents embedded in an Anglo-Saxon research environment.
of muslim immigration. This, as well as the problematics of national majority - Muslim minority interactions make the goal of conducting a meta-analysis of recently published results reasonable, focusing on issues of thematization, geographical distribution, analyzed samples and sample sizes as well as on grants obtained by the authors for a specific research. In the following, we realize our research objectives through conducting a systematic analysis on a section (N=33) of a larger (N=160) sample of peer-reviewed articles, and by a thematic analysis of the same section focusing on the role and influence of various media. We found that within the sample, images of Muslims in the media can be categorized in three main types: An entity using violence at the individual or state level, a victim of violence, and an outsider culturally or behaviorally in defiance of the West.
major themes in Christianity-focused research; each of these further divided into subtopics. Than all selected articles were further investigated in terms of first author affiliation, journal editor affiliation and journal publisher’s geographic location. Results shows that the analysis we have performed concerning 160 articles published in „A”-category international journals provided not only a structured overview of current themes in Christianity-focused research within the field, but also identified a major anglo-saxon research environment bias valid through both religion-specific and general studies.
elemezzük a tanulásmenedzselő rendszerekben (Learning
Management System, LMS) és specifikusan a CooSpace-ben rejlő lehetőségeket. Az elemzés során megvizsgáljuk a Web 2.0-ás tanulásmenedzselő rendszerek kialakulásának technológiai és nem-technológiai hátterét, hogy azonosítsuk azokat a célkitűzéseket és mögöttes elképzeléseket, amelyek megvalósulásának ezek a rendszerek tekinthetőek. Célul tűztük ki továbbá olyan kérdések megfogalmazását, melyek megválaszolása segítheti a tanulásmenedzselő rendszerek funkcióinak kielégítő pontosságú konceptualizálását a kommunikációtudományok területén. Ehhez szükséges volt megvizsgálni azokat a kompetenciákat, melyek megléte
mind oktatói, mint pedig hallgatói részről elengedhetetlen feltétele ezen rendszerek standard és perszonalizált változatainak használatához. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy ezek a kompetenciák szorosan kapcsolódnak az autonómia személyi és közösségi fogalmához, és egyúttal ezen rendszerek ideális továbbfejlesztési irányát is nagymértékben meghatározzák.
kategorizálással. A folyamat során 6 fő témát (Szekularizáció, Gazdaság, Szexualitás, Politika, Egyéni megelégedettség és jólét, Társas együttélések és együttműködések) sikerült azonosítanunk. E főbb témák mindegyikét további altémákra bontottuk, a tanulmányokat pedig tovább vizsgáltuk az első szerző intézményi affiliációja, a folyóirat szerkesztőinek intézményi affiliációja és a kiadó geográfiai elhelyezkedése szerint. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a beazonosított témalefedések és -preferenciák a szociológiai tudás egy olyan nyugati részhalmazának jellegzetességei, melyet főként angolszász kutatási környezetbe beágyazódott ágensek termeltek.
KOME is a theory and pure research-oriented journal of communication studies and related fields. Therefore theoretical researches and discussions that helps to understand better, or reconceptualize the understanding of communication are its centre of interests; being either an useful supplement to, or a reasonable alternative of current communication theories. Scholarly perspectives with the aim of creating an intellectual plus in the metatheory of communication, policies or research methods are especially welcomed, as well as linguistic or etymological analyses. KOME is also committed to the ideas of trans-and interdisciplinarity and prefer topics which are relevant for more than one special discipline of social sciences.
Janos Toth,
co-EIC, jatoth@komejournal.com
Visit our website at http://www.komejournal.com
Submissions are to be sent to the
Editorial Office
All submission undergo double blind peer review. Average turnaround time is 6 weeks. No APC's, page charges, submission charges; we do not charge authors for publishing their work and do not solicit or accept payment for contributions.
KOME is published by the Hungarian Communication Studies Association. H-1037 Budapest, Bokor utca 1-3-5. PRP: Özséb Horányi, Member of Presidency. Issn 2063-7330
of society belongs to the same narrative category as mainstream frame of analyses bound by a modernist ontology and epistemology.
evaluation, this dataset can play an important role in new research evaluation policies at Hungarian research institutions aiming to enhance global competitiveness by fostering scientific excellence and innovation.
encouraging university students to report if they encounter liberal political activism in the classroom. Given the measures that the Hungarian government took against universities and liberal academic freedoms only a month before – like stop financing gender studies programmes and forcing Central European University (CEU) to relocate most of their future activities to Vienna – there is a widely supported belief in Hungarian academia that this is a part of a larger government campaign against academic freedom and the ethos of higher education in general. This commentary points out that to be able to distinguish said reports from made-out propaganda stories, it is necessary to leave their sources of information identifiable.
publications in the sociology of religion. Briefly touching upon the practical use of
identification of major topics covered in published literature during the process of
publication output planning, we continue the article with the thematical analysis of those
journal articles in the sociology of religion, in which the presented research did not
focus on a specific religion or on the believers of a specific religion. We examined the
adherence to this criterion of lack of specification in 173 articles published in leading
international journals between 2010 and 2013, from the journal list of the Institute of
Sociology of the HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), from which 66 journal articles
were coded and classified with inductive categorization consistent with grounded
theory. Throughout the process, we managed to identify 6 main topics (Secularization,
Economy, Sexuality, Politics, Personal Satisfaction, and Well-Being, Social CoExistence,
and Cooperation). We then further divided each of these key themes into
subtopics, and we examined the studies further, according to the institutional affiliation
of first author(s), institutional affiliation of journal editors, and geographic location of
journal publishers. Results show that the identified topics and topic preferences are
characteristics of a subset of a Western sociological knowledge, produced mainly by
agents embedded in an Anglo-Saxon research environment.
of muslim immigration. This, as well as the problematics of national majority - Muslim minority interactions make the goal of conducting a meta-analysis of recently published results reasonable, focusing on issues of thematization, geographical distribution, analyzed samples and sample sizes as well as on grants obtained by the authors for a specific research. In the following, we realize our research objectives through conducting a systematic analysis on a section (N=33) of a larger (N=160) sample of peer-reviewed articles, and by a thematic analysis of the same section focusing on the role and influence of various media. We found that within the sample, images of Muslims in the media can be categorized in three main types: An entity using violence at the individual or state level, a victim of violence, and an outsider culturally or behaviorally in defiance of the West.
major themes in Christianity-focused research; each of these further divided into subtopics. Than all selected articles were further investigated in terms of first author affiliation, journal editor affiliation and journal publisher’s geographic location. Results shows that the analysis we have performed concerning 160 articles published in „A”-category international journals provided not only a structured overview of current themes in Christianity-focused research within the field, but also identified a major anglo-saxon research environment bias valid through both religion-specific and general studies.
elemezzük a tanulásmenedzselő rendszerekben (Learning
Management System, LMS) és specifikusan a CooSpace-ben rejlő lehetőségeket. Az elemzés során megvizsgáljuk a Web 2.0-ás tanulásmenedzselő rendszerek kialakulásának technológiai és nem-technológiai hátterét, hogy azonosítsuk azokat a célkitűzéseket és mögöttes elképzeléseket, amelyek megvalósulásának ezek a rendszerek tekinthetőek. Célul tűztük ki továbbá olyan kérdések megfogalmazását, melyek megválaszolása segítheti a tanulásmenedzselő rendszerek funkcióinak kielégítő pontosságú konceptualizálását a kommunikációtudományok területén. Ehhez szükséges volt megvizsgálni azokat a kompetenciákat, melyek megléte
mind oktatói, mint pedig hallgatói részről elengedhetetlen feltétele ezen rendszerek standard és perszonalizált változatainak használatához. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy ezek a kompetenciák szorosan kapcsolódnak az autonómia személyi és közösségi fogalmához, és egyúttal ezen rendszerek ideális továbbfejlesztési irányát is nagymértékben meghatározzák.
kategorizálással. A folyamat során 6 fő témát (Szekularizáció, Gazdaság, Szexualitás, Politika, Egyéni megelégedettség és jólét, Társas együttélések és együttműködések) sikerült azonosítanunk. E főbb témák mindegyikét további altémákra bontottuk, a tanulmányokat pedig tovább vizsgáltuk az első szerző intézményi affiliációja, a folyóirat szerkesztőinek intézményi affiliációja és a kiadó geográfiai elhelyezkedése szerint. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a beazonosított témalefedések és -preferenciák a szociológiai tudás egy olyan nyugati részhalmazának jellegzetességei, melyet főként angolszász kutatási környezetbe beágyazódott ágensek termeltek.
KOME is a theory and pure research-oriented journal of communication studies and related fields. Therefore theoretical researches and discussions that helps to understand better, or reconceptualize the understanding of communication are its centre of interests; being either an useful supplement to, or a reasonable alternative of current communication theories. Scholarly perspectives with the aim of creating an intellectual plus in the metatheory of communication, policies or research methods are especially welcomed, as well as linguistic or etymological analyses. KOME is also committed to the ideas of trans-and interdisciplinarity and prefer topics which are relevant for more than one special discipline of social sciences.
Janos Toth,
co-EIC, jatoth@komejournal.com
Visit our website at http://www.komejournal.com
Submissions are to be sent to the
Editorial Office
All submission undergo double blind peer review. Average turnaround time is 6 weeks. No APC's, page charges, submission charges; we do not charge authors for publishing their work and do not solicit or accept payment for contributions.
KOME is published by the Hungarian Communication Studies Association. H-1037 Budapest, Bokor utca 1-3-5. PRP: Özséb Horányi, Member of Presidency. Issn 2063-7330
of society belongs to the same narrative category as mainstream frame of analyses bound by a modernist ontology and epistemology.