Universitat Witten/Herdecke
Faculty for Management & Economics
Artikel aus FAS: Wie kann man den derzeit nach Europa strömenden Flüchtlingen helfen, ohne die bestehenden Sozialsysteme zu stark zu belasten? Dieser Beitrag schlägt hierfür europaweite eigene Sozialsysteme für Flüchtlinge vor, die von... more
Cassava is Africa's most important tuberous crop. It is an all-year-round cheap and reliable staple food for millions of Africans, making it vital for food security on the continent. However, cassava production in Africa is hindered by a... more
Africa faces severe ecological crises, such as climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss, undermining sustainable development efforts and exacerbating poverty and hunger. Integrating environmental concerns into social... more
This article challenges exclusively rationalist accounts of and offers a complementary explanation for the emergence of liberal trade policy in the Kennedy administration. I draw on recent insights in constructivist institutionalism to... more
This article investigates how influential policy advice constructs a stable Congo image and upholds the belief in intervention benefits. By investigating analytical blind spots and the way counter evidence is dealt with, this article... more
Cautionary note: This is an early draft and more of a collection of ideas. I have submitted my Ph.D. thesis three days ago and thus had too little time to polish this paper enough. I hope it contains some interesting thoughts nonetheless.
Despite growing scholarly criticism in IR and various strands of research like practice theory, governance and governmentality, the failed state is alive and well in Congo analysis. Building on a performative understanding of the state as... more
Entwicklung ist ein schillernder Begriff, der trotz aller Kritik weiterhin selbstverständlich benutzt wird. Nicht nur westliche Planer aus Weltbank und GIZ, sondern auch Marxisten und radikale Aktivisten wie Frantz Fanon führten und... more
Despite widespread disenchantment with development aid and the merits of military intervention, billions continue to be spent and the number of humanitarian organizations and UN peacekeeping mission keeps rising. The West continues to... more
This chapter argues that practice theory comprises two key approaches to practices. The first claims there is a different social ontology at play with practices at its heart. The second is methodological and considers practices as... more
Critique is back on the scholarly agenda. Since the financial crisis critique has been debated in philosophy and sociology with renewed rigor. IR is currently picking up on these developments. Yet the critique of capitalism is largely... more
Since the start of reporting during the ‘Congo wars’ in 1998 the International Crisis Group (icg) has been one of the most important sources of information for Western analysts, UN agencies and ngos dealing with the political and economic... more