Videos by Lucia De Frenza
Presentato al 70° Congresso nazionale di Storia della Farmacia, online 28-29 novembre 2020
Presentato dall'IPSAIC in occasione dell'anniversario dell'apertura dei lavori dell'Assemblea Cos... more Presentato dall'IPSAIC in occasione dell'anniversario dell'apertura dei lavori dell'Assemblea Costituente (2 giugno 2020) 1 views
Breve introduzione alla vita e all'opera di Maria Angela Ardinghelli
Websites by Lucia De Frenza
Il progetto
L’istituzione dell’Università di Bari con l’unica Facoltà di Medicina, nel 1924, attu... more Il progetto
L’istituzione dell’Università di Bari con l’unica Facoltà di Medicina, nel 1924, attuò, d’intesa con il ministro Gentile, il progetto di una nuova architettura degli studi medici. Attraverso la ricostruzione della sistemazione degli istituti nella prima sede della Facoltà, resa possibile dal recupero delle planimetrie, dalle fotografie e dalle testimonianze dei primi docenti, si vuole mostrare la nuova struttura degli studi medici sperimentata a Bari. La distribuzione degli spazi, le attrezzature assegnate e le regole imposte all’uso delle dotazioni in comune definiscono i rapporti tra le varie discipline e come questi mutarono nel corso dei primi anni. Dopo il secondo conflitto mondiale la Facoltà iniziò una nuova fase della sua storia con il trasferimento nel Policlinico.
Papers by Lucia De Frenza
L’elettricismo naturale nelle ricerche di Giuseppe Maria Giovene, in M. Di Mauro, L. Romano, V. Zanini (a cura di), Atti del XLIII Convegno annuale SISFA, Padova, 5-8 settembre 2023, Napoli, Federico II University Press, 2024, pp. 167-175, ISBN: 9788868872564. In the second half of the 18th century, a large number of physicists dealt with atmospheric pheno... more In the second half of the 18th century, a large number of physicists dealt with atmospheric phenomena. In Apulia, Giuseppe Maria Giovene (1753-1837) was one of the first to choose this field of study. He made meteorological observations from 1788 to 1797 and tried to understand the origin of meteorological phenomena, giving much importance to the effects of atmospheric electricity. In his work Osservazioni elettrico-atmosferiche e barometriche insieme comparate (1799), he illustrated the relationship between the intensity of atmospheric electricity and pressure variation.
The importance of Giovene’s work is that he made meteorology a statistical science.
Francesco Zantedeschi taught experimental physics at the University of Padua in the years 1849-18... more Francesco Zantedeschi taught experimental physics at the University of Padua in the years 1849-1857. During this period, he was involved in research into elec-trical telegraphy. He dealt in particular with the simultaneous passage of two electric currents in the same conductor. He took inspiration from the work that was taking place in France (Bréguet’s experiment, 1847) and in Austria (Gintl, 1854), on the possibility of sending simultaneous dispatches along the same line; then, he performed original experiments. However, he was unable to solve this problem. In 1853, he experimented with the application of the telegraph to mete-orology at the Central Telegraph Office in Vienna over the four telegraph lines of the Austrian Monarchy. He also made some devices for the use of telegraph sta-tions, such as an electric-telegraph discharger, invented in 1854.
La tecnica rabdomantica di trovare sorgenti o miniere, diventata tra la fine del Settecento e l'i... more La tecnica rabdomantica di trovare sorgenti o miniere, diventata tra la fine del Settecento e l'inizio dell'Ottocento una questione scientifica, perché espressione delle influenze elettriche del sottosuolo, a Napoli non suscitò un dibattito così animato come nel resto d'Italia. Qui la discussione sembrò travalicare i confini della superstizione e dell’immaginario popolare dolo per un breve periodo; quindi fu estromessa dalla ricerca ufficiale.
La raccolta e la ripubblicazione degli scritti di Giovanni Carano Donvito relativi ai più signifi... more La raccolta e la ripubblicazione degli scritti di Giovanni Carano Donvito relativi ai più significativi esponenti della scienza economica pugliese del periodo pre e post unitario, apparsi su diverse riviste nazionali tra Otto e Novecento, rappresenta un significativo apporto alla costruzione di una specifica identità storico-culturale della Puglia.
After the end of the Second World War, the United States made many pharmaceutical products availa... more After the end of the Second World War, the United States made many pharmaceutical products available to Italy, in particular penicillin. The first distribution of the drug was carried out in spring of 1945. The Government organized distributions both for therapeutic treatment and for the first
clinical trials. At the same time, in agreement with the USIS, a widespread information campaign was promoted for medical personnel and the population. Public sales only began in November 1946.
Tra il Sette e l’Ottocento era molto comune, per le donne interessate alla scienza, trovare nel m... more Tra il Sette e l’Ottocento era molto comune, per le donne interessate alla scienza, trovare nel matrimonio un’occasione per poter operare nel campo della ricerca insieme al marito. Questo è testimoniato dal valore mediatico dell’arte: grazie ai due ritratti dei coniugi Lavoisier e Galvani, è possibile comprendere il rapporto lavorativo, oltre che personale, all’interno della coppia.Between the 18th and 19th century it was very common, for those women interested in science, to find in marriage a chance to work in the research field along with their husbands. This is proved by media valour of the art: we can understand the relationship between husband and wife that went beyond the private field thanks to two portraits of the Galvanis and the Lavoisiers
Pendant la Grande Guerre, un hôpital de la Marine a été créé à Bari, siège du 11e corps d’armée t... more Pendant la Grande Guerre, un hôpital de la Marine a été créé à Bari, siège du 11e corps d’armée territorial, dans lequel une cinquantaine d’infirmières de la Croix-Rouge étaient employées pour assister les soldats malades. Des archives historiques de la Croix-Rouge italienne ont émergé des témoignages inédits concernant l’organisation des services, la fabrication de vêtements militaires au sein de l’hôpital, les relations avec le directeur et surtout la méfiance manifeste que leur présence suscitait dans la population civile.
Beginning in the 1860s, a number of prototype electrostatic influence machines were invented, suc... more Beginning in the 1860s, a number of prototype electrostatic influence machines were invented, such as Holtz’s influence machine or Toepler’s one, both from 1865. These instruments were generally used in scientific laboratories as devices for demonstrations or for teaching, i.e. for mainly scientific purposes. The description of the performance of these devices has led to heated conflicts among physicists.
At the end of the 18th century, Pierre Thouvenel, a military physician, and a student of pharmacy... more At the end of the 18th century, Pierre Thouvenel, a military physician, and a student of pharmacy and meteorology, proposed an occult science, divination by means of the rod, as a physico-medical theory. Precisely, he explained the property of some individuals to “feel” waters and
underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe. Thouvenel elaborated a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, which had much in common with the theory
of animal magnetism. He was called a “shy” Mesmerian, because accepted the theory of cosmic influences, but rejected the idea that emanations could be used to cure diseases. At first, Thouvenel was able to convince some scientists that the power of dowsers was real, thanks to
the success of public demonstrations and the favour accorded to him by the popular press. After a few years, however, dowsing was deemed irrational, as had happened to Mesmerism.
Proprietà letteraria riservata "Questa pubblicazione riflette solo il punto di vista degli autori... more Proprietà letteraria riservata "Questa pubblicazione riflette solo il punto di vista degli autori e il Consiglio regionale della Puglia non può essere ritenuto responsabile del contenuto né di qualsivoglia uso venga fatto delle informazioni contenute nel volume. Le immagini storiche provengono da collezioni private. Per le immagini storiche di cui non è stato possibile rintracciare i diritti, il Consiglio regionale della Puglia si dichiara fin d'ora disponibile a riconoscerli a chi ne facesse legittimamente richiesta, previa verifica della dichiarazione liberatoria rilasciata dall'autore e delle sue responsabilità."
At the end of the 18th century, Pierre Thouvenel, a military physician, and a student of pharmacy... more At the end of the 18th century, Pierre Thouvenel, a military physician, and a student of pharmacy and meteorology, transformed a technique that until the 17th century was considered mysterious, indeed by some to be the devil’s work, divination by means of the rod, into a physico-medical theory. In so doing, Thouvenel was not concerned with proposing any new
form of therapeutic treatment; however, he did elaborate a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, a model which had much in common with some medical doctrines, such as electric medicine and Mesmerism.
Within the framework of this model, he sought to explain the putatively natural property of some individuals to “feel” waters and underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe.
From the second half of the Nineteenth century, restorative drugs had a wide use for the treatmen... more From the second half of the Nineteenth century, restorative drugs had a wide use for the treatment of female anaemias. The pale complexion and the thinness, admired in the heroines of Romanticism, lost their aesthetic appeal at the end of the nineteenth century; however, many high society ladies did not immediately abandon this ideal of beauty. The hygienic medicine tried to counter this trend, because it compromised the good health of women. A new model of beauty was suggested: beauty as health, as inner strength, “rich and pure blood”. Furthermore, the pursuit of beauty was no longer identified only with the care of external elements (face and clothing), but also with the good functionality of the internal organs, especially the digestive system. Female beauty evolved towards a model of a healthy woman.
In the spring of 1912, Paolo Fiora (1877-1955) went to Tripoli to take part in Italo-Turkish War.... more In the spring of 1912, Paolo Fiora (1877-1955) went to Tripoli to take part in Italo-Turkish War. He headed the pharmacy of the hospital no. 31, established by the Red Cross of Turin to give assistance to Italian soldiers. During his stay, he wrote a diary and took several photographs.
This documentation is kept in the Fiora family archive. It contains interesting information on the medical services implemented in this war, together with some notes on the daily work of the doctors.
Some contradictions on the handling of the war by the military authorities are also described.
V. Zanini, A. Naddeo, F. Bonoli (a cura di), Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia. Atti del XLI Convegno annuale / Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference, 2022
In 1854 Francesco Zantedeschi (1797-1873) attacked Macedonio
Melloni (1798-1854), who had propose... more In 1854 Francesco Zantedeschi (1797-1873) attacked Macedonio
Melloni (1798-1854), who had proposed to reformulate classical electrostatics, reinterpreting some experiences with the principles set out by Faraday. Zantedeschi expounded a third explanation of electrostatic induction phenomena. This dispute allows us to grasp the variety of aspects of Italian electrostatics research in the second half of the 19th century.
At the beginning of the First World War, the Apulian coast was included in the war zone to counte... more At the beginning of the First World War, the Apulian coast was included in the war zone to counter attacks by sea. On the other side of the Adriatic Sea there were the Italian bases of Vlorë and Salonika. On both sides there was a continuous movement of ships transporting equipment and soldiers. At the same time hospital ships arrived from the Eastern front, bringing back wounded and sick soldiers. 90% of the soldiers repatriated from the Eastern front suffered from malarial infections. The Ministry of War devised a plan to protect soldiers from this disease directly in the places where the troops were stationed. In 1918 the anti-malarial prophylaxis was carried out not only in Vlorë, but also in the main maritime defense districts in Italy, namely Venice, Brindisi, Taranto.
In the late 18th century, the traditional concept of death as a sudden termination of life was pu... more In the late 18th century, the traditional concept of death as a sudden termination of life was put into crisis. Physicians described borderline conditions, in which vital functions appeared not to have completely vanished, but could be still reactivated. Drowning was treated as one of these cases of ‘life suspended’. In Italy, public health magistrates were called to define regulations for the rescue of drowned people. The political fragmentation of Italy did not allow both the adoption of unitary measures about the diagnosis of death from drowning and the implementation, once recognized, of residual signs of life, of the same resuscitation protocols. The experiences had a clear local characterization. This contribution aims to focus on the pathophysiological debate about drowning and its translation into medical police regulations in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. The aim is to bring out the reasons given to support the medical practice of resuscitation, together with the suggestions received from foreign literature.
Videos by Lucia De Frenza
Websites by Lucia De Frenza
L’istituzione dell’Università di Bari con l’unica Facoltà di Medicina, nel 1924, attuò, d’intesa con il ministro Gentile, il progetto di una nuova architettura degli studi medici. Attraverso la ricostruzione della sistemazione degli istituti nella prima sede della Facoltà, resa possibile dal recupero delle planimetrie, dalle fotografie e dalle testimonianze dei primi docenti, si vuole mostrare la nuova struttura degli studi medici sperimentata a Bari. La distribuzione degli spazi, le attrezzature assegnate e le regole imposte all’uso delle dotazioni in comune definiscono i rapporti tra le varie discipline e come questi mutarono nel corso dei primi anni. Dopo il secondo conflitto mondiale la Facoltà iniziò una nuova fase della sua storia con il trasferimento nel Policlinico.
Papers by Lucia De Frenza
The importance of Giovene’s work is that he made meteorology a statistical science.
clinical trials. At the same time, in agreement with the USIS, a widespread information campaign was promoted for medical personnel and the population. Public sales only began in November 1946.
underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe. Thouvenel elaborated a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, which had much in common with the theory
of animal magnetism. He was called a “shy” Mesmerian, because accepted the theory of cosmic influences, but rejected the idea that emanations could be used to cure diseases. At first, Thouvenel was able to convince some scientists that the power of dowsers was real, thanks to
the success of public demonstrations and the favour accorded to him by the popular press. After a few years, however, dowsing was deemed irrational, as had happened to Mesmerism.
form of therapeutic treatment; however, he did elaborate a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, a model which had much in common with some medical doctrines, such as electric medicine and Mesmerism.
Within the framework of this model, he sought to explain the putatively natural property of some individuals to “feel” waters and underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe.
This documentation is kept in the Fiora family archive. It contains interesting information on the medical services implemented in this war, together with some notes on the daily work of the doctors.
Some contradictions on the handling of the war by the military authorities are also described.
Melloni (1798-1854), who had proposed to reformulate classical electrostatics, reinterpreting some experiences with the principles set out by Faraday. Zantedeschi expounded a third explanation of electrostatic induction phenomena. This dispute allows us to grasp the variety of aspects of Italian electrostatics research in the second half of the 19th century.
L’istituzione dell’Università di Bari con l’unica Facoltà di Medicina, nel 1924, attuò, d’intesa con il ministro Gentile, il progetto di una nuova architettura degli studi medici. Attraverso la ricostruzione della sistemazione degli istituti nella prima sede della Facoltà, resa possibile dal recupero delle planimetrie, dalle fotografie e dalle testimonianze dei primi docenti, si vuole mostrare la nuova struttura degli studi medici sperimentata a Bari. La distribuzione degli spazi, le attrezzature assegnate e le regole imposte all’uso delle dotazioni in comune definiscono i rapporti tra le varie discipline e come questi mutarono nel corso dei primi anni. Dopo il secondo conflitto mondiale la Facoltà iniziò una nuova fase della sua storia con il trasferimento nel Policlinico.
The importance of Giovene’s work is that he made meteorology a statistical science.
clinical trials. At the same time, in agreement with the USIS, a widespread information campaign was promoted for medical personnel and the population. Public sales only began in November 1946.
underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe. Thouvenel elaborated a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, which had much in common with the theory
of animal magnetism. He was called a “shy” Mesmerian, because accepted the theory of cosmic influences, but rejected the idea that emanations could be used to cure diseases. At first, Thouvenel was able to convince some scientists that the power of dowsers was real, thanks to
the success of public demonstrations and the favour accorded to him by the popular press. After a few years, however, dowsing was deemed irrational, as had happened to Mesmerism.
form of therapeutic treatment; however, he did elaborate a physiological model setting out a series of balances between fluids within and without the organism, a model which had much in common with some medical doctrines, such as electric medicine and Mesmerism.
Within the framework of this model, he sought to explain the putatively natural property of some individuals to “feel” waters and underground mines by means of influences coming from subtle emanations diffused within the Universe.
This documentation is kept in the Fiora family archive. It contains interesting information on the medical services implemented in this war, together with some notes on the daily work of the doctors.
Some contradictions on the handling of the war by the military authorities are also described.
Melloni (1798-1854), who had proposed to reformulate classical electrostatics, reinterpreting some experiences with the principles set out by Faraday. Zantedeschi expounded a third explanation of electrostatic induction phenomena. This dispute allows us to grasp the variety of aspects of Italian electrostatics research in the second half of the 19th century.
Great War he managed the pharmacy of the Vittorio Emanuele III territorial hospital in Turin.
In those years, he held a series of conferences on hygiene and pharmacology for the soldiers and volunteer nurses of the Red Cross.
in Bologna; the following year he became professor of Physics at the Technical Institute, replacing his teacher, Antonio Pacinotti. In these early years, Righi was mainly concerned with the theory of capacitors and electrostatic researches. His first work described a new induction electrometer, which served to measure weak charges. In a decade Righi carried out numerous experimental investigations to demonstrate that insulating materials under the influence of a charge did not polarize, i.e. there was no charge shifting within the materials. In his essay of 1875, he examined the induction machines made in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, starting with those of Toepler and Holtz, and he proposed a classification.
territorio. Gli studi scientifici e tecnici furono coltivati nei primi anni superando i gravi ostacoli dovuti alla perifericità di Bari rispetto ai centri nevralgici della ricerca nazionale. Negli anni Sessanta, con il consolidamento della struttura organizzativa, si
innescò la reazione a catena tra investimenti nella ricerca e crescita economica, che portò allo sviluppo di nuovi laboratori di ricerca tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, in grado di competere e collaborare con
l’eccellenza internazionale. La nuova generazione di docenti nati e formati in Puglia creava un nuovo orientamento caratterizzato dalla forte interazione con la forza studentesca e dall’apertura verso il territorio.