Art and Science
Recent papers in Art and Science
This article, which is a fragment of my PhD Dissertation written under the supervision of Professor Corina Popa, examines the way in which illusionism is discussed in the early modern period, thus trying to offer, in its original context,... more
This Ph.D. by Published Work examines five projects that took place over ten years, between 2007 and 2016, that were curated as part of the artistic programme of Arts Catalyst, an independent interdisciplinary arts commissioning... more
Extraits du catalogue publié à l'occasion de l'exposition du même titre au Grand Palais, Paris (commissariat d'Alexia Fabre et Philippe Malgouyres).
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
SOMMARIO La scienza della pittura 12 Pittura e cosmografia 20 J J Il cosmo dei Medici 29 J J Villa Pamphilj a Roma e le meraviglie della scienza 39 J J L'incontro allegorico di arte e scienza 11 Il sodalizio tra arte e scienza 4 L'occhio... more
This review essay of two edited volumes sketches how STS scholars have analyzed scientific representation and visualization in recent work. Several key foci have emerged, among them attending closely to materiality, engaging the digital... more
Neo-Modernismos-o artista-engenheiro no século XXI-Helena Barbas A 20 de Fevereiro de 1909, Marinetti 1 lançava o seu «Manifesto do Futurismo» publicado no jornal Le Fígaro em Paris, onde refere no ponto 4: 4. Afirmamos que a... more
From a societal point of view, art has a key relevance: Art is a means to pursue the cultural questions posed about interrelations, perceptions of realities and meanings (critique and value formation) in an aesthetic mode of working. It... more
The need to be distant from the frenetic rhythms of the contemporary life, to rediscover an equal relationship with the natural environment, and to expand ecological and eco-critical awareness, is certainly not a recent idea. Already on... more
Over 30 colorful photographs of snowflakes, taken through a microscope, are included in this show -- work that has been used in a variety of schools for about 15 years. This PowerPoint show also explains how the black and white... more
Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity denote a diversity of practices and present specific challenges to collaboration in research and education. One of those challenges is the integration of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences... more
Naukową refleksję nad zagadnieniem przypadku zwykło się utożsamiać z matematyką czy filozofią. W niniejszej pracy spojrzymy na ten problem z perspektywy sztuk wizualnych. Historia filozofii i nauki pokazuje, iż pojęcie przypadku rozumiane... more
This article unveils imagery that seems intended to be recognized in phases from such sites as Font-de-Gaume (pg. 24), Laugerie-Basse (pg. 35-37), Isturitz (pg. 37-38), Saint-Cirq-du-Bugue (pg. 38-39), and Guy-Martin (pg. 26-35), after... more
“You [must] risk getting lost in the thickets, … that is the only way to make art.” --Robert Smithson. Julian Charrière’s (*1987) work bridges the realms of environmental science and cultural history. Marshalling performance,... more
Currently Art and Science, the two main fields of the human knowledge, are interacting more intensely developing new connections between them. Throughout the last three decades we are witnessing a great acceleration of scientific and... more
SUMMARY The ubiquitous use of digital technology in all aspects of daily life has opened up unprecedented possibilities such as immediate access to information, (tele)presence at any place on the planet, multiplication and modification... more
The connection between art and science in observation drawing has mostly been referenced concerning scientific illustration. The botanical drawings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868- 1928) and Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933) have also... more
Il mese di Aprile è, come dice il poeta, il più crudele dei mesi, ma è anche il Mese della Consapevolezza Matematica, quest'anno dedicato in tutto il mondo alla Matematica della Sostenibilità, tema fondamentale perché l'umanità deve... more
In ihrem 2005 veröffentlichten Buch „Kunst aus dem Labor“ thematisiert die Medientheoretikerin Ingeborg Reichle die engen Verbindungen zwischen Kunst und Naturwissenschaften. Standen lange vor allem technische Medien im Zentrum... more
Bloomsbury Acquisitions Editor Margaret Michniewicz (formerly with Ashgate) is welcoming book and series proposals for Bloomsbury's new research monograph program in art history and the visual arts, emphasizing cutting-edge scholarship... more
<< The French Baroque Organ Art: Musique, Organ building, Performance >> / << L’Art d’orgue Baroque français : Musique, Facture, Interprétation >> [ Аннотация: ] Настоящая монография представляет собой первое в российском... more
The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid... more
La obra que se presenta a continuación nos enfrenta a la representación de la unión del espacio físico y el espacio virtual. Se parte de la hipótesis de la existencia de no-lugares que funcionan como nodos dobles. Nodos que permiten la... more
It is obvious to any seasoned moviegoer that contemporary popular films are different than those of earlier times. We measured 160 English-language films released from 1935 to 2010 and addressed four changes concerning shots, motion,... more
Kondor was an apostle of flying: a group of about hundred works in the oeuvre deals with a certain topic from the long history of flight and flying machines. From ornithopters, which imitated the flight of birds, and the figure of Louis... more
Kurt Vanhoutte discusses the history of human orreries, in which individuals take the place of the celestial bodies, re-enacting the motions of the orbiting planets. Going back at least to the eighteenth century, Vanhoutte traces the... more
The Fabergé Eggs carry international fame as a symbol of tragedy, wealth and power. The first Fabergé Egg created for the House of Romanov or the Russian royal family was in 1885 when Emperor Alexander III commissioned an Easter Egg as a... more
W zachodniej humanistyce ostatnich lat mamy do czynienia z rozpowszechnieniem się rozmaitych „fabulacji spekulatywnych” (Haraway) na temat czasów w których żyjemy, zwłaszcza w kontekście trwającej katastrofy ekologicznej. Chodzi tu o... more