Annalisa Furia
After having obtained a PhD in History of Political Thought (2005) and having published my PhD thesis (which was assigned the National Prize for the best Phd thesis in July 2006), I was awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and then two Research Fellowships to carry out a research on the nexus between, on the one hand, human rights and human development theories (A.K. Sen, M.C. Nussbaum) and, on the other, human development and human security concerns in development cooperation theory and practice with a particular attention to their implications and impact in political terms.
I am currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, conducting a research on "Political Power Beyond the State: Foreign Aid, Development and Migrations. Amitié CODE - Capitalizing on Development".
My main research interests concern: the investigation of foreign aid and humanitarianism as contemporary international practices of government; the analysis of migration, particularly of child migration, as res politica; the scrutiny of children's rights’s history, conceptions and limitations; the investigation of the link between ethics and politics in international political discourse;
In parallel with the academic activity, I participated as Researcher, Expert and Scientific Coordinator in several national and EU-funded projects for the protection and enhancement of migrants and refugees' rights.
In 2009 I was Scientific Coordination Assistant of the Line of intervention 1 of the National Programme for Unaccompanied Minors promoted by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and implemented by ANCI (National Association of Local Authorities). From 2008 to 2013 I have collaborated with the NGO Defence for Children International, where I have served, from 2010 to 2013, as National and International Programme Coordinator.
Recently (2011-2013), I have been Researcher and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Project AMITIE - Awareness on MIgration,developmenT and humanrIghts through local partnerships, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and co-funded by the Europeaid Programme.
I have taught several undergraduate and graduate seminars and modules in Italian and foreign Universities, Summer School and academic training courses. I was appointed as Adjunct Lecturer for the 2012/2013 academic year, to teach the course "History of Political Doctrines" (60 hrs), Undergraduate Degree on Political, Social and International Sciences, University of Bologna.
Over the years I have supervised more than 40 graduate and undergraduate dissertations.
I am member of:
a) the Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine Politiche - AISDP (Italian Associationof Historians of Political Thought);
b) the Center for Constitutional Studies, Cultures, Rights, Democracies- Europe, Asia, Mediterranean, University of Bologna.
c) the Società Italiana delle Storiche - SIS (Italian Association of Female Historians).
d) the Child Migration Research Network, run by the Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium at the University of Sussex.
e) the Editorial Committee of "Il Pensiero politico" Journal.
I am currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, conducting a research on "Political Power Beyond the State: Foreign Aid, Development and Migrations. Amitié CODE - Capitalizing on Development".
My main research interests concern: the investigation of foreign aid and humanitarianism as contemporary international practices of government; the analysis of migration, particularly of child migration, as res politica; the scrutiny of children's rights’s history, conceptions and limitations; the investigation of the link between ethics and politics in international political discourse;
In parallel with the academic activity, I participated as Researcher, Expert and Scientific Coordinator in several national and EU-funded projects for the protection and enhancement of migrants and refugees' rights.
In 2009 I was Scientific Coordination Assistant of the Line of intervention 1 of the National Programme for Unaccompanied Minors promoted by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and implemented by ANCI (National Association of Local Authorities). From 2008 to 2013 I have collaborated with the NGO Defence for Children International, where I have served, from 2010 to 2013, as National and International Programme Coordinator.
Recently (2011-2013), I have been Researcher and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Project AMITIE - Awareness on MIgration,developmenT and humanrIghts through local partnerships, promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and co-funded by the Europeaid Programme.
I have taught several undergraduate and graduate seminars and modules in Italian and foreign Universities, Summer School and academic training courses. I was appointed as Adjunct Lecturer for the 2012/2013 academic year, to teach the course "History of Political Doctrines" (60 hrs), Undergraduate Degree on Political, Social and International Sciences, University of Bologna.
Over the years I have supervised more than 40 graduate and undergraduate dissertations.
I am member of:
a) the Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine Politiche - AISDP (Italian Associationof Historians of Political Thought);
b) the Center for Constitutional Studies, Cultures, Rights, Democracies- Europe, Asia, Mediterranean, University of Bologna.
c) the Società Italiana delle Storiche - SIS (Italian Association of Female Historians).
d) the Child Migration Research Network, run by the Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium at the University of Sussex.
e) the Editorial Committee of "Il Pensiero politico" Journal.
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Papers by Annalisa Furia
use models and concepts derived from the thought of thinkers such as
Hobbes, Kant and Grotius. The critical analysis of foreign aid practices, which are currently the most important form of international politics towards the periphery of the world, seems to point to a possible additional model of international relations, whose theoretical sources would be found in Marcel Mauss’s reflection around the concept and the practice of gift. Starting from the critical investigation of the development discourse, which since the end of World War II has shaped and legitimised foreign aid interventions, the essay discusses the relevancy and added value of this possible alternative model. [k.w.: Foreign aid, Concept of Gift (History of ), Marcel Mauss, Development Discourse, Models of International Relations]
EU Projects Research Reports by Annalisa Furia
Books by Annalisa Furia
use models and concepts derived from the thought of thinkers such as
Hobbes, Kant and Grotius. The critical analysis of foreign aid practices, which are currently the most important form of international politics towards the periphery of the world, seems to point to a possible additional model of international relations, whose theoretical sources would be found in Marcel Mauss’s reflection around the concept and the practice of gift. Starting from the critical investigation of the development discourse, which since the end of World War II has shaped and legitimised foreign aid interventions, the essay discusses the relevancy and added value of this possible alternative model. [k.w.: Foreign aid, Concept of Gift (History of ), Marcel Mauss, Development Discourse, Models of International Relations]
Il numero sarà dedicato al tema: “Un nuovo nomos della terra? Governance internazionale, sviluppo e aiuto umanitario”
Prima sessione - LE QUESTIONI
Modera: Barbara Marchetti (Università di Trento)
Qual è l’arena del diritto pubblico?
Giulio Itzcovich (Università di Brescia),
Martina Conticelli (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
Qual è la funzione del diritto pubblico negli ordinamenti liberal-democratici?
Marco Benvenuti (Sapienza Università di Roma),
Annalisa Furia (Università di Bologna)
Il diritto pubblico allo specchio: esiste un metodo?
Michele Massa (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano),
Alfredo Moliterni (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Coffee break
Tavola rotonda
Modera: Matteo Cosulich (Università di Trento)
Uno, nessuno, centomila: accademia e politica in Vittorio Emanuele Orlando
Antonio Cassatella (Università di Trento),
Marco Mazzamuto (Università di Palermo),
Andrea Morrone (Università di Bologna),
Otto Pfersmann (EHESS Paris),
Aristide Police (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”),
Diego Quaglioni (Università di Trento),
Aldo Sandulli (LUISS Guido Carli - Roma)
13 dicembre, 9.30
Seconda sessione - LE SFIDE
Modera: Marco Bombardelli (Università di Trento)
Ai confini del diritto pubblico: la cosa pubblica e le altre scienze
Simone Penasa (Università di Trento),
Matteo Casati (University of Kent)
L’Università come organizzazione pubblica tra tradizione e competizione
Enrico Carloni (Università di Perugia),
Carla Barbati (IULM Milano)
Coffee break
Il diritto pubblico strumento dell’egemonia: la formazione delle élites
Francesca Biondi (Università di Milano),
Andrea Rapini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Maurizio Fioravanti (Emerito Università di Firenze), Roberto Bin (Università di Ferrara)