Children's Rights
Recent papers in Children's Rights
A growing body of psychological research has examined the effects of armed and political conflict on children, including, for example, work in Lebanon (Macksoud, et al.,1996), Palestine (Baker, 1990, 1993; Elbedour et al., 1997; El Sarraj... more
Course Description: As many as 300,000 children and young people under the age of 18 are currently fighting in conflicts around the world. Hundreds of thousands more have been recruited into armed forces. Although most child soldiers are... more
Le présent article vise à appréhender la gestation pour autrui (GPA) sous l’angle de l’accès aux origines et à mettre en exergue les difficultés et les questions susceptibles de se poser lors de la recherche de ses origines par un... more
This chapter argues that there is a collective responsibility to have enough children in order to ensure that people will not, in the future, suffer great harm due to depopulation. Moreover, if people stopped having children voluntarily,... more
Research into the sexual behaviour of children remains in its infancy despite growing awareness that, under certain circumstances, it can at times be harmful to those involved. Of the research undertaken thus far, much has focused on... more
Neglect is a serious form of maltreatment. It is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs resulting in serious impairment of heath and/or development (Turney & Tanner 2005). Neglect has harmful... more
The forced transfer of children from one group to another is considered an element of the crime of genocide, yet this subject has attracted little scholarly attention. Using the history of the mass transfer of Armenian children during the... more
Motherhood is no longer a clear-cut concept. Is it a mere biological fact, or does it require a volitional component? This question is answered differently throughout Europe. The French regime of accouchement sous X is more oriented... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
This opinion piece considers the minor's right to refuse life-saving medical treatment in the context of the UK teenager (Hannah Jones) who wished to refuse to undergo a heart transplant.
Governments and NGOs all over the world are condemning the three evils; human slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour, by passing national and international laws and regulations and often in favour of status quo.... more
Around 2.5 million children participate in judicial proceedings across the European Union (EU) every year, affected by parental divorce or as victims of, or witnesses to, crime. Although their effective participation in such proceedings... more
The education system, as a social organization, is administered and managed through laws, rules and regulations. These are intended to provide a framework for controlling the behavior and activities of members of the organization. The... more
Covid-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy (UNICEF et al. 2020). Children are turning to digital solutions more... more
This article examines how a Spanish telecom giant legitimizes its market expansion through a corporate social responsibility (CSR) narrative that links generic notions of technological innovation and children's rights to projects of... more
A free childhood Children should grow up in a free environment, where they are respected as individuals, and where they can pursue the activities, which they have a natural interest in. First of all because this is what makes children... more
All polities struggle with establishing the correct balance between family autonomy and state intervention. In a liberal world, the family is often seen as being in some ways analogous to the individual, possessed of a zone of freedom in... more
Entre los principales defensores y promotores de la convención de los derechos del niño (CDN), su aparición represento una suerte de revolución copernicana. Sin embargo, los derechos humanos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA)... more
Article 4 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that state parties have a positive obligation to implement the necessary legal measures to secure the rights recognised in the Convention. The CRC Committee has stated... more
In philosophy, there are two competitor views about the nature and value of childhood: The first is the traditional, deficiency, view, according to which children are mere unfinished adults. The second is a view that has recently become... more
Family Law Update including consideration of CW v. Procurator Fiscal, Glasgow [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 also reported as W v Harvie [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 dealing with parental assault upon or corporal punishment of children. /2017/10/guidelines-for-examination-of-child.html It is trite that the children have been accorded special treatment by the legislature (of various countries) and courts because of their special needs. The environment of a court... more
Sunday Times 13 July 2014 In Justine McCarthy's article about Joyce McSharry, who was separated from her mother in the Bethany Home in 1951, the solicitor David Phelan of Hayes & Sons disclaimed knowledge of an irregular 'Adoption... more
This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I exposed on 2 December 2020 during the Webinar HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND IMAGES, II International Scientific-Methodological Seminar, organised by the Department of... more
Çocuk Haklarına dair Sözleşme maddelerinin yaşama geçirilmesinde Hükümet Dışı Kuruluşlara pek çok görev düşmektedir. Hükümet Dışı Kuruluşların, çocukların Sözleşme içinde yer alan haklarına ulaşmaları için savunuculuk ve uygulamalara... more
Набір карток «Всесвіт можливостей» розроблений для сприяння відкритому діалогу щодо безпечної поведінки в Інтернеті та розвитку інформаційно-цифрової компетентності. Ним можуть послуговуватися як початківці, так і професіонали для... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
The current report reviews the developmental, psychological, and environmental factors that influence the conduct and behaviors of children and youth (generally, ages 6-25) seeking refuge in the United States. During immigration... more
In numerous cases of various disciplines many things that are African are considered to be either backward or imitations of Western values or concepts. Issues to do with historical development as well as human rights are examples of... more
This paper argues that children experience poverty in three domains: Deprivation, Exclusion and Vulnerability. Each of these domains is examined individually, although it is shown that the complexity of poverty for children emerges from... more
Findings from Suzanie Adina MAT SAAT’s PhD research at Loughborough University that explored the experiences of Malay children whose parent has cancer and their information needs and behaviour to cope with the challenges they faced as... more
Child protection, Children’s Act, Domestic violence, Domestic violence Act, Substance abuse, the cycle of abuse (in substances) Abstract: In South Africa, children have become one of the most vulnerable groupings of our society. The... more
Este documento contiene una versión amigable del texto de la Ley N° 21.302 y un artículo introductorio en que se caracterizan sus rasgos generales
32 Billion Dollars- That is the estimated revenue of human trafficking in the world. A large chunk of these are vulnerable children. Human Traffickers have launched a full-scale hunt on children. Pedophiles and child porn Industry which... more
The paper uses a child centred approach to analyse Australia's child immunization laws. These laws conditions enrolment to early education centres on the child being fully immunized, and provide financial incentives to parents,... more
Palummo, Javier, La perspectiva de la violencia basada en género y generaciones como un imperativo de igualdad y justicia, en: Prato, Jimena; Palummo, Javier, Violencia basada en género y generaciones, Proyecto Uruguay unido para poner... more