Papers by Carolina Rodriguez
Interfaces, 2022
The objective of this work, affiliated with a discursive perspective of the study of the word, is... more The objective of this work, affiliated with a discursive perspective of the study of the word, is to denaturalize the proof that associates culture and collective identity, proof that will be thought in terms of pre-construction. The European proposal is analyzed in the historical context of the emergence of pre-construction of national states. We will bring elements from the history of culture, analyze its definition in Brazilian Portuguese-speaking dictionaries, some of them covering how its elements are production and politics.
O objetivo deste trabalho, filiado a uma perspectiva discursiva do estudo da palavra, é desnaturalizar a evidência que associa cultura e identidade coletiva, evidência que será pensada em termos de preconstruído. A proposta é analisar a constituição histórica desse preconstruído no contexto da colonização europeia e da emergência dos Estados nacionais a partir do Renascimento. Traremos alguns elementos da história da palavra cultura para analisar sua definição em dicionários brasileiros de língua portuguesa, visando compreender como essa evidência é produzida e quais são seus políticos.
La coupe urbaine peut-elle etre un lieu de rencontre entre les enjeux environnementaux globaux et... more La coupe urbaine peut-elle etre un lieu de rencontre entre les enjeux environnementaux globaux et les enjeux locaux d'ambiances situees prenant en compte les dimensions sensibles de l'espace et les pratiques habitantes ? Sur cette hypothese de depart de la coupe urbaine comme mode de representation permettant d'articuler ce qui habituellement est separe, a savoir les objets construits, le monde sensible et les pratiques sociales, nous avons mene un travail exploratoire applique aux preoccupations environnementales, ceci a travers deux thematiques pour lesquelles nous pouvions aisement mobiliser corpus et acteurs, celles des chaleurs urbaines (Ville de Grenoble) et celle des dechets solides (Ville de Sao Paulo). Deux categories de questions sont traitees a partir de corpus existants et d'une serie d'experimentations que nous avons menees : * Celles qui concernent les differents registres de connaissance impliques lorsqu'on parle d'ambiance et d'environ...
Langage et société, 2002
De nos jours, une des questions cruciales qui se posent pour comprendre le statut d'une langue es... more De nos jours, une des questions cruciales qui se posent pour comprendre le statut d'une langue est de situer son fonctionnement dans le processus croissant d'urbanisation qui caractérise la constitution et la consolidation des États nationaux modernes. Il existe actuellement une surdétermination de la ville par rapport à la campagne et de l'État national par rapport à tout autre mode d'organisation politique des sociétés, puisque même les sociétés sans État, comme les sociétés indigènes, ont un statut juridique dans les États nationaux sur le territoire
Artefatos de Leitura. DIAS, C.; COSTA, G.; BARBAI, M. (org.). Campinas, Labeurb/Nudecri., 2020
A Leitura e os Leitores , 1998
Estudos da Língua(gem) - 1982-0534, v. 1, n. 1, 2005
Este artigo discute o texto Observações para uma Teoria Geral das Ideologias, escrito por... more RESUMO
Este artigo discute o texto Observações para uma Teoria Geral das Ideologias, escrito por Michel Pêcheux, sob o pseudônimo Thomas Herbert, em 1967. O intuito é apontar alguns elementos formulados nesse texto que constituem o fundamento da Análise do Discurso que o autor institui, a partir de 1969. Essa disciplina se inscreve no contexto da crítica antipositivista que caracterizou as ciências humanas no século XX, impulsionada pelos trabalhos da trilogia Marx/Freud/Saussure. Ao mobilizar os conceitos de ideologia e inconsciente para repensar a língua saussureana, Pêcheux formula um novo objeto, o discurso, e coloca questões relevantes tanto para a Lingüística como para as Ciências Sociais.
Este artículo discute el texto "Observaciones para una teoría general de las ideologías", escrito por Michel Pêcheux, bajo el sinónimo de Thomas Herbert, en 1967. El objetivo es señalar algunos elementos formulados en ese texto que constituyen el fundamento del análisis del discurso que el autor instituye a partir de 1969. Esa disciplina se inscribe en el contexto de la crítica antipositivista que caracterizó las ciencias humanas en el siglo XX, impulsada por la trilogía Marx/Freud/Saussure. Al mobilizar los conceptos de ideología e inconsciente para repensar la lengua saussureana, Pêcheux formula un nuevo objeto, el discurso, y plantea cuestiones relevantes tanto para la Lingüística como para las Ciencias Sociales.
Revista RUA, 26/2, 2020
This article presents a theoretical discussion about the heuristic value of the descriptive instr... more This article presents a theoretical discussion about the heuristic value of the descriptive instruments of the city in the research on situated ambiances, which is based on a reflection on the urban section and the epistemological model that Carlo Ginzburg named “evidential”. This reflection was carried out in the context of an interdisciplinary field research on the issue of domestic waste collection in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. First, we characterize the disperse and heterogeneous elements – related to subjects and the built space – that the section permits gathering as “clues”, which allows the visualization of an ambiance, conceived as a unity. Following that, we discuss the theoretical status of that unity, conceived as a structure. For this purpose, we introduce the distinction between real object and object of knowledge, as proposed in the beginning of the 20th century by the founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure. Through such a distinction, we seek to avoid a conception of space that is founded on a substantialist idea of “totality”. Based on such considerations, the urban section will not be defined as a “representation of the space” (a real object), but rather as a “registry of a view” on it (a theoretical object). Lastly, as a writing technology, the urban section will be characterized as a tool for fabricating a shared view on the city. In this sense, it could contribute to establish a common ground of debate for the various and heterogeneous disciplinary fields and registries of knowledge about the sensory experience summoned by the notion of ambiance.
Revista RUA, 2020
Este artigo apresenta uma discussão teórica sobre o valor heurístico dos instrumentos descritivos... more Este artigo apresenta uma discussão teórica sobre o valor heurístico dos instrumentos descritivos da cidade nas pesquisas sobre as ambiências situadas, a partir de uma reflexão sobre o corte urbano e o modelo epistemológico que Carlo Ginzburg chamou de “indiciário”. Essa reflexão foi realizada no âmbito de uma pesquisa de campo interdisciplinar sobre o problema da coleta de lixo doméstico na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Primeiramente, buscamos caracterizar os elementos dispersos e heterogêneos – relativos aos sujeitos e ao espaço construído – que o corte permite reunir enquanto “pistas” que permitem visualizar uma ambiência, concebida enquanto unidade. Em seguida, discutimos o estatuto teórico dessa unidade, pensada como estrutura. Introduzimos, para tanto, a distinção entre objeto real e objeto de conhecimento, formulada em inícios do século XX pelo fundador da linguística moderna, Ferdinand de Saussure. Nosso intuito é com isso evitar uma concepção de espaço baseada em uma ideia substancialista de “totalidade”. A partir dessas considerações, definiremos o corte não como uma “representação do espaço” (um objeto real), mas como o “registro de um olhar” sobre ele (um objeto teórico). Por último, enquanto tecnologia de escrita, o corte será caracterizado como uma ferramenta para a fabricação de um olhar compartilhado sobre a cidade. Nesse sentido, ele pode contribuir para estabelecer um terreno comum de debate entre os diversos e heterogêneos campos disciplinares e registros de saber sobre a experiência sensível convocados pela noção de ambiência.
O Discurso nas Fronteiras do Social. Uma Homenagem à Suzy Lagazzi, 2019
A Análise do discurso no Brasil. Pensando o impensado sempre. Uma homenagem a Eni Orlandi. , 2011
Penser l'histoire des savoirs liguistiques. Hommage à Sylvain Auroux. Sylvie Archaimbault, Jean-Marie Fournier e Valéry Raby (eds.) , 2014
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar algunas características de la escritura en guara... more RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar algunas características de la escritura en guaraní en las misiones de la Provincia Jesuítica del Paraguay (1609-1768), en el contexto de la gramatización de las lenguas amerindias desencadenado por las empresas expansionistas europeas en el Renacimiento. A partir de la lectura de textos gramaticales y otros documentos producidos en esa época, buscamos determinar el modo particular de elaboración y circulación de esa tecnología lingüística en la sociedad de las misiones, para lo cual discutiremos tres aspectos principales: ¿cuál es el estatuto del texto escrito en guaraní en ese contexto político y cuál su relación con la oralidad?; ¿qué es un autor en guaraní?; ¿cómo se define el público lector? Si la escritura es, como afirma Orlandi, una forma histórica de relación social, que constituye la forma misma de las instituciones (ver Orlandi 2001, p. 8), lo que nos interesa aquí comprender es el funcionamiento social de la escritura en guaraní y su relación con las instituciones misioneras.
ABSTRACT: This text analyze some characteristics of writing in Guaraní language in the missions of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay (1609-1768), in the context of the grammatization of Amerindians languages unleashed by the European expansionist project in the Renaissance. From the reading of grammar texts and other documents produced at that time, we seek to determine the particular mode of elaboration and circulation of this linguistic technology in the society of the missions. We discuss three main aspects: what is the statute of the written text in Guaraní language in that political context and what is its relation to orality? What is an author in Guaraní language? Which is the public of these texts? If writing is, as Orlandi gives, a historical form of social relationship, which constitutes the very form of institutions (see Orlandi 2001, p.8), we seek to understand here the social functioning of writing in this language and its relationship with missionary institutions.
Para uma enciclopédia da cidade. Eni P. Orlandi (org.), 2003
Este texto apresenta algumas reflexões surgidas no percurso da construção de um Glossário Discurs... more Este texto apresenta algumas reflexões surgidas no percurso da construção de um Glossário Discursivo da Cidade, projeto desenvolvido no Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos (Labeurb/Nudecri), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). O texto pontua algumas questões que dizem respeito tanto ao instrumento lexicográfico em si como à perspectiva discursiva a partir da qual é construído, caracterizada pela introdução da linguagem para compreender o fenômeno urbano. Tomar a cidade como objeto de linguagem e analisá-la através do dispositivo teórico-metodológico da Análise do Discurso é o objetivo da área Saber Urbano e Linguagem desenvolvida no Labeurb. Situa-se nesse quadro um esboço, de caráter muito preliminar e programático, de alguns verbetes idealizados, que são apresentados ao final do texto e que põem em relação a noção de espaço com as de cultura, ideologia, língua, história, movimento, Estado nacional, entre outras.
Revista D.E.L.T.A. Documentação e Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada, 1994
Abstract: This paper is primarily concern with the theme of affectivity, as currently discussed i... more Abstract: This paper is primarily concern with the theme of affectivity, as currently discussed in Applied Linguistics. It is argued that the very phenomenon is symptomatic of a strategy of exclusion when it comes to such theory issues as the subject of discourse. However, thanks to the recent surge of interest in language teaching, such a move is no longer considered justifiable – since the very process of learning is what is centrally at issue. As it turns art, researchers in Applied Linguistics have largely tended to favor the cognitivist conception of subject and language. By contrast, the present paper advocates a discursive conception of language and a psychoanalytic conception of subject that goes with. A case study in which actual classroom experience is offered with a view to highlighting some of the salient feature of this conception.
Discurso e Políticas Públicas: a fabricação do consenso. Eni Orlandi (org.), 2011
História das Ideias Linguísticas no Brasil. Construção do saber metalinguístico e constituição da língua nacional. Eni Orlandi (org.), 2001
TIXIER, Nicolas et al. L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes. [Relatório de pesquisa] <hal-00993840> , 2010
RESUMO: Este texto propõe algumas reflexões preliminares e exploratórias sobre o dispositivo do c... more RESUMO: Este texto propõe algumas reflexões preliminares e exploratórias sobre o dispositivo do corte arquitetônico e urbano a partir de uma discussão sobre o modelo epistemológico que Carlo Ginzburg chamou de “indiciário”. O texto foi publicado em francês, como parte do relatório de pesquisa do projeto PIR Ville et Environnement "L'ambiance est dans l'air: la dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approaches environnementalistes", disponível em <hal-00993840> . O corte foi proposto na referida pesquisa com o objetivo de operacionalizar, de um lado, uma aproximação entre os trabalhos relativos às ambiências arquitetônicas e urbanas e as pesquisas ambientalistas e, de outro lado, uma articulação entre o campo da pesquisa acadêmica e o da gestão urbana e/ou territorial, tomando como objeto específico de análise o problema da coleta de lixo na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Fazemos, finalmente, algumas observações sobre a abordagem da linguagem a partir da análise materialista do discurso, questão que se coloca tanto na composição como na leitura e interpretação desse instrumento.
L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes. [RAPPORT DE RECHERCHE]. Nicolas Tixier et al. <hal-00993840>, 2010
RÉSUMÉ : Ce texte propose quelques réflexions préliminaires et exploratoires sur le dispositif de... more RÉSUMÉ : Ce texte propose quelques réflexions préliminaires et exploratoires sur le dispositif de la coupe architecturale et urbaine, à partir d’une discussion sur le modèle épistémologique que Carlo Ginzburg a appelé « indiciaire ». Cette étude a été réalisée dans le cadre de la recherche PIR Ville et Environnement « L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes ». La coupe a été proposée dans cette recherche pour opérationnaliser, d’un côté, une rapprochement entre les travaux relatifs aux ambiances architecturales et urbaines et les recherches environnementalistes et, de l’autre, une articulation entre le champ de la recherche académique et celui de la gestion urbaine et/ou territoriale, en prenant pour objet spécifique d’analyse le problème de la collecte des ordures dans la ville de São Paulo, au Brésil. Nous faisons, finalement, quelques observations sur l’approche du langage à partir de l’analyse matérialiste du discours, question qui se pose soit dans la composition que dans la lecture et interprétation de l’instrument.
ABSTRACT: This text proposes some preliminary and exploratory reflections on the device of the architectural and urban section, based on a discussion about the epistemological model that Carlo Ginzburg named the “evidential paradigm”. The study was carried out as part of the research project PIR Ville et Environnement « L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes ». The section was proposed to operationalize, on one hand, the approximation of studies on architecture and urban ambiences and the environmentalist research, and on the other, to relate the field of academic research with urban and/or territorial management. The object was specifically the problem of garbage collection in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Finally, we indicate certain issues regarding the approach of language from the materialist discourse analysis, a question that arises both on the composing and in the interpretation of this tool.
Revista RUA , 2014
Resumo Neste texto apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no quadro do projeto d... more Resumo Neste texto apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no quadro do projeto de cooperação internacional cujo objeto foi promover uma discussão interdisciplinar sobre a noção de ambiência urbana a partir de um estudo de campo realizado no espaço público de cinco cidades, a saber, Paris, Bonn, Varsóvia, Tunes e São Paulo. Participaram do projeto especialistas dos campos da arquitetura, do urbanismo, da sociologia, da geografia, da psicologia ambiental, da saúde pública e dos estudos da linguagem, mais especificamente da análise do discurso (doravante AD), campo no qual nos inscrevemos. Propomos, em primeiro lugar, algumas relações que podem ser estabelecidas, do ponto de vista epistemológico, entre a fenomenologia que sustenta a abordagem das ambiências no campo dos estudos urbanos e o dispositivo da AD, para esboçarmos, em seguida, algumas aproximações teóricas e conceituais que a análise de nosso corpus permitirá esclarecer. Mobilizaremos, em termos analíticos, a oposição público/privado, enquanto distinção histórica que dá uma configuração particular ao espaço produzido e às formas de sociabilidade estabelecidas na assim chamada tradição ocidental. A análise, através da noção de memória discursiva, de como tal oposição opera no espaço estudado, determinando a percepção do movimento, poderá contribuir para compreender o que há de comum e o que há de específico nos modos de habitar característicos das cidades brasileiras quando confrontados às outras realidades urbanas que foram objeto de estudo nesta pesquisa.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambience from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a research on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiences in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
Revista RUA , 2014
Dans ce texte nous présentons quelques résultats d'une recherche devélopée dans le quadre d'un pr... more Dans ce texte nous présentons quelques résultats d'une recherche devélopée dans le quadre d'un projet de coopération international dont le but a été ce de promouvoir une discussion interdisciplinaire sur la notion d'ambiance urbaine, à partir d'une étude de terrain réalisé dans l'espace public de cinque villes : Paris, Bonn, Varsovie, Tunis et São Paulo. L'équipe a été constituée par des spécialistes des domaines de l'architecture, l'urbanisme, la sociologie, la géographie, la psychologie environnementale, la santé publique et les études du langage-plus spécifiquement l'analyse du discours (désormais A.D.). Nous proposons de discuter premièrement quelques rapports pouvant être établis, du point de vue épistémologique, entre la phénoménologie qui soutient l'approche des ambiances dans le champ des études urbaines et le dispositif de l'A.D., pour ébaucher ensuite quelques rapprochements théoriques et conceptuels que l'analyse de notre corpus permettra d'éclaircir. Nous partirons, en termes analytiques, de l'opposition public-privé, en tant que distinction historique donnant une configuration particulière à l'espace produit et aux formes de sociabilité établies dans la dite tradition occidentale. L'analyse à travers la notion de mémoire discursive de la manière dont cette opposition opère dans l'espace étudié, déterminant la perception du mouvement, pourra contribuer à comprendre ce qui est commun et ce qui est spécifique dans les manières d'habiter caractéristiques des villes brésiliennes quand elles sont confrontées aux autres réalités urbaines étudiées dans cette recherche.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambiance from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a study on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiances in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
Ambiances urbaines en partage. Pour une écologie de la ville sensible. Jean-Paul THIBAUD and Cristiane DUARTE (ed), 2013
Un grand défi pour les spécialistes du langage dans les recherches sur les ambiances est d’aborde... more Un grand défi pour les spécialistes du langage dans les recherches sur les ambiances est d’aborder un phénomène perceptif défini comme étant, en principe, antérieur et indépendant du langage articulé. L’appréhension sensible du monde par l’homme, base de l’expérience phénoménologique, est considérée dès cette perspective comme la condition de possibilité du langage lui-même, comme le soutien John Dewey. L’auteur au même temps affirme, cependant, que la perception sensible est indissociable du sens attribué à une situation, puisque le mot sensible lui-même renvoie à ce qui est de l’ordre aussi bien de la sensibilité que de la signification. Pour lui, ce que nous percevons ne sont pas des stimulations empiriques « brutes », saisies directement à travers notre capacité sensorielle, neuropsychologique, mais des objets et événements déjà dotés de signification, inscrits dans une histoire et un contexte. L’objectif de ce texte est d’explorer quelques aspects de ce rapport entre 'percevoir' et 'signifier', à partir d’une discussion sur quelques fondements de la phénoménologie sur lesquels se basent les recherches sur les ambiances et la vision discursive caractérisant les travaux développés dans le champ du savoir urbain et langage. Cela nous permettra d’identifier des affinités entre ces deux perspectives et de situer une divergence – la conception différente de la signification qu’elles assument –, pour déterminer la pertinence qu’une réflexion discursive du langage peut avoir pour la problématique des ambiances.
Papers by Carolina Rodriguez
O objetivo deste trabalho, filiado a uma perspectiva discursiva do estudo da palavra, é desnaturalizar a evidência que associa cultura e identidade coletiva, evidência que será pensada em termos de preconstruído. A proposta é analisar a constituição histórica desse preconstruído no contexto da colonização europeia e da emergência dos Estados nacionais a partir do Renascimento. Traremos alguns elementos da história da palavra cultura para analisar sua definição em dicionários brasileiros de língua portuguesa, visando compreender como essa evidência é produzida e quais são seus políticos.
Este artigo discute o texto Observações para uma Teoria Geral das Ideologias, escrito por Michel Pêcheux, sob o pseudônimo Thomas Herbert, em 1967. O intuito é apontar alguns elementos formulados nesse texto que constituem o fundamento da Análise do Discurso que o autor institui, a partir de 1969. Essa disciplina se inscreve no contexto da crítica antipositivista que caracterizou as ciências humanas no século XX, impulsionada pelos trabalhos da trilogia Marx/Freud/Saussure. Ao mobilizar os conceitos de ideologia e inconsciente para repensar a língua saussureana, Pêcheux formula um novo objeto, o discurso, e coloca questões relevantes tanto para a Lingüística como para as Ciências Sociais.
Este artículo discute el texto "Observaciones para una teoría general de las ideologías", escrito por Michel Pêcheux, bajo el sinónimo de Thomas Herbert, en 1967. El objetivo es señalar algunos elementos formulados en ese texto que constituyen el fundamento del análisis del discurso que el autor instituye a partir de 1969. Esa disciplina se inscribe en el contexto de la crítica antipositivista que caracterizó las ciencias humanas en el siglo XX, impulsada por la trilogía Marx/Freud/Saussure. Al mobilizar los conceptos de ideología e inconsciente para repensar la lengua saussureana, Pêcheux formula un nuevo objeto, el discurso, y plantea cuestiones relevantes tanto para la Lingüística como para las Ciencias Sociales.
ABSTRACT: This text analyze some characteristics of writing in Guaraní language in the missions of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay (1609-1768), in the context of the grammatization of Amerindians languages unleashed by the European expansionist project in the Renaissance. From the reading of grammar texts and other documents produced at that time, we seek to determine the particular mode of elaboration and circulation of this linguistic technology in the society of the missions. We discuss three main aspects: what is the statute of the written text in Guaraní language in that political context and what is its relation to orality? What is an author in Guaraní language? Which is the public of these texts? If writing is, as Orlandi gives, a historical form of social relationship, which constitutes the very form of institutions (see Orlandi 2001, p.8), we seek to understand here the social functioning of writing in this language and its relationship with missionary institutions.
ABSTRACT: This text proposes some preliminary and exploratory reflections on the device of the architectural and urban section, based on a discussion about the epistemological model that Carlo Ginzburg named the “evidential paradigm”. The study was carried out as part of the research project PIR Ville et Environnement « L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes ». The section was proposed to operationalize, on one hand, the approximation of studies on architecture and urban ambiences and the environmentalist research, and on the other, to relate the field of academic research with urban and/or territorial management. The object was specifically the problem of garbage collection in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Finally, we indicate certain issues regarding the approach of language from the materialist discourse analysis, a question that arises both on the composing and in the interpretation of this tool.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambience from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a research on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiences in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambiance from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a study on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiances in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
O objetivo deste trabalho, filiado a uma perspectiva discursiva do estudo da palavra, é desnaturalizar a evidência que associa cultura e identidade coletiva, evidência que será pensada em termos de preconstruído. A proposta é analisar a constituição histórica desse preconstruído no contexto da colonização europeia e da emergência dos Estados nacionais a partir do Renascimento. Traremos alguns elementos da história da palavra cultura para analisar sua definição em dicionários brasileiros de língua portuguesa, visando compreender como essa evidência é produzida e quais são seus políticos.
Este artigo discute o texto Observações para uma Teoria Geral das Ideologias, escrito por Michel Pêcheux, sob o pseudônimo Thomas Herbert, em 1967. O intuito é apontar alguns elementos formulados nesse texto que constituem o fundamento da Análise do Discurso que o autor institui, a partir de 1969. Essa disciplina se inscreve no contexto da crítica antipositivista que caracterizou as ciências humanas no século XX, impulsionada pelos trabalhos da trilogia Marx/Freud/Saussure. Ao mobilizar os conceitos de ideologia e inconsciente para repensar a língua saussureana, Pêcheux formula um novo objeto, o discurso, e coloca questões relevantes tanto para a Lingüística como para as Ciências Sociais.
Este artículo discute el texto "Observaciones para una teoría general de las ideologías", escrito por Michel Pêcheux, bajo el sinónimo de Thomas Herbert, en 1967. El objetivo es señalar algunos elementos formulados en ese texto que constituyen el fundamento del análisis del discurso que el autor instituye a partir de 1969. Esa disciplina se inscribe en el contexto de la crítica antipositivista que caracterizó las ciencias humanas en el siglo XX, impulsada por la trilogía Marx/Freud/Saussure. Al mobilizar los conceptos de ideología e inconsciente para repensar la lengua saussureana, Pêcheux formula un nuevo objeto, el discurso, y plantea cuestiones relevantes tanto para la Lingüística como para las Ciencias Sociales.
ABSTRACT: This text analyze some characteristics of writing in Guaraní language in the missions of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay (1609-1768), in the context of the grammatization of Amerindians languages unleashed by the European expansionist project in the Renaissance. From the reading of grammar texts and other documents produced at that time, we seek to determine the particular mode of elaboration and circulation of this linguistic technology in the society of the missions. We discuss three main aspects: what is the statute of the written text in Guaraní language in that political context and what is its relation to orality? What is an author in Guaraní language? Which is the public of these texts? If writing is, as Orlandi gives, a historical form of social relationship, which constitutes the very form of institutions (see Orlandi 2001, p.8), we seek to understand here the social functioning of writing in this language and its relationship with missionary institutions.
ABSTRACT: This text proposes some preliminary and exploratory reflections on the device of the architectural and urban section, based on a discussion about the epistemological model that Carlo Ginzburg named the “evidential paradigm”. The study was carried out as part of the research project PIR Ville et Environnement « L’ambiance est dans l’air. La dimension atmosphérique des ambiances architecturales et urbaines dans les approches environnementalistes ». The section was proposed to operationalize, on one hand, the approximation of studies on architecture and urban ambiences and the environmentalist research, and on the other, to relate the field of academic research with urban and/or territorial management. The object was specifically the problem of garbage collection in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Finally, we indicate certain issues regarding the approach of language from the materialist discourse analysis, a question that arises both on the composing and in the interpretation of this tool.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambience from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a research on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiences in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
Abstract This text presents elements for a first approach of the notion of urban ambiance from the perspective of discourse analysis (henceforth DA), more specifically of the area of urban knowledge and language, based on a study on the public space of the city of São Paulo. Such research was part of a wider international cooperation project that gathered teams from five countries (France, Germany, Poland, Tunisia, and Brazil) to promote a discussion of this notion from the standpoint of different disciplines (architecture, city planning, sociology, geography, environmental psychology, public health, and language studies), grounded on the analysis of the reality Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Tunis, and São Paulo. We first propose some relations that can be established, from the epistemological point of view, between the phenomenology that supports an approach of ambiances in the field of urban studies and the device of DA to outline some theoretical and conceptual approximations that the analysis of our corpus will clarify. In analytical terms, we will call on the public/private opposition as the historical distinction that has given their particular configuration to the space produced and to the forms of sociability established in the so-called Western tradition. Through the notion of discursive memory, analyzing how such opposition operates in the space studied to determine the perception of movement could help us discern what is common and what is specific in the ways to inhabit characteristic of Brazilian cities as compared with the other urban realities studied in this research.
The analysis aims to show that this nationalism presents elements of dogmatic, xenophobic and racist features formulated mainly at the end of 19th century, which would be the matrix of totalitarian nationalisms later on. Some of the elements analyzed hereby are: the essencialistic definition of nation and its relationship with the language, the recurrent allusion to wars and the needs of defense against the foreign enemy, and the characterization of Language in superior/inferior ontological aspects.
The established relations allow us to affirm that such claiming discourses do not surpass (as they intend to do), the colonialistic vision of aboriginal languages (and aboriginal cultures), that ends up re-formulated in a positive way. On the other side, the conservative aspect of the nationalism of these discourses allows to comprehend the fact that they have been assumed by totalitarian regimes, as it is the case of the military dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989), period into which such discourses were reaffirmed decisively.
From our theoretical and methodological point of view, this work inscribes itself in the Discourse Analysis field, as it is elaborated in Brazil based on the works of Michel Pêcheux. It is a central point in this perspective the consideration of the political nature (ideology, in our perspective) of every fact of language; in this specific case: the discourses about Guarani language. We therefore analyze what consequences the unfamiliarity of this political aspect might bring for the understanding of this phenomenon. In so far, we worked on a critical reading of some classic works about Guarani language, from well-known authors such as Paul Garvin and Madeleine Mathiot, José Pedro Rona and Joan Rubin. We look forward to show how these works reproduce elements of the same nationalism of the analyzed discourses, reproducing in some cases the discourse of the party that supported General Stroessner’s dictatorship. Our hypothesis is that such problems arise with the erasure of political aspects of these discourses on Language formulation, due to the psychologization (naturalization) process of the referred phenomenon. We discuss some theoretical and methodological concepts elaborated from this perspective from authors as Joshua Fishman, Uriel Weinreich, and Paul Garvin, among others, and we intend to show how such concepts make possible dogmatic formulations, as the one that characterizes the discourses that we’ve analyzed.
RESUMO: O objeto desta tese são os discursos nacionalistas sobre a língua guarani no Paraguai. Esses discursos se constituíram nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no contexto dos conhecidos movimentos de reivindicação novomundista surgidos na América Latina, e passaram a sustentar as políticas lingüísticas oficiais adotadas no Paraguai a partir dos anos 1940 e 1950.
A análise realizada procura mostrar que o nacionalismo presente em tais discursos apresenta elementos das formulações dogmáticas, xenófobas e racistas características das últimas décadas do século XIX, matriz dos nacionalismos totalitários posteriores. A definição essencialista da nação e de sua relação com a língua, a recorrente alusão às guerras e à necessidade de defesa contra o inimigo estrangeiro, são alguns dos elementos analisados nesse sentido.
As relações estabelecidas permitem afirmar que tais discursos reivindicatórios não superam, como pretendem, a visão colonialista das línguas (culturas) indígenas, que acaba neles reformulada de uma maneira positiva. De outro lado, o caráter conservador do nacionalismo desses discursos permite compreender o fato de que os mesmos tenham sido assumidos por regimes totalitários, como é o caso da ditadura militar do General Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989), período durante o qual tais discursos se reafirmaram de modo mais decisivo.
Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, esta pesquisa se inscreve no quadro da Análise do Discurso, tal como elaborada no Brasil a partir dos trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux. É um ponto central nessa perspectiva a consideração da natureza política (ideológica) de todo fato de linguagem, no caso que nos ocupa, dos discursos sobre o guarani. Analisamos, nesse sentido, as conseqüências que o desconhecimento desse caráter político pode trazer para a compreensão desse fenômeno. Propomos, para tanto, uma leitura crítica de alguns trabalhos clássicos sobre o guarani, a saber, os de Paul Garvin e Madeleine Mathiot, de José Pedro Rona e de Joan Rubin. Procuramos mostrar que esses trabalhos reproduzem elementos do mesmo nacionalismo presente nos discursos analisados, chegando a reproduzir inclusive, em alguns casos, o discurso do partido que sustentou a ditadura do Gal. Stroessner. Nossa hipótese é que tal problema decorre, precisamente, do apagamento do caráter político desses discursos sobre a língua, pela psicologização (naturalização) do fenômeno. Discutimos finalmente, nessa direção, alguns conceitos teórico-metodológicos mobilizados nessa perspectiva para analisar o fenômeno do nacionalismo lingüístico, de modo geral, tomados de autores como Joshua Fishman, Uriel Weinreich e Paul Garvin, entre outros, no intuito de mostrar de que modo tais conceitos tornam disponíveis formulações dogmáticas tais como as que caracterizam os discursos que analisamos.