Conference Papers by Belen Izquierdo

INTRODUCCIÓN La comprensión lectora es una capacidad esencial para la vida académica, profesional... more INTRODUCCIÓN La comprensión lectora es una capacidad esencial para la vida académica, profesional y personal. Promover su desarrollo es un objetivo fundamental de la educación obligatoria, pero para ello es necesario determinar los factores que contribuyen a una buena comprensión. En este estudio examinamos la relación entre ciertas variables como son el placer por leer, hábito de lectura, capacidad de supervisión y comprensión lectora. MÉTODO Cuarenta y dos estudiantes de Segundo de Primaria leyeron un texto expositivo. Después, calibraron cuán bien lo habían comprendido. Luego resolvieron un set de preguntas de elección múltiple sobre el texto que implicaban recordar, integrar e inferir. Por último, completaron un cuestionario con preguntas formato Likert sobre cuánto les gustaba leer y sobre cuánto tiempo dedican a leer. RESULTADOS Distinguimos buenos y malos comprendedores dividiendo por la mediana en el rendimiento en comprensión del texto. Después comparamos ambos grupos mediante un t-test. Los buenos comprendedores fueron significativamente más precisos al supervisar su comprensión. Sin embargo, no reportaron mayor placer por leer ni mayor hábito lector. DISCUSIÓN Los buenos comprendedores exhibieron una mayor capacidad para supervisar su comprensión, una habilidad clave, pues determina cómo regulamos el procesamiento del texto (e.g., releer un pasaje que no se ha entendido). Sin embargo, no manifestaron disfrutar más de la lectura ni emplear más tiempo a actividades de lectura. A pesar de que hay que tomar estos resultados con cautela, pues se trata de una muestra pequeña en una etapa concreta y de datos obtenidos mediante auto-informe, este estudio sugiere que la actitud hacia la lectura podría ser poco importante para comprender, mientras que leer estratégicamente sería crucial.
Papers by Belen Izquierdo

Literacy is crucial both at school and in everyday context. Although much research has been done ... more Literacy is crucial both at school and in everyday context. Although much research has been done on this subject, fewer studies have addressed the relationship of the reading competence to the students literacy perceptions and attitudes in the first stage of schooling and, even less, in Spanish-speaking countries. The research presented is part of a larger study which aims to analyze different variables related to literacy (reading comprehension, literacy attitudes, perceived ability to read and write, parent involvement in the literacy acquisition, etc.) just at the time when pupils are learning to read and write. Furthermore, since a gender effect has been found in previous studies, we wanted to ascertain whether Spanish girls and boys differ on these variables too. Participants were 320 children (137 girls and 183 boys), 161 in 1st grade and 159 in 2nd Grade (6-8 years-old), belonging to several urban schools in northern Spain. The instrument used was an adapted version of the Fi...

Literacy is crucial both at school and in everyday context. Although much research has been done ... more Literacy is crucial both at school and in everyday context. Although much research has been done on this subject, fewer studies have addressed the relationship of the reading competence to the students literacy perceptions and attitudes in the first stage of schooling and, even less, in Spanish-speaking countries. The research presented is part of a larger study which aims to analyze different variables related to literacy (reading comprehension, literacy attitudes, perceived ability to read and write, parent involvement in the literacy acquisition, etc.) just at the time when pupils are learning to read and write. Furthermore, since a gender effect has been found in previous studies, we wanted to ascertain whether Spanish girls and boys differ on these variables too. Participants were 320 children (137 girls and 183 boys), 161 in 1st grade and 159 in 2nd Grade (6-8 years-old), belonging to several urban schools in northern Spain. The instrument used was an adapted version of the Fi...
Conference Papers by Belen Izquierdo
Papers by Belen Izquierdo