Papers by Peter Forisek
In: Hülvely, István; Pallai, László (szerk.) Nemzetállam - szuverenitás - integráció : tanulmányok az integráció témaköréből. Debrecen, Magyarország : Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 7-17., 2001
A Debreceni Egyetem Klasszika-filológiai és Ókortörténeti Tanszékének története. Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Klasszika-filológiai Tanszék, 2016
In: Pósán, László; Veszprémy, László; Boda, József; Isaszegi, János (szerk.) Őrzők, vigyázzatok a határra! : Határvédelem, határőrizet, határvadászok a középkortól napjainkig. Budapest, : Zrínyi Kiadó. pp. 21-36., 2017
In: Pósán, László; Veszprémy, László; Isaszegi, János (szerk.) A hadifinanszírozás gazdasági alapjai az ókortól napjainkig. Budapest, Magyarország : Zrínyi Kiadó. pp. 11-22, 2022
In: Forisek, Péter; Szabó, Ádám; Szakács, János (szerk.): "Hadak Útján". A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXVII. konferenciája : 27th Conference of Young Scholars on the Migration Period, 2018
ABSTRACT A pályázat célja az antik görög és latin nyelvű orvosi szövegekben a számok szerepének v... more ABSTRACT A pályázat célja az antik görög és latin nyelvű orvosi szövegekben a számok szerepének vizsgálata volt. A megjelent kötetek öt eddig magyarul nem publikált forrás szövegét tartalmazzák (Hippokratés, Censorinus, Sóranos), és a kérdésről írt tanulmányokat (vö. Debreceni Szemle, 2008/1, Gyógyító számok, Szeged, 2008). Egy magyar konferenciát szerveztünk, valamint egy nemzetközi konferencia és egy kiállítás szervezésében vettünk részt az MTA-n. Összesen 6 könyv és 11 folyóiratcikk jelent meg a pályázat keretében, az OTKA szám feltüntetésével, ebből 7 idegen nyelven. Vö. | The aim of the application for the competition was to examine the role of numbers in ancient Greek and Latin medical texts. The issued volumes include not only the texts of five sources that have not been published so far in Hungarian (Hippocrates, Censorinus, Soranus) but also essays written on this topic (cf. Debreceni Szemle, 2008/1, Gyógyító számok, Szeged, 2008). We organised a Hungarian conference meeting and participated in the organization of an international conference and an exhibition at the Hungarian Academy of Science. Altogether 6 books and 11 journal articles were published within the compass of the competition, displaying OTKA number, seven of them in a foreign language. Cf.
Books by Peter Forisek
Annual Archaeological Symposia of DEU by Peter Forisek
Archaeology of Western Anatolia, 2022
The purpose of this first international video conference was to create an analytical framework fo... more The purpose of this first international video conference was to create an analytical framework for understanding the archaeology of Izmir and its environs in western Anatolia during the Middle Ages, i.e. a period between the fifth and fifteenth centuries AD, with its social and material contexts. We intended thus to bring together researchers who can present especially new syntheses of archaeological, historical, numismatic and sigillographic data concerning Medieval Smyrna and its environs. In this online conference we have also included three papers on the archaeology of Smyrna in the ancient Greek and Roman periods which composed our first session.
This video conference took place on November 18, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey with an archaeological excursion to the sites and museums within the city of Izmir on November 19. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were on Zoom and in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live performance presentation. The symposium was first announced in May 2022. Between May and September 2022 there were more than ten paper applications from six countries, including – in alphabetical order – Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Turkey and U.S.A., ten of which were accepted. Three speakers held their lectures both physically in Izmir and virtually on Zoom; the rest of the papers were presented on Zoom. Session 1 was organized in the Main Conference Hall of the Faculty of Letters in Tınaztepe Campus (in Block C), and Session 2 was organized in the office of Professor Laflı. This book was arranged mainly in November 2022 where papers were placed in order by speakers’ turns at the conference. It was constantly being updated in its online version on our Academia account. It is also published by the Press House of the Dokuz Eylül University in December 2022.
This first symposium on the archaeology of western Anatolia is dedicated to the 20th death anniversary of Professor Ekrem Akurgal, founder of modern Turkish archaeology, who passed away on November 1st, 2002.
Records of the e-conference in YouTube:
Papers by Peter Forisek
Books by Peter Forisek
Annual Archaeological Symposia of DEU by Peter Forisek
This video conference took place on November 18, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey with an archaeological excursion to the sites and museums within the city of Izmir on November 19. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were on Zoom and in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live performance presentation. The symposium was first announced in May 2022. Between May and September 2022 there were more than ten paper applications from six countries, including – in alphabetical order – Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Turkey and U.S.A., ten of which were accepted. Three speakers held their lectures both physically in Izmir and virtually on Zoom; the rest of the papers were presented on Zoom. Session 1 was organized in the Main Conference Hall of the Faculty of Letters in Tınaztepe Campus (in Block C), and Session 2 was organized in the office of Professor Laflı. This book was arranged mainly in November 2022 where papers were placed in order by speakers’ turns at the conference. It was constantly being updated in its online version on our Academia account. It is also published by the Press House of the Dokuz Eylül University in December 2022.
This first symposium on the archaeology of western Anatolia is dedicated to the 20th death anniversary of Professor Ekrem Akurgal, founder of modern Turkish archaeology, who passed away on November 1st, 2002.
Records of the e-conference in YouTube:
This video conference took place on November 18, 2022 in Izmir, Turkey with an archaeological excursion to the sites and museums within the city of Izmir on November 19. All the lectures and discussions in our e-conference were on Zoom and in English, and were recorded for later viewing on YouTube for participants who were unable to attend the live performance presentation. The symposium was first announced in May 2022. Between May and September 2022 there were more than ten paper applications from six countries, including – in alphabetical order – Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Turkey and U.S.A., ten of which were accepted. Three speakers held their lectures both physically in Izmir and virtually on Zoom; the rest of the papers were presented on Zoom. Session 1 was organized in the Main Conference Hall of the Faculty of Letters in Tınaztepe Campus (in Block C), and Session 2 was organized in the office of Professor Laflı. This book was arranged mainly in November 2022 where papers were placed in order by speakers’ turns at the conference. It was constantly being updated in its online version on our Academia account. It is also published by the Press House of the Dokuz Eylül University in December 2022.
This first symposium on the archaeology of western Anatolia is dedicated to the 20th death anniversary of Professor Ekrem Akurgal, founder of modern Turkish archaeology, who passed away on November 1st, 2002.
Records of the e-conference in YouTube: