Université de Genève
Department of Translation Technology
Nikos.Chatzichrisafis@vozZup.com, Pierrette.Bouillon@issco.unige.ch, Emmanuel.Rayner@issco.unige.ch, Marianne.Santaholma@eti.unige.ch, Marianne.Starlander@eti.unige.ch ... UCSC NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, ...
National Institute for Communications Technology NICT, 3-5 Hikaridai Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-0289 Japan {isahara,kanzaki}@nict.go.jp Yukie-n@khn.nict.go.jp ... In this paper, we present evidence that providing users of a speech... more
1 University of Geneva, TIM/ISSCO, 40 bvd du Pont-d'Arve, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland {Emmanuel.Rayner,Pierrette.Bouillon,Nikolaos.Tsourakis}@unige.ch {Sonia.Halimi,Marianne.Santaholma,Marianne.Starlander}@unige.ch
Beth Ann Hockey UCSC/NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA 94035 bahockey@email.arc.nasa.gov ... Yukie Nakao, Hitoshi Isahara, Kyoko Kanzaki National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 3-5 Hikaridai, Seika-cho,... more
RÉSUMÉ. Aujourd'hui, l'approche la plus courante en traitement de la parole consiste à combi-ner un reconnaisseur vocal statistique avec un analyseur sémantique robuste. Pour beaucoup d'applications cependant, les... more
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications, pages 3235 Manchester, August 2008 The 2008 MedSLT System Manny Rayner 1, Pierrette Bouillon 1, Jane Brotanek 2,... more
We outline a possible small-vocabulary shared task for the emerging medical speech translation community. Data would consist of about 2000 recorded and transcribed utterances collected during an evaluation of an English ↔ Spanish version... more
The paper directly compares two versions of a medical speech translation system, one with a grammar based language model (GLM) recognizer and the other with a statistical language model (SLM) recognizer. We construct the GLM using a... more
We describe recent work on MedSLT, a medium-vocabulary interlingua-based medical speech translation sy stem, focussing on issues that arise when handling languages of which the grammar engineer has little or no knowledge. We describe how... more
The aim of this paper is to further compare two versions of our spoken language translator MedSLT which differ in terms of grammatical coverage; the first version is restricted to Yes-No answers and short elliptical sentences, while the... more
We describe a bidirectional version of the grammar-based MedSLT medical speech system. The system supports simple medical examination dialogues about throat pain between an English-speaking physician and a Spanish-speaking patient. The... more
This paper focuses on the quality of rule-based machine translations collected using our open-source limited-domain medical spoken language trans-lator (SLT) tested at the Dallas Children's hospital. Our aim is to find the best suited... more
In this paper, we will focus on the evaluation of MedSLT, a medium-vocabulary hybrid speech translation system intended to support medical diagnosis dialogues between a physician and a patient who do not share a common language (Bouillon... more
In this paper, we present evidence that providing users of a speech to speech translation system for emergency diagnosis (MedSLT) with a tool that helps them to learn the coverage greatly improves their success in using the system. In... more
In this paper, we will focus on the evaluation of MedSLT, a medium-vocabulary hybrid speech translation system intended to support medical diagnosis dialogues between a physician and a patient who do not share a common language (Bouillon... more
We propose facilitating the error annotation task of translation quality assessment by introducing an annotation process which consists of two separate steps that are similar to the ones required in the European Standard for translation... more
This paper reports preliminary results of an evalu ation during which two different bidirectional versions of the limited-dom ain medical spoken language translator MedSLT were compared in a hospital setting. The more restricted version... more
We present an overview of MedSLT, an Open Source platform for developing limited-domain medical speech translation systems. We focus in particular on the speech understanding architecture, which uses grammar-based language models derived... more