Controlled language
Recent papers in Controlled language
de la motivación y las actitudes en el aprendizaje de ELE en un contexto de enseñanza formal para adultos alemanes. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada (2009) 6.
In the near future, robotic agents might employ persuasion to influence people's behavior or attitudes, just as human agents do in many situations. People can comply with these requests, but, people can also experience psychological... more
This article is based on a survey of text-user attitudes. The survey aimed to discover: whether the concept of readability has merit in the field of controlled language; and whether readability is increased by applying controlledlanguage... more
One of the most important methods by which human beings learn is by reading. While in its full generality, the reading task is still too difficult a capability to be implemented in a computer, significant (if partial) approaches to the... more
Considering definitions as dynamic entities with (i) an underlying structure formed by a set of conceptual properties following categorial templates; (ii) a lexical formalization of such properties on the terminographic definition proper... more
One of the most important methods by which human beings learn is by reading. While in its full generality, the reading task is still too difficult a capability to be implemented in a computer, significant (if partial) approaches to the... more
We report on the first, to the best of our knowledge, attempt to define the core linguistic and formatting style specifications for controlled Modern Greek and develop an authoring tool (controlled language checker) in the context of the... more
Traditional subject indexing and classification are considered infeasible in many digital collections. Automated means and social tagging are often suggested as the two possible solutions. Both, however, have disadvantages and, depending... more
Abstract: This paper presents a large-scale Greek morphological lexicon, developed by the Software & Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (SKEL) of NCSR "Demokritos". The paper describes the lexicon architecture, the procedure... more
In computer-aided and Web-based learning a critical role is played by the methods and frameworks for Information Access. First of all, intelligent methods for retrieval and synthesis of information are crucial for making available timely... more
In this paper we report on the set of controlled language specifications defined for Modern Greek and the development of the respective style checker. We will focus on the effectiveness and suitability of these specifications by assessing... more
As part of an ongoing project, Project Halo, our goal is to build a system capable of answering questions posed by novice users to a formal knowledge base. In our current context, the knowledge base covers selected topics in physics,... more
Lens-Coupled CCD Detector for X-ray Crystallography Timothy J. Madden, Member, IEEE, William McGuigan, Michael J. Molitsky, Istvan Naday, Alan McArthur, and Edwin M. Westbrook, Member, IEEE Abstract An x-ray crystallography detector... more
In this paper we present the basic ideas underlying a solution for software application interoperability in a business context. Key elements of our solution are a Reference Ontology, aimed at modelling the key aspects of a business... more
Abstract. In this paper we present ParaMT, a bilingual/multilingual paraphraser to be applied in machine translation. We select paraphrases of support verb constructions and use the NooJ linguistic environment to formalize and generate... more
Minera Reyna, L. E. (2009). El papel de la motivación y las actitudes en el aprendizaje de ELE en un contexto de enseñanza formal para adultos alemanes. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada (2009) 6. RESUMEN En el presente artículo se... more
In computer-aided and Web-based learning a critical role is played by the methods and frameworks for Information Access. First of all, intelligent methods for retrieval and synthesis of information are crucial for making available timely... more
The paper introduces bibliometrics to the research area of knowledge organization -more precisely in relation to construction and maintenance of thesauri. As such, the paper reviews related work that has been of inspiration for the... more
In this paper we present the basic ideas underlying a solution for software application interoperability in a business context. Key elements of our solution are a Reference Ontology, aimed at modelling the key aspects of a business... more
Purpose -To provide an integrated perspective to similarities and differences between approaches to automated classification in different research communities (machine learning, information retrieval and library science), and point to... more
Controlled languages are specially defined subsets of natural language which help to create clear and concise documents, and thus insure coherent communication. In this paper we approach controlled language through the definitions of... more
The paper investigates the effect on indexing and retrieval when using only social tagging versus when using social tagging in combination with suggestions from a knowledge organization system. The specific context is that of tagging by... more
One key to the success of EBMT is the removal of the boundaries limiting the potential of translation memories (TMs). We discuss a linguistically enhanced TM system, a Phrasal Lexicon (PL), which takes advantage of the huge, underused... more
This paper presents an extended, harmonised account of our previous work on integrating controlled language data in an Example-based Machine Translation system. Gough and Way in MT Summit pp. 133–140 (2003) focused on controlling the... more
The tutorial first addresses requirements and semantic problems to integrate digital information into large scale, meaningful networks of knowledge that support not only access to source documents but also use and reuse of integrated... more
We report on the first, to the best of our knowledge, attempt to define the core linguistic and formatting style specifications for controlled Modern Greek and develop an authoring tool (controlled language checker) in the context of the... more
This paper presents a large-scale Greek morphological lexicon, developed at the Software & Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (SKEL) of NCSR "Demokritos". The paper describes the lexicon architecture and the procedure to develop and update... more
A controlled language like Attempto Controlled English (ACE) together with knowledge assimilation is an useful tool for many applications, e.g. writing correct specifications. In practice, knowledge assimilation must be implemented... more
This paper presents a framework for rule extraction from unstructured web documents. To do so, we adopted the controlled language technique to reduce the burden as well as error of a domain expert and suggest a rule extraction framework... more
Purpose-Seeks to share with digital library practitioners the development process of an online image collection that integrates the syndetic structure of a controlled vocabulary to improve end-user search and browse functionality.... more
In an ongoing effort to better understand the process of creating conceptual models (in particular formal ones), we present a fundamental view of the process of modeling. We base this view on the idea that participants in such a process... more
Collaborative tagging as a knowledge organisation and resource discovery tool. Library Review, 55 (5).
This paper is concerned with resources for controlled languages for alert messages and protocols in the European perspective. These resources have been produced as the outcome of a project (Alert Messages and Protocols: MESSAGE) which has... more
Controlled Language (CL) for Ontology Editing tools offer an attractive alternative for naive users wishing to create ontologies, but they are still required to spend time learning the correct syntactic structures and vocabulary in order... more
This paper describes how mature NLP that has been successfully applied in the area of controlled language checking can be used to deliver intelligent CALL applications1. It describe how an autonomous, long-distance second-language... more
This paper introduces the \Gendercheck Editor", a tool to check German texts for gender discriminatory formulations. It re- lays on shallow rule-based techniques as used in the Controlled Language Author- ing Technology (CLAT). The... more
One key to the success of EBMT is the removal of the boundaries limiting the potential of translation memories (TMs). We discuss a linguistically enhanced TM system, a Phrasal Lexicon (PL), which takes advantage of the huge, underused... more
Controlled Language for Geographical Information System Queries Sela Mador-Haim, Yoad Winter, and Anthony Braun Technion IIT selam@ cs. ... λxe.(n (x) AND (x. heighter= max (rt) r (λrr.∃ ye.(n (y) AND r= y. heighter)))) Category R in the... more
This paper is concerned with resources for controlled languages for alert messages and protocols in the European perspective. These resources have been produced as the outcome of a project (Alert Messages and Protocols: MESSAGE) which has... more
PurposeTraditional subject indexing and classification are considered infeasible in many digital collections. This paper seeks to investigate ways of enhancing social tagging via knowledge organization systems, with a view to improving... more
We report on the first, to the best of our knowledge, attempt to define the core linguistic and formatting style specifications for controlled Modern Greek and develop an authoring tool (controlled language checker) in the context of the... more
Due to the appearance of uncontrollable events in discrete event systems, one may wish to replace the behavior leading to the uncontrollability of pre-specified language by some quite similar one. To capture this similarity, we introduce... more