Howard Brown
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Papers by Howard Brown
As English-medium instruction (EMI) programs at universities in Japan have grown and developed over the past 20 years, the approach to recruiting faculty members to teach classes in English has evolved. This project investigates that evolution, drawing on data covering more than 165,000 jobs advertised on the JREC-IN Portal since 2002. The data shows yearly growth in the number of jobs posted requiring the ability to teach specialized content classes in English, reflecting the growth in the number and scope of EMI programs. A comparison of the EMI-related and mainstream job posts in the data also reveals differing trends in the number of positions advertised by private, public, and national universities, as well as differing trends in different disciplinary areas. The changing prevalence of full-time (tenured), part-time, and term-limited positions is also examined. These trends both reflect previous research on and offer new insights into the development of EMI programs in Japan.
from prospective course participants. Results of the needs analysis indicated that two goals should be prioritised for the training course: the ability to participate in discussions in meetings among faculty members, and the ability to communicate in interactions with administrative staff. Based on
these findings, original materials were created for the training course. The materials centered on cases for analysis and discussion, a list of terms and expressions commonly used in meetings, and scenarios for internal communication. After the training sessions, participants reported generally
positive evaluations: their understanding of meetings had improved, and their confidence in speaking Japanese had increased. However, they also suggested some points for improvements in the course, including the need for more formal practice. In addition, it was confirmed that it is necessary to develop teaching materials and a curriculum to focus more directly on interaction with university administrative staff.
role in higher education in Japan, there are ongoing concerns that
faculty members lack the support they need to effectively teach in
what may be their own or their students’ second language. In a
replication and localization of Macaro et al.’s 2020 multi-country
survey of EMI-related professional development (PD), this study
investigated the experience, needs, and preferences of faculty
members teaching in English in Japan. Results from 92 respondents
indicate that while professors acknowledge teaching in an EMI
context requires different competencies than either teaching in a
Japanese-medium setting or using English as a professional academic
language, fewer than half have participated in PD training.
Respondents are open to the idea of EMI-related PD but are only
moderately receptive to a potential scheme to certify their
competencies. Respondents’ perspectives differed depending on their
experience teaching in EMI, as well as their linguistic and
disciplinary background.
practicum. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & P. Bennett (Eds.), Diversity and inclusion. Tokyo: JALT.
Preservice training for secondary-school teachers in Japan has been criticized as inconsistent
and ineffective and is seen to have little influence on their teaching repertoire. Early career
teachers tend to be more strongly influenced by their experiences as students and their
observation of senior teachers. However, they lack training in how to effectively observe lessons.
In this study, we explored preservice teachers using classroom-observation rubrics while studying
abroad as a method to encourage them to observe other teachers’ lessons more effectively.
Results show that these preservice teachers noted aspects of their teacher’s classroom practice
including flexibility in the pace and flow of the lesson, techniques for classroom management,
and attention to students’ individual needs and progress. Results also indicate that the relatively
simple intervention, introducing a classroom-observation rubric and encouraging discussion
about it, was a catalyst for students to become reflective and critical observers of senior teachers’
classroom practice.
instruction programs. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & P. Bennett (Eds.), Diversity and inclusion.
Tokyo: JALT.
English-medium instruction (EMI) is a growing trend in Japan, and one common challenge of EMI
implementation is providing adequate language-proficiency preparation for students, including
the development of general and academic vocabulary. This study used a corpus of approximately
500,000 words taken from reading texts used in EMI courses at one university in order to evaluate
the New General Service List (NGSL) and the New Academic Word List (NAWL) as study tools for
students in this university’s program. Results showed that the NGSL provided 87.7% coverage of
the corpus, a marked improvement over the original General Service List, which provided only
79.7% coverage. The NAWL performed less well, providing only an additional 3.0% coverage
beyond that of the NGSL alone. Also, a full 17.4% of NAWL words did not appear in the corpus.
This finding calls into question the value of the NAWL as a study tool for this program.
ストから作成した約50万語のコーパスを使って、New General Service Lis(t NGSL)とNew Academic Word Lis(t NAWL)が当
版のGeneral Service Listのカバー率79.7%から大きく改善されていることが分かった。NAWLの結果は、3.0%の上昇に留まっ
(EMI) is part of an effort to internationalize the
higher education sector, attract international students, and
foster global competencies among students. It is receiving
significant government investment and attention, and consequently
assuming, perhaps not a central, but a meaningful
role in higher education. However, the growth of EMI
has not been without challenges and these are not unique
to current internationalization efforts. It may be that we are
seeing the most recent manifestation of longstanding structural
issues in the Japanese higher education sector. When
information technology (IT) was promoted in education in
the 1990s, bureaucratic procedures, lack of technical support,
and resistance to emerging pedagogies were found to
be impediments to effective implementation. For anyone
involved in current EMI implementation, these obstacles
ring familiar. The parallels are striking and, by looking at
the example of IT, we may catch a glimpse of where EMI is
heading and learn where structural changes could be made.
English-medium Instruction (EMI) of academic subjects is expanding rapidly at universities in Japan without a clear nationwide picture of the context. This study paints such a picture with findings from a nationwide survey of 258 universities with undergraduate EMI programs (response rate 46%, n=118). The survey results cover the scope, scale and organization of EMI programs as well as showing which fields are most often taught in English. Results also reveal some challenges to EMI implementation relating to both faculty and students.
日本の大学において、専門課程の英語による教育(EMI)が急速に広がりつつあるが、全国的な現状の輪郭は明確に描かれていない。本研究は、EMIによる学位プログラムを提供する日本の大学258校を対象に実施した全国的調査によって明らかになった現状を報告する(回答率46%, n=118)。調査結果は、英語による教育が最も多く提供されている分野を示すだけでなく、EMIプログラムの範囲、規模、組織についても取り上げる。また、教員および学生双方のEMI導入に対する課題を明らかにする。
Around the world, the role of English in higher education is changing. Rather than just an object of study, English is now often the language of instruction. In Japan, universities are currently adopting content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and English-medium instruction (EMI), alongside longstanding content-based instruction (CBI) approaches, to convey academic content in English. However, a shared understanding of the goals and outcomes of these approaches has yet to emerge. We argue that key distinctions are based on the relative positions of language and content in learning objectives and assessment. In CBI, content is a vehicle for language learning: The goal is language learning and students are assessed on language performance. In EMI, learning outcomes are tied directly to the content: Language learning is neither planned for nor assessed. Between these extremes, CLIL is an integrated approach with varying degrees of focus on language and content learning.
Brown, H. (2017). Why and why now? Understanding the rapid rise of English-medium instruction in higher education in Japan. Journal of International Studies and Regional Development, 8 1-16
英語を使った専門科目教育 (EMI)を提供する日本の大学数は、増加してきている。現在、およそ200の大学(全大学数の約1/4に相当)が学部レベルで、ほとんどの場合は、人文学や社会科学分野のEMIプログラムを提供している。しかしながら、それぞれのEMIプログラムは、大学をとりまく状況やニーズに対応するため、独自の成長をしてきている。そのため、EMIの普及に関する全体像は把握されておらず、今後の方向性も明らかではない。この研究は、その全貌を明らかにするための初めての取組みである。一般に公表されている文書の考察やEMIプログラム関係者へのインタビュー結果から、日本のEMIプログラムは多岐にわたっており、その場しのぎ的に設置されているEMIクラスもあれば、国内、海外を問わず優秀な学生を募集することを目的に、すべて英語で授業が行われる学位課程のEMIプログラムとして設置している場合もあることがわかった。暫定的ではあるが、日本における学部レベルのEMI類型論を体系づけし、プログラムの規模や構造、また教員や学生の構成状況の概説を可能にした。
As English-medium instruction (EMI) programs at universities in Japan have grown and developed over the past 20 years, the approach to recruiting faculty members to teach classes in English has evolved. This project investigates that evolution, drawing on data covering more than 165,000 jobs advertised on the JREC-IN Portal since 2002. The data shows yearly growth in the number of jobs posted requiring the ability to teach specialized content classes in English, reflecting the growth in the number and scope of EMI programs. A comparison of the EMI-related and mainstream job posts in the data also reveals differing trends in the number of positions advertised by private, public, and national universities, as well as differing trends in different disciplinary areas. The changing prevalence of full-time (tenured), part-time, and term-limited positions is also examined. These trends both reflect previous research on and offer new insights into the development of EMI programs in Japan.
from prospective course participants. Results of the needs analysis indicated that two goals should be prioritised for the training course: the ability to participate in discussions in meetings among faculty members, and the ability to communicate in interactions with administrative staff. Based on
these findings, original materials were created for the training course. The materials centered on cases for analysis and discussion, a list of terms and expressions commonly used in meetings, and scenarios for internal communication. After the training sessions, participants reported generally
positive evaluations: their understanding of meetings had improved, and their confidence in speaking Japanese had increased. However, they also suggested some points for improvements in the course, including the need for more formal practice. In addition, it was confirmed that it is necessary to develop teaching materials and a curriculum to focus more directly on interaction with university administrative staff.
role in higher education in Japan, there are ongoing concerns that
faculty members lack the support they need to effectively teach in
what may be their own or their students’ second language. In a
replication and localization of Macaro et al.’s 2020 multi-country
survey of EMI-related professional development (PD), this study
investigated the experience, needs, and preferences of faculty
members teaching in English in Japan. Results from 92 respondents
indicate that while professors acknowledge teaching in an EMI
context requires different competencies than either teaching in a
Japanese-medium setting or using English as a professional academic
language, fewer than half have participated in PD training.
Respondents are open to the idea of EMI-related PD but are only
moderately receptive to a potential scheme to certify their
competencies. Respondents’ perspectives differed depending on their
experience teaching in EMI, as well as their linguistic and
disciplinary background.
practicum. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & P. Bennett (Eds.), Diversity and inclusion. Tokyo: JALT.
Preservice training for secondary-school teachers in Japan has been criticized as inconsistent
and ineffective and is seen to have little influence on their teaching repertoire. Early career
teachers tend to be more strongly influenced by their experiences as students and their
observation of senior teachers. However, they lack training in how to effectively observe lessons.
In this study, we explored preservice teachers using classroom-observation rubrics while studying
abroad as a method to encourage them to observe other teachers’ lessons more effectively.
Results show that these preservice teachers noted aspects of their teacher’s classroom practice
including flexibility in the pace and flow of the lesson, techniques for classroom management,
and attention to students’ individual needs and progress. Results also indicate that the relatively
simple intervention, introducing a classroom-observation rubric and encouraging discussion
about it, was a catalyst for students to become reflective and critical observers of senior teachers’
classroom practice.
instruction programs. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & P. Bennett (Eds.), Diversity and inclusion.
Tokyo: JALT.
English-medium instruction (EMI) is a growing trend in Japan, and one common challenge of EMI
implementation is providing adequate language-proficiency preparation for students, including
the development of general and academic vocabulary. This study used a corpus of approximately
500,000 words taken from reading texts used in EMI courses at one university in order to evaluate
the New General Service List (NGSL) and the New Academic Word List (NAWL) as study tools for
students in this university’s program. Results showed that the NGSL provided 87.7% coverage of
the corpus, a marked improvement over the original General Service List, which provided only
79.7% coverage. The NAWL performed less well, providing only an additional 3.0% coverage
beyond that of the NGSL alone. Also, a full 17.4% of NAWL words did not appear in the corpus.
This finding calls into question the value of the NAWL as a study tool for this program.
ストから作成した約50万語のコーパスを使って、New General Service Lis(t NGSL)とNew Academic Word Lis(t NAWL)が当
版のGeneral Service Listのカバー率79.7%から大きく改善されていることが分かった。NAWLの結果は、3.0%の上昇に留まっ
(EMI) is part of an effort to internationalize the
higher education sector, attract international students, and
foster global competencies among students. It is receiving
significant government investment and attention, and consequently
assuming, perhaps not a central, but a meaningful
role in higher education. However, the growth of EMI
has not been without challenges and these are not unique
to current internationalization efforts. It may be that we are
seeing the most recent manifestation of longstanding structural
issues in the Japanese higher education sector. When
information technology (IT) was promoted in education in
the 1990s, bureaucratic procedures, lack of technical support,
and resistance to emerging pedagogies were found to
be impediments to effective implementation. For anyone
involved in current EMI implementation, these obstacles
ring familiar. The parallels are striking and, by looking at
the example of IT, we may catch a glimpse of where EMI is
heading and learn where structural changes could be made.
English-medium Instruction (EMI) of academic subjects is expanding rapidly at universities in Japan without a clear nationwide picture of the context. This study paints such a picture with findings from a nationwide survey of 258 universities with undergraduate EMI programs (response rate 46%, n=118). The survey results cover the scope, scale and organization of EMI programs as well as showing which fields are most often taught in English. Results also reveal some challenges to EMI implementation relating to both faculty and students.
日本の大学において、専門課程の英語による教育(EMI)が急速に広がりつつあるが、全国的な現状の輪郭は明確に描かれていない。本研究は、EMIによる学位プログラムを提供する日本の大学258校を対象に実施した全国的調査によって明らかになった現状を報告する(回答率46%, n=118)。調査結果は、英語による教育が最も多く提供されている分野を示すだけでなく、EMIプログラムの範囲、規模、組織についても取り上げる。また、教員および学生双方のEMI導入に対する課題を明らかにする。
Around the world, the role of English in higher education is changing. Rather than just an object of study, English is now often the language of instruction. In Japan, universities are currently adopting content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and English-medium instruction (EMI), alongside longstanding content-based instruction (CBI) approaches, to convey academic content in English. However, a shared understanding of the goals and outcomes of these approaches has yet to emerge. We argue that key distinctions are based on the relative positions of language and content in learning objectives and assessment. In CBI, content is a vehicle for language learning: The goal is language learning and students are assessed on language performance. In EMI, learning outcomes are tied directly to the content: Language learning is neither planned for nor assessed. Between these extremes, CLIL is an integrated approach with varying degrees of focus on language and content learning.
Brown, H. (2017). Why and why now? Understanding the rapid rise of English-medium instruction in higher education in Japan. Journal of International Studies and Regional Development, 8 1-16
英語を使った専門科目教育 (EMI)を提供する日本の大学数は、増加してきている。現在、およそ200の大学(全大学数の約1/4に相当)が学部レベルで、ほとんどの場合は、人文学や社会科学分野のEMIプログラムを提供している。しかしながら、それぞれのEMIプログラムは、大学をとりまく状況やニーズに対応するため、独自の成長をしてきている。そのため、EMIの普及に関する全体像は把握されておらず、今後の方向性も明らかではない。この研究は、その全貌を明らかにするための初めての取組みである。一般に公表されている文書の考察やEMIプログラム関係者へのインタビュー結果から、日本のEMIプログラムは多岐にわたっており、その場しのぎ的に設置されているEMIクラスもあれば、国内、海外を問わず優秀な学生を募集することを目的に、すべて英語で授業が行われる学位課程のEMIプログラムとして設置している場合もあることがわかった。暫定的ではあるが、日本における学部レベルのEMI類型論を体系づけし、プログラムの規模や構造、また教員や学生の構成状況の概説を可能にした。
At the outset of the EMI program, EAP faculty anticipated and investigated potential new needs. Examining content faculty's stated goals, expectations for performance and descriptions of classroom work, four main implications for practice in pre-sessional EAP emerged: longer-term focus on a single topic; more one-on-one interaction with students; a larger role for the students' L1; and greater focus on academic skills rather than language proficiency. These findings, along with data on student perceptions of CLIL and analysis of L1/L2 citations in written reports, became the core of a project undertaken to adapt the EAP program. The goal was to develop innovative approaches to EAP in light of the EMI program and the developing blended academic culture. Innovations included: a role for translanguaging and plurilingual goals; the use of CLIL as to bridge language and content classes; and the power of collaboration and integration between content and language teachers. Content and language faculty have collaborated successfully in: curriculum design; program planning and management; training and professional development; and team-teaching.
both by individual teachers in isolated classes and in regional or nationwide programs. Teachers and administrators
adopt CLIL based on an understanding of its benefits including the efficiency and effectiveness for learning of its
dual focus and the complementary rather than competitive relationship between language and content classes
which develops in CLIL contexts. However, in contexts where students have an individual choice to study in a CLIL
class, students are unlikely to be aware of the breadth of research results on advantages of CLIL. What then drives
their decision to join a CLIL class? In cases where students choose between CLIL and content classes delivered in
their L1, the choice is often linked to future professional advantage associated with fluency in the L2. In cases
where students choose between CLIL and more traditional language classes the reasons for the choice are less
clear. Initial qualitative studies of a university-level CLIL program in Japan indicate that when students chose CLIL
classes over straightforward language classes, they are doing so with some understanding of the advantages of
CLIL but are also basing their decision on other factors including their relationship with the teacher, the perceived
level of difficulty of the CLIL class, and their interest in the content covered in class.
Presentation video available at
Hudd, S. (2003). Syllabus under construction: Involving students in the creation of class assignments. Teaching Sociology, 31(2), 195-202.
Hudd, S. (2003). Syllabus under construction: Involving students in the creation of class assignments. Teaching Sociology, 31(2), 195-202.
critical thinking abilities by bringing literature into the global issues curriculum. Using literature in content based instruction classes can personalize remote issues and help make students more aware of their own attitudes. The process of analysis used in literature circles helps develop the analytical skills and self-evaluative stance needed to develop critical thinking
"In one language school, learners who participated in TOEIC preparation courses that relied on the traditional discreet point analysis style were thought to have four main problems: a lack of fit between classroom materials and actual TOEIC tests, a lack of focus on meaning, low tolerance for ambiguity, and insufficient reading speed. Discreet point analysis preparation appeared ineffective. A literature review shows several different alternative approaches in the past which had contradictory or inconclusive results. This study, focused on graded reading for TOEIC preparation, has found that it can be very effective if the learners are convinced of its value. In the study, learners initially
discounted the value of graded reading. Even though learners felt the reading was improving their reading speed and fluency, they did not see a connection to TOEIC success. Learners’ valuations of the reading program improved significantly after a mock TOEIC test was administered.
accent due to epenthesis, the addition of vowel sounds creating extra syllables, in English words. With its focus on the number
of syllables used, formal haiku is a potential resource for consciousness raising activities aimed at reducing this accent.
In this study video clips of student discourse were analyzed in order to determine the effect that studying and writing original haiku has on the number of extra syllables in unplanned speech.
Post test videos show a statistically significant reduction in the rate of words pronounced with extra syllables (errors per 10 words spoken)
This paper seeks to document one critical aspect of that evolution. Looking back at the first year of SALC’s operation, the idea of metaphor has emerged as a key concept. Establishing and running SALC has been a clear instance of the importance of metaphors in academic decision making.
Findings indicate that the success of an EMI program depends on how stakeholders deal with issues related to program plarming and curriculum development. Effective communication among EMI stakeholders, and between program-level and university leaders, is a key factor in planning, as is the selection, recruiting, and support of faculty members. Stakeholders also need to be aware of the program's position in the university community and how program budgeting may influence its development. The curriculum must be designed based on a realistic understanding of students' incoming language proficiency and has to include effective means to measure and support that proficiency. EMI programs should also strive for internal coherence and meaningful connections to mainstream Japanese-medium programs.
Results indicate that undergraduate EMI programs are relatively small, most serving less than 10% of the university's student body, though many are currently expanding. These programs largely focus on humanities and social sciences and many are unstructured or ad hoc; however, there seems to be a growing trend towards more structured programs. The number of undergraduate full-degree English-taught programs is small but growing, based on strong government support. The vast majority of EMI programs are elective components of a mainly Japanese-medium degree program. In addition, most EMI programs in Japan serve domestic students and the rationales for implementing the programs reflect that. A major concern at many universities offering EMI is the low English proficiency of domestic students; however, it seems little is being done to test or set benchmarks for language proficiency and coordination between EMI and language classes is lacking in most programs. EMI faculty members are largely Japanese and their qualifications, teaching skills, and support for EMI are seen as key factors in the success of programs. Although they are identified as key stakeholders in the majority of EMI programs, training and professional development for them are lacking in most cases.
There is a great deal of variety in how EMI is being implemented at universities in Japan. However, neither the type of university (private, national or public) nor the size of university seems to be a reliable predictor of how a university chooses to approach EMI.
This volume will provide a touchstone for higher education practitioners, enabling them to more clearly understand why EMI policies are in place, which challenges exist and what the impacts may be. It is expected that the curricula contexts section will be of particular value to those new to EMI program design and implementation. However, the book will also benefit those with more EMI experience, and those researching higher education internationalization by providing an in-depth examination of the under-examined Japanese situation.