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Il “Filotteteproject” è un progetto di ricognizione archeologica localizzato nel territorio della Crotoniatide e curato dalla cattedra di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte Greca e Romana dell'Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”,... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaArchaeological GISSurvey (Archaeological Method & Theory)
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear Analysis
In the field of Cultural Heritage, 3D technologies were often employed for preservation, fruition, and valorisation. This research aims to restore the original features of burial 14 of the necropolis of Piovego using a new approach to... more
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      Virtual ArchaeologyVirtual Reconstruction, Blender, Archaeology
An inventory model for a perishable and recoverable product N M H Omar, M M Tap, A Ma'aram et al.-Optimization production and distribution using production routing problem with perishable inventory (PRPPI) models Novi Rustiana Dewi, Eka... more
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Il centro di Sermugnano (Castiglione in Teverina, VT), come quello analogo di Civita di Bagnoregio, faceva parte durante il Bronzo tardo 1 di un sistema territoriale imperniato su piccoli pianori ben difesi, sorto tra il Tevere e il lago... more
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Archaeological settings are intrinsically dynamic, undergoing transformations over time that significantly impact the archaeological record. These changes result from both deliberate human interventions and natural degradation processes.... more
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      3D modelling cultural heritagePhysics SimulationBlender 3D software
3D models are often employed in archaeology for different purposes like research, restoration and valorization. The goal of this research, carried out at the University of Padua, is to define and apply a methodology to create... more
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      Virtual ArchaeologyIron Age3D modelling cultural heritage
Archaeological contexts are extremely dynamic, undergoing changes over time that profoundly alter the archaeological record, both due to intentional human manipulation and natural degradation phenomena. These post-depositional phenomena... more
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      Virtual Archaeology3D modelling cultural heritageBlender
Archaeological contexts are extremely dynamic, undergoing changes over time that profoundly alter the archaeological record, both due to intentional human manipulation and natural degradation phenomena. These post-depositional phenomena... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyComputer ScienceVirtual Archaeology
In copertina: collo di anfora Keay 34B dagli scavi nella catacomba di S. Gennaro a Napoli. A pagina 1: ampolla in argilla dal centro di pellegrinaggio di Abu Mena (Egitto).
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      Roman AmphoraeLate Roman AmphoraeMedieval NaplesCatacombs of Naples
ABSTRACT – New archaeological investigations in the Late Bronze Age settlement of Monte Croce Guardia (Arcevia – AN): Seasons 2015-2016 – The Monte Croce Guardia settlement (Arcevia, AN) is one of the most remarkable Late Bronze Age... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age
In the Bronze Age (c. 2300-800 BC), European communities gave up their economic independence and became entangled in a continental trade network. In this paper, we will test the hypothesis that the adoption of a 'Pan-European' currency... more
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      Economic HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyEconomicsMonetary Economics
Bronze Age metal hoards have been widely investigated over the past 150 years throughout Europe. A considerable number of fragments were deposited, mostly stemming from the LBA. Fragmentation has been mainly mentioned in supporting both... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze Age metal hoardsItalian Bronze Age Archaeology
This article addresses European Research Council (ERC) grants in the Archaeology and History panel (SH6). The study was conducted by considering the first two cycles of ERC funding (2007-2020). We introduce to eligibility criteria and... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyHumanities and Social SciencesResearch Trends
Bronze is considered a key commodity during the European Bronze Age (BA, 2200-800BC). Recent studies have shown that, mostly during the Late Bronze Age (Late BA, 1300–800 BC), fragmented bronze objects were subjected to regulation... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)FragmentationBronze Age metal hoards
Over the course of several decades, archaeology has exhibited a growing reliance on an expanding corpus of data generated through the continuous evolution of techniques and methodologies. The integration of technological innovations and... more
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Cosine Quantogram Analysis (CQA) is a statistical analysis employed in archaeology for the study of numerical datasets with hypothesized quantal distribution. To verify thesignificance of the results, the analysis is often combined with... more
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      StatisticsQuantitative methods (Archaeology)Metrology
Have humans always sold and purchased things? This seemingly trivial question exposes one of the most conspicuous blind spots in our understanding of cultural evolution: the emergence of what we perceive today as ‘modern’ economic... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsKarl PolanyiBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
This work concerns the five Hoards of the protohistoric settlement of Frattesina di Fratta Polesine, site dated between the Recent Bronze Age 2 and the Early Iron Age - phase 1A (12th – 10th/early 9th c. BC). The Hoards, datable to the... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyAncient MetallurgyLate Bronze AgeBronze Age metal hoards
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