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      Strategic ManagementMuseum Information Systems
The highly complex environmental conditions and hyper-competitivity of the markets have created the need to review government action, in the sense that the latter has to be more careful in evaluating the risks which influence the... more
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      Risk ManagementOrganization CultureRelational CapitalMicrobial Viability
The paper aims at giving an answer to the requirements of ICT spinoffs throughout their lifecycle. The starting assumption has been that the ICT spin-off are small ICT companies. The awareness that small ICT companies don't usually follow... more
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      Spin OffStrategic Management and Corporate GovernanceViability
The paper analysed, from a multidisciplinary perspective (juridical and managerial), the reality of Italian Local Tourist Systems (LTS) set up with law no. 135/2001. The first part of the work lies in the recognition legislation of the... more
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      Organizational TheoryCommunity DevelopmentLocal foodRelational Frame Theory
This paper focuses on a decision system for family – run businesses. The aim is to capture the leadership instinct and experience in order to guarantee a human resource management instrument for the next entrepreneurial generations. The... more
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This work focuses on a University-based Spin Off (USO) with consequent review of the traditional university mission on the need/opportunity to give more to Knowledge. Europe, Italian government and other institutions fund spinoffs through... more
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This paper focuses on a possible improvement of knowledge-based decision support systems for human resource management within Public Administrations, using a co-creation of value’s mechanism, according to the Service-Dominant Logic (SDL)... more
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      Service QualityService-Dominant LogicDecision support systemValue co-creation
The paper examines the relationship between sustainable tourism governance and Cittaslow certification. As an organised network of small cities, Cittaslow is attempting to focus plans around the primary assets of locality-based identity,... more
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      GovernanceLocal GovernmentSustainable TourismPlanning
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      Situation awarenessInteractive Marketing
This paper focuses on a possible improvement of knowledge-based decision support systems for human resource management within Public Administrations, using a co-creation of value's mechanism, according to the Service-Dominant Logic (SDL)... more
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      Service QualityDecision Support SystemsCo-creationService Dominant Logic (S-D Logic)
Open Innovation and Services Science are two distinct paradigms that share some principles 0. While some attempts to investigate open innovation according to a service science perspective exist, there is currently a gap with regards to... more
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      Service ScienceOpen InnovationOpen Innovation Intermediaries
Even though a number of studies have focused on museum websites, specific studies about top Italian museums and the services provided online have not been found. This paper aims to fill this gap in the literature and investigate the... more
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This study is focused on the role, importance and practice of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in relation with Strategic Planning (SP) and Cultural Context (CC) by offering a holistic framework for short-term and long-term strategic... more
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Objectives. In general, the smart approach allows strengthening the ability to solve problems (e.g. those related to sustainability) through an efficacious use of knowledge. Smart management of tourism rests on an information-driven... more
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      Tourism ManagementSmart Tourism and Smart CityTourism Sustainability
The paper aims to investigate the possible relationship between Tourism Supply Chain and Strategic Partnership, read as a way to reduce and better manage the complexity in Tourism Industry. This last has been analysed under... more
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Advertisements play a significant role in communicating product information, guarantees and service excellence. This study aims to investigate the role played by hotel advertisements in building customers' expectation of service... more
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      Quantum PhysicsThermodynamicsQuantum GravityQuantum nonlocality
We study a particular return map for a class of low-dimensional chaotic models called Kolmogorov-Lorenz systems, which received an elegant general Hamiltonian description and includes also the famous Lorenz-63 case, from the viewpoint of... more
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      EngineeringFluid DynamicsMathematical SciencesFixed Point Theory
Lie-Poisson structure of the Lorenz'63 system gives a physical insight on its dynamical and statistical behavior considering the evolution of the associated Casimir functions. We study the invariant density and other recurrence features... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsExtreme Value Theory
Aim of this work is to calculate explicitly the result of the experiment of superposition of a mirror in the Michelson photon cavities interferometric device proposed by Marshall, Simon, Penrose and Bownmeester, as expected within a... more
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      Measure TheoryQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics