Books by Mikaela Cordisco
La collana "Echo" prende il nome dalla ninfa oreade, che personificava l'omonimo fenomeno fisico,... more La collana "Echo" prende il nome dalla ninfa oreade, che personificava l'omonimo fenomeno fisico, rievocando così il contatto tra voci, culture e tradizioni diverse e al contempo la ricezione, la ripetizione e la variazione. Nasce col proposito di accogliere al suo interno una serie di monografie e di studi riferiti agli ambiti della traduzione e della mediazione linguistica in senso più ampio. Caratterizzata da un approccio accademico, la collana si presenta come un funzionale veicolo per la diffusione dei risultati delle ricerche condotte nell'esteso dominio della Teoria e della prassi della traduzione e delle discipline della Mediazione linguistica. Nella collana si intendono affiancare ai risultati della ricerca anche dei testi che possano rappresentare degli strumenti utili alla didattica della traduzione e dell'interpretariato. Internazionale per vocazione, "Echo" si propone di ospitare al suo interno testi in lingua italiana, inglese e francese, con l'auspicio di apportare un importante contributo all'attuale indagine internazionale inerente alle discipline in questione. A garanzia della rilevanza scientifica, della significatività del tema trattato e dell'originalità delle opere pubblicate, la collana adotta un sistema di doppio referaggio anonimo (double blind peer reviewing).
Papers by Mikaela Cordisco
Respectus Philologicus
In the screen adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s best-selling novel “My Brilliant Friend”, the first ... more In the screen adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s best-selling novel “My Brilliant Friend”, the first foreign language co-production of the American pay-cable network HBO with the Italian public broadcaster RAI, as a specific requirement of the American producers, the Italian of the main characters has been transformed into Neapolitan, a thick regional dialect mostly appropriate to tell the story of a life-long friendship on the backdrop of the 1950s poor outskirts of Naples, the main city of southern Italy. Starting from some background theories of cultural aspects of translation together with audiovisual translation, the aim of this presentation is that of analysing how English subtitlers have faced the translation of the dialectal elements in such a culture-bound audiovisual text and to what extent their choices depend on those made by Italian subtitlers, then discussing about the sociocultural implications of the solutions adopted. The data have been organized and presented with refe...
XXI, 2022/2 (aprile-giugno)
Le parole prefissate con sopra- / sovra- suscitano in molti lettori dubbi sulla preferenza da acc... more Le parole prefissate con sopra- / sovra- suscitano in molti lettori dubbi sulla preferenza da accordare all’una o all’altra forma del prefisso e al loro impiego con o senza raddoppiamento in parole quali: sopralluogo / sovralluogo, soprastante / sovrastante, sopracitato / sopraccitato / sovracitato / sovraccitato, soprannumerario / sovrannumerario, soprascrivere / sovrascrivere; altre domande riguardano l’esistenza o l’ammissibilità di alcune parole, tra cui soprastimare, sovralzo.
Starting from a 2007 research study in which a corpus of articles from the Guardian Unlimited Web... more Starting from a 2007 research study in which a corpus of articles from the Guardian Unlimited Website (period Oct-Dec 2006) was analysed in order to test the hypothesis that even in the British Press the word ‘fuck’, in its denotative and connotative meanings, was becoming acceptable and accepted in its explicit orthographic form, in this paper we aim to show the results of an extension of the research, carried out by enriching the corpus with other articles (period April-June 2011) from the same on-line newspapers website, to monitor and compare the occurrences of the word in quantitative and qualitative terms, and to verify whether the word has been used in a creative way in new constructions and contexts of use, thus providing further data on the emotive use of the word and on its contribution to new word formation processes
Aracne Editrice, 2017
The volume offers a rich overview of research in the field of translation conducted by scholars f... more The volume offers a rich overview of research in the field of translation conducted by scholars from different countries working with the English-French language pair. Creativity is looked at from a cross-cultural perspective, taking into account many diverse aspects and angles, which involve different processes and actors. Divided into two subsections and accompanied by a double preface in English as well as by a foreword and an introduction in both languages, the book is the result of demanding editing work.Le volume offre une vision riche de la recherche traductologique conduite par des chercheurs travaillant sur la paire de langues anglais-français et actifs dans différents pays, en Europe et ailleurs. L'élément central est la créativité, déclinée dans une perspective transculturelle sous plusieurs aspects qui impliquent différents processus et acteurs. Divisé en deux sous-sections et précédé d'une double préface en anglais et d'un avant-propos et d’une introduction dans les deux langues, le livre est le résultat d'un travail d'édition exigeant
The lexicon of offensive emotional language is made up of multifunctional pragmatic words (swearw... more The lexicon of offensive emotional language is made up of multifunctional pragmatic words (swearwords, taboo words) which assume various discourse functions: particularly, in their contribution to the structuring of verbal exchanges, they acquire a pragmatic value similar to discourse markers and can work as a device employed to affirm in-group membership and establish boundaries and social norms for language use. The use and the perception of swearwords vary both diaphasically (i.e. stylistic variation) and diatopically (i.e. geographical variation) and have been extensively studied. In the present study a sample corpus of articles from the 2006 online version of The Guardian has been examined in order to carry out a quantitative and qualitative data-driven analysis with the aim of testing the hypothesis that even in British quality newspapers the taboo word ‘par excellence’, ‘fuck’, in its conceptual and associative meanings, is becoming ‘acceptable’ and ‘accepted’. The qualitative resulting data show that ‘fuck’ is used only in interviews, direct quotations or instances of reported speech, the authors not employing it when writing their own words; new contexts of use are noticed and new forms of the word are recorded
This article is a report about a teaching experience within a postgraduate course for future teac... more This article is a report about a teaching experience within a postgraduate course for future teachers of EFL. The aim was to test corpora-related activities in teacher training. The article is divided into two sections. The first one surveys the possible applications of corpus linguistics in a language teaching environment: it illustrates the various steps through which the learners have reached a full awareness of the opportunities offered by corpora and concordancers in devising computer-aided activities and curricula. The second part illustrates the data-driven research work carried out with the students. The aim was to provide them with a good level of competence in linguistic - and more precisely lexical - analysis. Since the work was carried on at the time the single currency was being introduced - the 'euro' in the euro area - it was quite consequential to choose this lexical item to experiment with the students. The results of the research experiment and the data obs...
... In particolare, però, i paragrafi 1, 1.1, 2 e 2.1 sono stati redatti da Mikaela Cordisco, il ... more ... In particolare, però, i paragrafi 1, 1.1, 2 e 2.1 sono stati redatti da Mikaela Cordisco, il paragrafo 2.2 e la conclusione da Bruna Di Sabato. ... I am often beset by such romantic follies (55) Mi prendono spesso di queste mattane romantiche (55) Did I want to be led? ...
XIX, 2021/4 (ottobre-dicembre)
Molti lettori ci pongono domande sul verbo supportare: “esiste” nella nostra lingua? O lo dobbiam... more Molti lettori ci pongono domande sul verbo supportare: “esiste” nella nostra lingua? O lo dobbiamo all’inglese? Altri pongono le stesse domande a proposito di supportivo; un lettore in particolare chiede se non sia preferibile usare supportevole.
... ricevuto un bacio»(84) «[
] I am often beset by such romantic follies»(55) «[
] mi prendono s... more ... ricevuto un bacio»(84) «[
] I am often beset by such romantic follies»(55) «[
] mi prendono spesso di queste mattane romantiche»(55 ... Cordisco, Mikaela, Bruna Di Sabato, 2010,Questioni di genere: difficoltà e soluzioni traduttive nel passaggio dalla lingua in-glese alla lingua ...
Contents: Paola Attolino/Linda Barone/Mikaela Cordisco/Mariagrazia De Meo: Linguistic and cultura... more Contents: Paola Attolino/Linda Barone/Mikaela Cordisco/Mariagrazia De Meo: Linguistic and cultural issues in translation: new insights - Emilia Di Martino/Bruna Di Sabato: Going Local and hybrid: future perspectives in translation and translating - Paolo Donadio: Cognitive Linguistics meets Translation Studies: the case of intralingual rewording - Francesca Vigo: Elusiveness and ambiguity: the paradox of legal translation - Roberto Masone: Language appropriation and cultural elements: the limits of translation into Italian of Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh, Raja Rao's Kanthapura and Bharati Mukherjee's The Middleman And Other Stories - Paola Attolino: Licence to laugh: the Italian flavour of 007's humour - Linda Barone: The fall of the house of Poe: language, style and other issues in the translation of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories into Italian - Mariateresa Franza: The visible translator: Fabrizio De Andre translates Leonard Cohen - Iain Halliday: ...
Books by Mikaela Cordisco
Papers by Mikaela Cordisco