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Italia -Sono presentati e discussi alcuni dei principali risultati del progetto di ricerca nazionale (PRIN). Speleotemi di alcune grotte scelte dell'Italia settentrionale, centrale e meridionale sono stati studiati con diverse tecniche e... more
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      Climate ChangeSpeleothems
Rock salt composed of halite is at least three orders of magnitude more soluble than limestone. Because of this very high solubility rock salt rarely crops out extensively at the surface and is readily dissolved leaving insoluble residue... more
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      Radiocarbon DatingDevelopable Surface
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyWater qualityRegional development
Maps illustrating the different degrees of vulnerability within a given area are integral to environmental protection and management policies. The assessment of the intrinsic vulnerability of karst areas is difficult since the type and... more
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      Environmental ManagementGroundwater PollutionEnvironmental PlanningWater Pollution
In a mature karstic system, the realisation of galleries using the methodology of railway tunnel boring machine (TBM) involves particular problems due to the high risk of interference with groundwater (often subject to remarkable level... more
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      GeneticsGeologyStructured dataTunnel boring machine (TBM)
The always increasing demand for good quality freshwater has ancient roots, and when the resource to be protect is a transboundary aquifer, the challenge is quite high, as the case of Classical Karst Reka/Timavo aquifer system, a shared... more
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Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 80 (2003): 175-184 ... © Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2005 ... Variabilità climatica nel Tardiglaciale e nell'Olocene da dati di speleotemi lungo una traversa NS in Italia ... Ugo... more
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      Climate ChangeMass SpectrometryEnvironmental ChangeSpeleothems
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    • Earth Sciences
The constantly increasing of water demand for human consumptions has necessitated a reconstruction of the hydrogeologic characteristics and properties as well isotopic features of the aquifers of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain (FP). The... more
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      Cross CorrelationWater DemandConceptual ModelWater Table
RIASSUNTO -Ricostruzione climatica degli ultimi 17.000 anni da una stalagmite della Grotta Savi (Trieste, Italia) -La Grotta Savi, che si apre sulle pendici del Monte Stena in Val Rosandra (Carso Triestino, Italia), consiste in una rete... more
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    • Stable Isotope
Razumevanje kra{kih pojavov in razvoj hidrogeolo{kega modela, ki bi bil uporaben povsod na razvitem krasu, bi bilo splo{no koristno. Kras, ki je aee razmeroma dobro raziskan in poznan, je lahko idelano podro~je za multidisciplinarne... more
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An active Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD) has been recently identified in the Carnic Alps above the Cercevesa torrent in the northern part of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy). The phenomenon interests an area of... more
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      Geological HazardPreventive measures
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeometryArchaeological Method and TheoryKarst and Caves
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Although the Cordillera de la Sal, close to San Pedro de Atacama (Chile), is one of the driest places on Earth, it contains extensive cave systems that have developed in halite. A detailed morphological study of these caves, combined with... more
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Interesting salt caves were recently discovered in one of the driest places on earth, the Atacama desert (Chile). The caves, sometimes over 1 km long, host important and widespread active halite speleothems among which are peculiar... more
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      MineralogySpeleothemsSpeleogenesisEvaporite Karst
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To set an approach for the future territorial planning, the Geological Survey of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, through the researchers of Trieste University, started a program of debris-flow risk analysis using Flo-2D software as tool to... more
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      GeologyRisk AnalysisCase StudyDebris Flow
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