Radiocarbon Dating
Recent papers in Radiocarbon Dating
Radiocarbon dating is the most widely used dating technique in the world. Recent advances in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and sample preparation techniques have reduced the sample-size requirements by a factor of 1000 and decreased... more
The Whakatane Tephra, a rhyolitic tephra erupted ca. 5500 cal. BP from Okataina Volcanic Centre, central North Island, has been identified on the Chatham Islands which lie ~900 km east of Christchurch, New Zealand. The visible tephra... more
The late Quaternary sedimentary history of the continental margin off Portugal was reconstructed from sediment gravity cores. Hemipelagic sedimentation (lithofacies A) was dominant during glacial times. It was interrupted periodically by... more
Angkorian temples are characterised by one or more encircling moats that are excavated into the alluvial substrate. As a key part of the overall design of the temple, the moats are important symbolically and are presumed to be... more
The South Caucasus occupies the divide between ancient Mesopotamia and prehistoric Europe, and was thus crucial in the development of Old World societies. Chronologies for the region, however, have lacked the definition achieved in... more
Accurate geochronologies are the key for comparison of palaeoclimate records. In order to clarify problems concerning the geochronology of glacier fluctuations we dated palaeosols in moraines in the Kebnekaise mountain region of Swedish... more
A 9000-year carbonate-rich sediment sequence from a small hard-water lake in northernmost Sweden was studied by means of multi-component stable carbon isotope analysis. Radiocarbon dating of different sediment fractions provides... more
We analyze statistically representative samples of radiocarbon dates from key Early Neolithic sites in Central Europe belonging to the Linear Pottery Ceramic Culture (LBK), and of pottery-bearing cultures on East European Plain... more
The paper gives a historical outline of the views on the correlation between radiocarbon and archaeological chronology and presents the results of the first statistical analysis of large arrays of radiocarbon dates obtained over a long... more
Methods for Bayesian statistical analysis of stratigraphically related radiocarbon dates have been in use for over a decade. This paper extends these techniques to stratigraphically related ESR dates, allowing estimation of the dates of... more
Radiocarbon-dated elevated marine deposits and the record of anthropogenic and natural debris in archaeological deposits on the west coast of South Africa indicate that significant coastal remodelling has taken place in the past 4300... more
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction combining data from diatom, pollen, macrophytic, and archaeological analyses had not been attempted previously for coastal Peru. We analyzed two radiocarbondated sediment cores extracted from the "sacred"... more
One of the largest long-runout landslides in the modern history of the Czech Republic originated on the southern slopes of the Girová Mountain (Outer Western Carpathians) at the end of extreme rainfalls in May 2010. The structurally... more
Introduction The Oslofjord region in SE-Norway has been subject to steady glacio-isostatic uplift during the whole Holocene. The final retreat of the ice at the termination of the last glacial took place in this area between 13,900... more
Lakes are excellent repositories of air-borne and especially stream-borne materials. It has long been recognised that lake sediments contain a strong record of catchment soils via the inputs of minerogenic and chemical erosional products.... more
During the Late Holocene, a number of new technologies (single-piece fishhooks, toggling harpoons, plank canoes, etc.) are thought to have significantly enhanced the fishing capabilities of California coastal peoples. The single-piece... more
This paper discusses the Bronze Age archeological finds discovered during the course of the follow up road works around Cerdanyola del Vallès Synchrotron, near Barelona. This consists of a grouping of three pits: a funerary hypogeum, with... more
Although here in DuPage we are very far from the Pacific, this class will help you become literate with regards to the cultures and histories of Pacific island societies. Each person living in the Pacific is part of an ongoing story of... more
Volcanic ash (tephra) erupted from the frequently active Campi Flegrei volcano forms layers in many palaeoenvironmental archives across Italy and the Mediterranean. Proximal deposits of 50 of the post-15 ka eruptions have been thoroughly... more
The past few hundred years have seen large fluctuations in atmospheric 14 C concentration. In part, these have been the result of natural factors, including the climatic changes of the Little Ice Age, and the Spö rer and Maunder solar... more
Between 1984 and 1995 over 450 organic samples were collected from monuments built during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. The most suitable samples were selected for dating. The purpose was to establish a radiocarbon chronology with samples... more
Two archaeological specimens of peyote buttons, i.e. dried tops of the cactus Lophophora williamsii (Lem.) Coulter, from the collection of the Witte Museum in San Antonio, was subjected to radiocarbon dating and alkaloid analysis. The... more
In the Sigatoka Valley on Viti Levu Island in Fiji, three independent studies of last-millennium environmental and human-societal changes suggest that these were driven largely by the climate and sea-level changes of the AD 1300 Event.... more
. Ž . Several long sediment cores max. 12 m from various parts up to 150 km apart of Lake Onega, Russian Karelia, have been studied for lithology, varve chronology and palaeomagnetism. The two longest varve records from the central basin... more
A series of piston cores from Flathead Lake, Montana, USA and a new radiocarbon date from the sedimentary record provide the basis for describing sedimentary processes related to deglaciation of the Flathead Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice... more
On the basis of radiocarbon dates recently obtained for a trench in the back part of Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar, it has been claimed that Neanderthals survived in the region until at least 28,000 and probably as late as 24,000 radiocarbon... more
This study estimates the maximum and minimum degrees of autocompaction for radiocarbon-dated Holocene mangrove sediments in Singapore, in order to correct apparent sediment accretion rates for the effects of sediment compression due to... more
We reconstruct the Holocene range fluctuations of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) for northern and Central Europe. Based on 529 subfossil records and radiocarbon dating of critical finds, we provide evidence that E.... more
Cette étude évalue l’abondance des graines d’Erythrophleum suaveolens dans la banque de semences du sol des forêts denses humides d’Afrique centrale. Les travaux ont été menés au Nord-Congo dans deux types forestiers : la forêt à Celtis... more
A multidisciplinary study has been carried out on a 51 m long core, drilled on coastal lowlands near the Albegna River (Tuscany, Central Italy). Both sedimentological and faunal analyses (ostracods and molluscs) indicate a coastal lagoon... more
Radiocarbon-dated pollen sequences from two areas of Bodmin Moor—Rough Tor in the north-west and the East Moor—are presented and the evidence for settlement in the prehistoric period on the moor considered. The nature and extent of human... more
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition is a key period of change in the prehistory of the Old World and one of the most studied issues in paleoanthropology, as the nature of the transition(s) is still, after at least a century of... more