The outstanding figure of Taras Shevchenko up to now draws the extended attention of the scientists, engaged in researches related to the development of Ukrainian language and culture. Some issues which still have to be unfolded concern...
moreThe outstanding figure of Taras Shevchenko up to now draws the extended attention of the scientists, engaged in researches related to the development of Ukrainian language and culture. Some issues which still have to be unfolded concern the aspects of influences exercised by the Ukrainian poet on other men of letters within the country and outside as well as close attention should to be paid on influences experienced by T.Shevchenko during his life and at the time of poetic creation.
This article attempts to shed the light on the particular problem of Ukrainian-Greek cultural contacts and interchanges, revived by the fact of recent publishing of new translations into Greek of his poems dedicated to the poet's two hundredth anniversary. We try to consider the above issue as a manifestation of the cultural parallels expressed by coincidence in the texts of prominent authors who belong to and mould the character of their work in the same historical period. The present research concerns the writings of T.Shevchenko and Greek poet A.Calvos who's considered one of the Greek most important national poet. We shall concentrate on the Mother's poetical concept and motive occurred in their poems to show how resembling historical circumstances, social background and different ideological views (including the traditional common sense believes) as well as literary tradition in process of sustained formation could affect the poet's imagination resulting the great affinity in approaching towards the poetical themes they both explore. Henceforth we'll call this variety of textual resemblance endogenic parallelism suggesting that it is constructed independently by every author for his own purposes so can't be matched as case of direct intertextuality nor as a simple coincidence but considered in the context of wider European political, social and cultural processes and inner mechanisms that lay within the appearing discourses, part of which is constructed exactly in the depth of literary developments. Then we examine the case we'll propose to call heritable parallelism as a specific form of non direct affinity of literary writing's manner which may occur during the translation because of similarity of mentioned above manner when a translating person combine translator and original author' personalities, and thus in the process of translating emerges the situation of the secondary affiliation when the translator recognizes some inherent in him features of original text and brings together the source and target textual spaces by using his own poetic manner as alienated one aiming not to shadow the original author. In this respect we'll try to consider the approach used by the Greek poet Giannis Ritsos in rendering the image of the woman portrayed in poems of Taras Shevchenko.
Beginning from the first topic of research we have to notice several episodes of biography of T.Shevchenko and A.Calvos as well as some historical factors that were influencing the poetic vision of both of them and specifically the imagery comes from the MOTHER's concept. Firstly it's the bitter experience of lack of the parental care in the childhood of both future poets and living abroad for a long time combined with the basic cognitive concept of MOTHER presented in both culture. The sensible incompleteness of personal life also reflected in their works such historical circumstances of Ukraine and Greece as unsolved issue of nationhood within the boundaries of independent state, direction of cultural development and the painful issue of national language and its self-sufficiency etc. It allows us to suggest that in the poems of analyzed authors the poetic concept MOTHER could be presented in two variants (MOTHER+/ MOTHER-), expressed both clearly in poetry of T.Shevchenko and with some deviations in Calvos' work. The variant MOTHER+ expresses the idea of protection and initiation (inside the social body or frames of culture) therefore usually occurs in the metaphorical representation of motherland. For Shevchenko the metaphor of Mother+ as asylum is embodied within temporal domain, introduced in the text by prophetic discourse of the poet as a third person (observer), whereas A.Calvos actualizes the concept of Greece as Mother+ in the terms of space model which is not exposed to time's effects. The temporal domain makes Shevchenko possible to depict several eventual ways of Ukrainian evolution: a negative one, which is shown by the image of Mother- (a female protagonist who commits suicide or kills her own heirs), and a positive one, where the mother and the child (breed of future world) prophetically transferred through the break of time to construct the new identities of people (presumably Ukrainians in spirit of New Testament's tradition) of as well as notion of Ukraine. In turn A.Calvos uses the image of Mother in a space model where her ghost communicates with the protagonist (initiation) to create in his mind the notion of the loss and in this way losing once more the real mother discovers the symbolic one, the Greece as Motherland.
The second part of our research is dedicated to the Giannis Ritsos's reception of poetry of Ukrainian Kobzar. For purposes of our research we’ve selected several poem with central female protagonist to analyze how the translator transfers by means of language the set of notion expressing woman's imagery. The reflections about woman's fate and actions that women conduct in the man's world hold the Ritsos's attention during the whole of his life and influence the manner and strategy of translation. It is important to explain the poet's choice the poems for translation, because involved in translation he could work out themes of his own interest. Comparing the source and target texts we point out that G.Ritsos carefully rearranges the alliterations of Shevchenko as a important feature of sound symbolism that in turn leads him to understanding the whole folklore basis of Shevchenko's poetry. Ritsos himself turns to folklore tradition in his poem " Επιτάφιος" but metrical rhythms of ukrainian and greek folksongs differ notably so we can assert that in translation the Greek poet explore the new abilities of parallel systems of expression. Another noticeable feature is the reconstruction of imagery of Shevchenko's poetry which depicts femininity. In this respect the Greek poet skilfully uses the spoken language structures on the level of vocabulary and word's derivation. The last feature we've dealt with is the transferring of concept МОРЕ (SEA), one of the element of Ukrainian language picture of the world, by means of Greek language. This concept in the poetry of Shevchenko metaphorically belongs to the feminine imagery and expresses both the birth giving and deprivation of life (the stable motive of Shevchenko) the dark side of human emotions and collective actions which attracts Ritsos himself so much.
Key words: endogenic parallelism, heritable parallelism, translation, poetic concept, T.Shevchenko, A.Kalvos