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Developed model communication
processes in projects using Markov chain with
discrete states and time.
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      Project ManagementBusiness Process ManagementStrategic ManagementManagement of Innovation
The planar graphs closed cycles determination method. The theoretical justification of a method for analyzing the complex organizational-technical systems’ topology is offered on the basis of reachability matrices’ features and its... more
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      Project ManagementBusiness Process Management
The hypothesis of a predetermined failure of knowledge and competence in project teams. In the management of unique projects, no project team will not initially have the necessary competencies and a set amount of knowledge for its... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementStrategic PlanningManagement of Innovation
Trends of development the knowledge in project management. Determined that knowledge - is the individual's ability to act effectively in a particular context, based on the data and information, as well as previous experience of conscious,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementManagement of InnovationTrend Analysis
The theoretical justification the formation of core competence of project managers on the basis of the characteristic properties of the adjacency matrix and its powers is offered
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      Project ManagementCompetenceCompetency base training and educationTeaching competencies
In project organizations developed interaction rules and the responsibilities of managers and management responsibility is defined by different types of work. Responsibilities of managers assigned to job descriptions that are the basis... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementProject-Based LearningJob Design
Аннотация: Рассмотрены основные термины и понятия проектного управления, а также их взаимосвязи, с точки зрения «терминоведения», науки рассматривающей терминологию любой предметной области, как инструмент для формирования научных... more
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    • Project Management
Аннотация. Выполнена оценка эффективности командной работы на стадии инициации проектов при поиске инновационных идей проектов. Показано, что на этой стадии наиболее рациональной организационной формой работы является фронтальная... more
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      Project ManagementCompetence
It is proposed to improve learning through the formation and use of the initial basic concepts of each discipline with the use of multi-level hierarchy of visual images, concepts and knowledge. Keywords: ABC, representation, letters,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject Management
С учетом этого риск можно определить как степень осознания членом команды проекта возможности отклонения от запланированного результата по показателям времени, стоимости и качества, в условиях зафиксированной... more
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      Project ManagementRisk ManagementTime Management
При виконанні проектів завжди існує необхідність узгодження роботи менеджерів. Для цього в проектних організаціях розробляються правила взаємодії і коло обов'язків менеджерів, а також визначається відповідальність менеджерів за різні... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementCompetence
D.V. Lukyanov, O.S. Sherstuk, V.D. Gogunsky. Case in "hat" how to manage the project team during the generation of innovative ideas. The evaluation of the effectiveness of teamwork at the initiation stage of projects in search of... more
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      Project ManagementCompetenceTime Management
The features of the presentation and analysis of the structural model of competencies in project management of a national standard in Ukraine according to NCB UA – ver. 3.1. Determined that the management of training in project management... more
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      Project ManagementCompetencias
Метод определения замкнутых циклов на планарных графах. Предложено теоретическое обоснование метода анализа топологии сложных организационно-технических систем на основе характерных свойств матриц достижимости и ее степеней, что позволяет... more
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      Project ManagementModeling and SimulationPlanar Graphs
Gogunsky VD, Kolesnikova EV Lukyanov DV. Customer focus: Practical use of ICB IPMA in the planning and implementation of projects [Presentation]. In business it is useful to stick to a broad interpretation of the concept of "Customer".... more
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      Project ManagementCustomer LoyaltyCustomer services quality
SOCIAL PRIORITIES OF PROJECTS IN A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. The concept of project management as an intention to create an unique "value" when resource and time constraints is currently the main approach in the planning and implementation... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityProject ManagementCompetence
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    • Project Management
D.V. Lukyanov, V.D. Gogunsky. Shu-Ha-Ri or the competence in Japanese. Eastern philosophy proposes a system of training for the formation of levels of competence, which is formulated and is widely used in eastern martial arts. Д.В.... more
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      EducationProject ManagementCompetence
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3666.6325 У статті розглянуті основні стандарти з управління проектами, з наведенням основних означень комунікаційних процесів, представлена нова модель «ДІАМАНТ» оцінки внутрішніх комунікацій для європейських... more
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      CommunicationMarkov chainsProject Managment
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      Computer ScienceProject ManagementProbabilistic Markov ModelingMarkov Processes