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      EngineeringMacromoleculesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was investigated in three different habitats (vegetable and crops-cultivated soils, phylloplanes and insect guts) of Bangladesh. A total of 61 Bacillus cereus-like isolates were obtained by selective methods... more
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The indiscriminate use of agricultural pesticides has created serious health and environmental problems in many developing countries including Bangladesh. On the other hand, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) has long been used... more
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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) biopesticides, a recognized eco-friendly pest control agent, can be used to reduce many problems associated with indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides such as environmental pollutions, public health... more
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The present study was aimed at designing a cost effective medium for increasing the δ-endotoxin (Cry protein) synthesis by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) kurstaki HD-73 and indigenous Bt JSc1 harboring potential cry genes active against... more
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    • Bt biopesticide
Nevertheless, emphasis should be given to promote the industrial growth in Bangladesh for sustainable economic development while dependency on agricultural economy alone is at a stake due to urbanization, natural calamities (erosion,... more
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Bactrocera cucurbitae (melon fruit fly) is one of the most detrimental vegetable-damaging pests in Bangladesh. The toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been reported against a few genera of Bactrocera in addition to numerous other... more
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    • Bt biopesticide
Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antibacterial peptides which have the potential to be used as natural food preservatives as well as alternative to antibiotics. Here, we report the production of bacteriocin-like inhibitory... more
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    • Bioprocess and Fermentation Technology
Genetic diversity is highly relevant and significant in discovering novel insecticidal genes in Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains and to deal with the problems of emerging insect resistance towards Bt biopesticides. In view of this,... more
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      BangladeshGenetic DiversityBacillus thuringiensisRAPD
The present study was carried out to develop a sustainable production mcdium using locally avlilabl€ cheap raw mat€rials for biopesticide production by Bacillus thuingiensrs subsP. *.r$tari (Bt*) HD-73. In submerged fermentat'on (SmF)... more
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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and bio-intensive pest management (BIPM) (where Bt biopesticide is an indispensible component of it) are the suggested alternatives of chemical pesticides. So, a holistic approach to the isolation and... more
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      Bacillus thuringiensisBiopesticidesCabbageCauliflower Studies
Aims: Bacillus licheniformis MZK-05 is a keratinolytic bacterium having potential in dehairing of leather and feather hydrolysis. The present study aimed at to improving the production level of keratinase through gene cloning and... more
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      Molecular cloningProtein expression and purification
Proteolytic bacteria isolated from municipal solid wastes (MSW) were identified as Serratia marcescens A3 and Pseudomonas putida A2 based on 16S rDNA sequencing. Protease produced through fermentation of organic MSW by these bacteria... more
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The scarcity of hygienic drinking water is a normal phenomenon in the coastal areas of Bangladesh due to the high salinity of ground water. The inhabitants of this locality, therefore, live on alternative supplies of water including... more
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      Vibrio choleraeBacillus Sp
Bacillus subtilis BAB-1, isolated from cotton rhizosphere soil, is an excellent biocontrol agent for tomato gray mold. The genome of B. subtilis strain BAB-1 was fully sequenced and annotated, genes encoding the antifungal active compound... more
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      BacteriologyBiological SciencesBacillus subtilisAmorphophallus
Parasporin, another type of δendotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), renowned for its highly specific and preferential toxicity against different cancer cells, could be a potentially safe anticancer therapeutic. Considering the... more
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