Papers by Stefania De Vido
Civic space and urban space. Again on the foil from Himera • The paper starts from a recent readi... more Civic space and urban space. Again on the foil from Himera • The paper starts from a recent reading of the 'agrarian law' from Himera (SEG xlvii 1427): after a proposed framing within the history of the city between the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th century, I propose a reflection that takes into consideration both the text and the urban and rural landscape in the light of important research on topography and territory. In the light of the historical and urban evolution of the city, the epigraphic document can make an interesting contribution to the reconstruction of the social landscape and to reflection both on the status of the descendants of the first founders in the apoikiai, and on the structural dynamics of the colonial process.
Sono vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione e l'adattamento, anche parziali, per qualsiasi uso e ... more Sono vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione e l'adattamento, anche parziali, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta delle Edizioni TORED s.r.l. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito secondo la legge.
C. Colombi, V. Parisi, O. Dally, M. Guggisberg, G. Piras (edd.), Comparing Greek Colonies: Mobility and settlement consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea (8th – 6th century BC), Berlin , 2002
In this paper, I discuss the profile and social position of the perioikoi in archaic Cyrene. The ... more In this paper, I discuss the profile and social position of the perioikoi in archaic Cyrene. The analysis of the occurrences and the use of this term in the Herodotean work suggests that, in general, the definition of perioikoi describes territorial proximity and binding relationship. Then, I will dwell on the reform of Demonax and in particular on the first of the moirai where the perioikoi are associated with the ancient founders. I, therefore, reflect on the nature and implications of this relationship, with particular attention both to the social structure of the city and to the specificities of its agricultural production. So I propose that the perioikoi of Cyrene are those groups of Greeks of minor status settled in the territory and closely linked to the landed aristocracy.
At the beginning of the last quarter of the fifth century BCE Athens is at a crossroads: after 42... more At the beginning of the last quarter of the fifth century BCE Athens is at a crossroads: after 421 peace is only apparent and different projects coexist in the city: some are more cautious and bet on the careful management of a partially acquired balance; others consider the agreements fictitious and are more aggressive and ready for action. Sign of that action are the military alliance stipulated in 418 with Segesta (an indigenous town in western Sicily); and especially the bloody repression of Melo of 416: the Athenians prevent the inhabitants of the small island from expressing dissent or distance. All politicians and all citizens, however, share the institutional framework of democracy founded by Cleisthenes and refined by Pericles: it does not extinguish the factions, but it channels the dissent in clearly defined spaces and occasions as the ekklesia, the assembly of the citizens which is reserved the sovereign decision in the matter of peace and war. That's why the assembly is the privileged place to understand an epochal decision: some ambassadors of Sicilian cities (Segesta and Leontini) reached Athens to ask for help against their enemy cities on the island. Athens immediately decides to send to Sicily 60 ships commanded by Alcibiades, Nicias and Lamacus, but a new assembly is convened to deliberate the details. At this point we can rely on the narration of Thucydides, not exactly an account, but an essay in which the historian gives voice to two protagonists of his work, embodying two souls of Athens. In fact, the decision to send a military expedition is already taken, but, as Thucydides points out, the real issue is the conquest of the island and a radical change in the Athenian politics in the Mediterranean Sea. In the decisive assembly Nicias and Alcibiades give a very different interpretation of this change: they decline in an opposite way topics, feelings and perspectives. In this contribution I intend to propose an analytical reading of the speeches of the two strategists, valuing words and notions of their assembly rhetoric: Nicia accepts change, but he considers it a dangerous inclination to be corrected in order to remain in a well known internal and external political strategy. Alcibiades, on the other hand, uses a wide and varied range of registers (personal biography, comparison with ancestors, dialectics between generations) to demonstrate that change is a necessary dimension: the city seems to have no choice and must show increasing dynamism. In the representation of Alcibiades, therefore, the nature of Athenian imperialism demands novelty and changes, even if the future (the years after 413) will not necessarily follow the rhythm of the inevitable growth neither of the empire nor of a demagogic democracy.
© 2020 -Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée -Jean Pouilloux 7 rue Raulin, F-69365 Lyon Cedex... more © 2020 -Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée -Jean Pouilloux 7 rue Raulin, F-69365 Lyon Cedex 07 À partir de tous les types de textes disponibles, les actes de ce colloque international invitent à s'interroger sur les mots et les discours relatifs à la ville dans les territoires où l'on a parlé grec au cours de l' Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. L'étude du vocabulaire et du langage vise à mieux comprendre le sens des mots eux-mêmes, leur évolution dans le temps, leur variation selon les régions et la diversité de leurs usages dans des écrits de nature différente. Elle a aussi pour but d'expliciter les représentations mentales qui tout à la fois sous-tendent l'usage de ces mots et en résultent. Comment les mots de la ville se façonnent-ils ? Comment les mots façonnent-ils la ville ?
In this paper, I emphasize the methodological importance of a page at the beginning of the IV Boo... more In this paper, I emphasize the methodological importance of a page at the beginning of the IV Book of the Herodotus's Histories. Speaking on the knowledge of the different territories of the Scythia Herodotus offers us a reflection on the possibilities and the limits of the basic tools of the historical research.
Che la terra sia il fondamento delle società preindustriali è un'ovvietà che non chiede di essere... more Che la terra sia il fondamento delle società preindustriali è un'ovvietà che non chiede di essere dimostrata, ma solo ribadita 1 . Che tale ovvietà, forse proprio perché tale, sia stata di recente un po' trascurata negli studi sulla colonizzazione in Occidente è cosa che va ascritta ai cicli della ricerca storica, che sovente rispondono più o meno consapevolmente alle domande poste dal presente di chi professa la disciplina 2 . Tenendo ferme sia le molte e innovative riflessioni intorno a decolonizzazione, etnicità e ibridismi, sia le linee del dibattito sempre appassionante sull'economia degli antichi (e dei moderni) 3 , vorrei qui tentare insieme ad alcuni colleghi una sorta di ritorno alla terra, avviando una discussione sulla Sicilia di età arcaica e classica, che anche sotto questo aspetto si conferma luogo formidabile di ricerca 4 .
Epigrafia tra erudizione antiquaria e scienza storica : ad honorem Detlef Heikamp / a cura di Fab... more Epigrafia tra erudizione antiquaria e scienza storica : ad honorem Detlef Heikamp / a cura di Fabrizio Paolucci. -Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2019. (Studi e saggi ; 195) ISBN 978-88-6453-833-4 (print) ISBN 978-88-6453-834-1 (online) Il volume raccoglie gli Atti del Convegno Tra erudizione antiquaria e scienza storica. Giornate di studi in occasione del novantesimo compleanno di Detlef Heikamp, Firenze, 10-11 novembre 2017, Salone Magliabechiano -Galleria delle Statue e delle Pitture. Redazione scientifica: Anna Maria Nardon Progetto grafico di Alberto Pizarro Fernández, Pagina Maestra snc Certificazione scientifica delle Opere Tutti i volumi pubblicati sono soggetti a un processo di referaggio esterno di cui sono responsabili il Consiglio editoriale della FUP e i Consigli scientifici delle singole collane. Le opere pubblicate nel catalogo FUP sono valutate e approvate dal Consiglio editoriale della casa editrice. Per una descrizione più analitica del processo di referaggio si rimanda ai documenti ufficiali pubblicati sul catalogo on-line (
Rita Scuderi, I prodromi della prima guerra punica nell'ambasceria romana a Gerone (Diodoro, XXII... more Rita Scuderi, I prodromi della prima guerra punica nell'ambasceria romana a Gerone (Diodoro, XXIII, 1, 4) 135-151 propaganda e egemonia politica nella Sicilia antica Tra le rive del Mediterraneo: relazioni diplomatiche, Il confine Nel 338, dopo la vittoria nella battaglia del fiume Crimiso, Timoleonte corona il successo siglando la pace con i Cartaginesi: 1 ἐκ δὲ τούτου Καρχηδόνιοι μὲν εἰρήνην ἐποιήσαντο πρὸς αὐτὸν δεηθέντες, ὥστε τὴν ἐντὸς τοῦ Λύκου χώραν ἔχειν, [καὶ] τοῖς βουλομένοις ἐξ αὐτῆς μετοικεῖν πρὸς Συρακοσίους χρήματα καὶ γενεὰς ἀποδιδόντες, καὶ τοῖς τυράννοις ἀπειπάμενοι τὴν συμμαχίαν.
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compr... more È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del 22.IV.1941 INDICE Claudia ANTONETTI Presentazione IX I Gli esametri Getty: il testo e la sua interpretazione 1. Lingua e scrittura Olga TRIBULATO Writing and Language in the Getty Hexameters 5 2. Stile, dizione, tradizione letteraria Ettore CINGANO A fresh look at the Getty hexameters: style, diction, tradition and context (Part one) 23 3. Oralità e scrittura Nicola SERAFINI Epea hiera: gli esametri Getty fra oralità e scrittura 55 4. Contiguità fra testi rituali Sabina CRIPPA Testi rituali del Mediterraneo antico. Note storico-metodologiche su contiguità e differenze 65 5. Modelli egizi Emanuele M. CIAMPINI Egyptian patterns in the Getty Hexameters' Historiola 77 6. La componente misterica Marisa TORTORELLI GHIDINI All'ombra dei misteri: per una rilettura della col. I degli esametri Getty 91 VI Indice 7. La cultualità e il contesto storico selinuntino Claudia ANTONETTI Gli esametri Getty e Selinunte: contesto storico e intertestualità cultuale 109 II Selinunte: il contesto storico archeologico letterario 8. Il mito di Eracle Paola ANGELI BERNARDINI Il mito di Eracle nella cultura selinuntina: un eroe per tutte le stagioni 135 9. La dea Ecate Nicola SERAFINI La dea Ecate a Selinunte: una messaggera della Malophoros 149 10. Il Tempio R e la sua dea Clemente MARCONI La dea del Tempio R 179 11. Novità dalla Malophoros Caterina GRECO Nuove ricerche archeologiche nei santuari di Demetra Malophoros e Zeus Meilichios a Selinunte 203 12. Musica, mito, performance Angela BELLIA La musica a Selinunte tra mito e performance: considerazioni sulla scena musicale nella 'piccola metopa' della Triade Delia 231 13. La distruzione di Selinunte Maria Grazia FILENI La distruzione di Selinunte in Diodoro Siculo: tra ideologia e storia 253 14. Selinunte greca dopo il 409 a.C.
Papers by Stefania De Vido
Après avoir abordé la question des échelles de ces territoires dans une première journée d’étude, organisée à l’École française d’Athènes en juin 2021, nous tenons maintenant à insister sur les acteurs qui façonnent ces territoires.
Dans cette perspective, ce deuxième atelier de travail, à la MSH de Dijon, se focalisera sur les appartenances religieuses et les
identifications communautaires. contributions de la journée viseront plus particulièrement à : dégager et comprendre les interrelations, les connexions et les réseaux existant au sein d’un territoire donné ; d’identifier les conditions qui les produisent ou les limitent et qui en façonnent les asymétries et les inégalités.
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon MSH
6 Esp. Érasme
(tram 1, arrêt Érasme)
Pour participer à la journée d’étude en visio, contactez les organisateurs
Territoires, acteurs sociaux et identités multiples : genre, statut, langue
et religion
Places of tension between different polarities, places of exchange and sociability, some of them, more permeable, participate in the constitution of “cross-border spaces”. How to apply the notion of boundary in such a singular context? Can we define a territory by the interlocking of borders, by a “network of borders”? Do these boundaries separate or represent a transition, an interface, a “buffer zone”? Can we identify the spatial practices and identities of the inhabitants of these spaces? Taking boundary towns into account, in the periphery, on the edge, on the limits, can it contribute to illustrate relations of domination, cooperation or asymmetrical relations with central establishments or structuring poles? Can we then recognize, within the same habitat, variations in the forms of exercise of power according to specific areas (economic, political, social, cultural)? Finally, if the habitat can serve as an entry point to the study of social relations or the understanding of identity compositions and recompositions, what are the social transactions and modes of hybridization that unfold in the border cities and the boundary towns?
This conference should allow us to contribute to a reasoning on these issues. The very wide geographical and chronological framework, going from the archaic period to the late Antiquity, will highlight the salient, recurring or specific elements of some “crossroads” and “boundary towns” in Antiquity. In a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary diachronic approach, through the intersection and interaction of several complementary disciplines, bringing together historians and archaeologists, this conference aims to fill a historiographical gap on a theme that has not been widely studied so far, by exploring cross-cutting issues and by inviting to compare problems and methods, while being attentive to the spatio-temporal contexts.