Papers by Francisco Marco Simón
Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 2019
La tésera de Herrera de Pisuerga documenta la sanción religiosa de los pactos entre las poblacio... more La tésera de Herrera de Pisuerga documenta la sanción religiosa de los pactos entre las poblaciones de la Hispania indoeuropea a fines del Principado augústeo, a través de unos rituales que, en este caso en concreto, se llevarían a cabo en los límites del territorio de la ciuitas Maggauiensium con ocasión de la concesión de su ciudadanía honoraria a Ampáramo de Cusabura.
Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2015
The past was reinvented in the Augustan culture through true or fictitious archaic cults, and thi... more The past was reinvented in the Augustan culture through true or fictitious archaic cults, and this paper deals with some priesthoods related to sacred groves, or with the iconography of sacred luci appearing in some coins. Some examples are considered, such as an inscription from Peñaflor/Celti (Seville) mentioning a pontufex nemoris, a reference to the eques P. Aelius Marcellus, who appears in an epigraph from Umbria not only as Laurens Lavinas but also as flamen lucularis, or some images that document the reception of ancient notions of the sacred groves in the Roman provinces, as some recurrent types in the coins of Juba II of Mauritania depicting trees with an altar between them and the legend Lucus Augusti show. The question of whether these manifestations are merely expression of loyalism to the Emperor or whether they might imply some kind of local tradition is also posed.
Revue Internationale Des Droits De L Antiquite, 1996
La Fibula Braganza the Braganza Brooch 2011 Isbn 978 84 00 09325 9 Pags 175 188, 2011
Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 1999
Papers from the International Conference held at the University of Zaragoza, 30 Sept. – 1st Oct. 2005, 2009
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... Illud tempus: mito y cosmogonía en el mundo antiguo. Información General. Autores:Francisco M... more ... Illud tempus: mito y cosmogonía en el mundo antiguo. Información General. Autores:Francisco Marco Simón; Editores: Universidad de Zaragoza; Año de publicación: 1988; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-7733-070-0. Otros catálogos. ...
... Flamen Dialis: el sacerdote de Júpiter en la religión romana. Información General. Autores:Fr... more ... Flamen Dialis: el sacerdote de Júpiter en la religión romana. Información General. Autores:Francisco Marco Simón; Editores: Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas, 1996; Año de publicación: 1996; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-7882-122-8. Otros catálogos. ...
... | Ayuda. Rituales de consenso en las provincias occidentales del imperio. Autores: Francisco ... more ... | Ayuda. Rituales de consenso en las provincias occidentales del imperio. Autores: Francisco Marco Simón; Localización: Diplomacia y autorrepresentacion en la Roma antigua / coord. por Elena Torregaray Pagola, Juan Santos Yanguas, 2006, ISBN 84-8373-835-X , pags. ...
Sacra artificialia: liturgia y parafernalia en las religiones antiguas, 2022
Liturgia y parafernalia en las religiones antiguas
Des mots pour les dieux., 2021
Cette publication a fait l'objet d'une évaluation par les pairs. @Peter Lang Group AG Editions sc... more Cette publication a fait l'objet d'une évaluation par les pairs. @Peter Lang Group AG Editions scientifiques internationales Berne 2021 Tous droits réservés. Cette publication est protégée dans sa totalité par copyright. Toute utilisation en dehors des strictes limites de la loi sur le copyright est interdite et punissable sans le consentement explicite de la maison d'édition. Ceci s'applique en particulier pour les reproductions, traductions, microfilms, ainsi que le stockage et le traitement sous forme électronique. Information bibliographique publiée par « Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek » « Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek » répertorie cette publication dans la « Deutsche Nationalbibliografie » ; les données bibliographiques détaillées sont disponibles sur Internet sous ‹›. Nous remercions les institutions, les fondations et les associations qui ont soutenu le colloque et/ou la publication de ce volume :
Religion in the Roman Empire. Volume 5. Curses in Context, 1: Curse.Tablets in Italy and the Western Roman Empire, 2019
To date, thirteen curse tablets from the area of modern Spain have been published that can (rough... more To date, thirteen curse tablets from the area of modern Spain have been published that can (roughly) be dated prior to the Augustan period, which is early in comparison to other similar texts in the Latin West. The two earliest examples are written in Greek, followed after a sizeable chronological gap by those in Latin. However, we also know of more than 100 texts written on lead in the Iberian language, with the earliest coming from the same period as the Greek examples. The funerary context of a handful of these tablets, as well as their apparent contents, such as lists of names, suggests that they might also be magico-religious texts, comparable to, say, the Oscan curse tablets in southern Italy. The texts in Latin, on the other hand, seem to be largely independent from these earlier efforts, suggesting a close dependence upon Italian models.
Papers by Francisco Marco Simón