Áurea Gabriel
PhD student researcher in Biomedical Sciences at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the New University of Lisbon-Portugal, Graduated in Veterinary Medicine by the Federal University of Amazonia-Brazil, Master in Biology of Infectious and Parasitic Agents by the Federal University of Pará - Brazil (international CAPES 6). Member of the global health team of GHTM and Tropical Medicine associated to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT: UID / Multi / 04413/2013 ), member of the Ibero-American Network RedVLP by CYTED. Member of the Portuguese Society for Laboratory Animal Science (SPCAL). Professional experience in: Clinical Medicine, Microbiology, Zoonoses, Medical Parasitology, General Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Surgical Pathology, coaching, consulting, Zoo Design and technical management of Zoobotanical Parks, projects of commercial creation and conservation of wild animals, environmental management of fauna in situ and ex situ since 1999; Projects of Water Management and Wastewater Treatment Effluent Reuse Projects: Environmental and Landscaping Education; Environmental Monitoring and Control. External examiner, scientific evaluation, courses, supervision and Student Teacher.
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