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This study aims to propose a risk analysis framework using the FMEA method and system dynamics approach. FMEA is used as a first stage to identify critical equipment/ system based on the highest RPN, then uses the value of the O... more
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The use of aluminum trihydroxide (ATH) fillers as non-halogen flame retardants for polymethylmethacrylates (PMMA) creates a conflict between the mechanical properties and heat resistance of the composites. Therefore, to ensure that the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringPowder technology
We report the synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles prepared via pulse combustion-spray pyrolysis (PC-SP) at a high rate. Instead of using an ultrasonic nebulizer as the atomizer during PC-SP synthesis, a two-fluid nozzle... more
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      Chemical EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyUV/Vis spectroscopy
This paper presents the surface functionalization with silane coupling agents for dispersing and stabilizing hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanoparticle suspension in a water phase. Fine milling using 30 μm bead technology was utilized for... more
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      EngineeringNanoparticlesCrystal structureBoron Nitride
In this paper, a new method is proposed for the decolorization of a yellow-hued suspension of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles in an organic solvent (diethylene glycol dimethylether). The presence of color has always been undesirable in a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringNuclear Magnetic ResonanceFourier transform
ABSTRACT In this article, I shall describe my experience of developing instructional tools of course on Statistical Physics as well as the implementation of Instructional Technology. I shall discuss the approach I took, the difficulties I... more
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Telah berhasil dirancang bangung ray tracer pengujian cahaya LED yang mampu mengakuisisi data dan memvisualisasikan pola sebaran cahaya di permukaan LED. Alat tersebur dapat mengakuisisi data dengan resolusi 0, 5o di sekitar permukaan LED... more
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Jurang kesenjangan sering terjadi antara pengausaan pemrograman dan pengetahuan tentang piranti elektronik yan gdihubungkan ke komputer. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya kesulitan dalam menggunakan teknik pemrograman yang digunakan untuk... more
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Currently, the hatchery of shrimp in aquaculture faces many obstacles. Our research objective was to design and development of expert system to control the physical variable of the environment and feeding distribution. We have been... more
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Abstract Penelitian dan pengembangan bahan luminisensi untuk aplikasi lampu hemat energi (SSL) telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Sistem Instrumentasi dan Pemrosesan Material Fungsional, Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas... more
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Dalam tulisan ini dilaporkan studi efek jenis pelarut terhadap sifat optik, morfologi permukaan dan koefisien waveguide loss? gw dari pandu gelombang planar polimer MEH-PPV. Pandu gelombang planar dibuat dengan teknik spin-coating dari... more
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Metode perkuliahan yang akan digunakan adalah ceramah & tanya jawab, Quiz dan juga tugas pembuatan makalah dan presentasi kelompok yang terjadwal.
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This paper describes an innovative integrated micro flow cytometer that presents a new arrangement for the excitation/detection system. The sample liquid, containing the fluorescent marked particles/cells under analysis, is... more
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      EngineeringFlow CytometrySiliconBiological Sciences
α-Mangostin, a xanthone derivative from the pericarp of Garcinia mangostana L., has numerous bioactivities and pharmacological properties. However, α-mangostin has low aqueous solubility and poor target selectivity in the human body.... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNanotechnology and its applications in Medical Science
The productivity of vegetable crops is constrained by insect pests. The search for alternative insect pest control is becoming increasingly important and is including the use of plant-derived pesticides. Plant-derived pesticides are... more
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The effectiveness of suspension of Beauveria bassiana mixed with silica nanoparticles (NPs.
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceMineral
Reduction of tar concentration in biomass gasification with secondary plasma tar cracking unit remains a challenge to meet the requirement for clean syngas energy applications. Typically, the post-treatment of syngas to reduce the tar... more
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      Materials ScienceProcessesCrackingParticle Size
Graphite oxide is widely use in renewable energy application such as solar cells, fuel-cells, battery electrodes, catalyst support, etc. This paper reports the preparation of graphite oxide from Indonesian natural graphite by sodium... more
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      Materials ScienceGraphiteIntercalation ChemistrySonication
Zircon sand is one of Indonesian natural resource that is potential to be used as composite filler. Natural zircon sand can be found in several places in Indonesia, i.e. Riau Islands, Bangka-Belitung, and the Borneo. Zircon sand contains... more
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      Materials ScienceMicrostructureZircon
Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) is one of a serious pest of horticulture in Indonesia. Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear Polyhedrovirus (HaNPV) has attracted interest for many researchers as a pest control for larvae of this species. Currently,... more
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      EngineeringHelicoverpa armigera