The present paper will challenge the argument that EU industrial and technological policies (ITP) have been and will be an important contribution to enhance EU competitiveness. After defining the concepts involved (competitiveness, ITP),... more
La Politique Européenne de Voisinage (PEV) et la politique de préadhésion se caractérisent par une neutralité réciproque. La fonction de la PEV en tant que substitut et alternative à l’adhésion dépends donc des perspectives potentielles... more
"“EU industrial and technological
policies have been and would be an
important contribution to enhance
the EU competitiveness”
Challenge this point of view"
policies have been and would be an
important contribution to enhance
the EU competitiveness”
Challenge this point of view"
- by Davide Denti
Nuclear proliferation, from North Korea to Iran, seems today on the rise. Nevertheless, there was a moment in time, in the early 1990s, when active efforts resulted in the actual reduction of the number of nuclear weapons states.... more
Enlargement policy occupies a rather peculiar place among the various policies of the European Union.
1 Learning as a Source of Change in the European Union:
Review CATERINA CARTA, Vesalius College, Brussels, Belgium TANEL KERIKMÄE, Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Cover design BARBARA KUROPIEJSKA-PRZYBYSZEWSKA Cover illustration General Illustration of the... more
Review CATERINA CARTA, Vesalius College, Brussels, Belgium TANEL KERIKMÄE, Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Cover design BARBARA KUROPIEJSKA-PRZYBYSZEWSKA Cover illustration General Illustration of the... more
The research on the impact of the European Union on its candidate countries has been traditionally framed within the concept of Europeanisation. But the term, notwithstanding two decades of usage, still lacks clarity in its attributes and... more
The path of the Western Balkan countries towards accession to the European Union, together with the presence of legacies of the conflicts of the 1990s, has an impact on the ongoing reconciliation process among these countries. Common... more
Buonasera a tutti. Come si è detto, stasera vorrei parlarvi delle relazioni tra Ucraina e Unione europea, in particolare in relazione agli avvenimenti che hanno portato nelle scorse settimane agli scontri di piazza e alla caduta del... more